
11月22日 ▶ 3C: Victor Bastidas and De Paises Project (Latin Jazz)

2017-11-03 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Beijing 3C JAZZ SERIES: 22nd Nov Victor Bastidas and De Paises Project 

Composer: Victor bastidas

Sax: Nathaniel Gao 

Guitar: Simone Schirru 

Piano: Sejin Bae 

Doublebass: Wang Chenhuai 

Drums: Victor bastidas


Victor Bastidas and De Paises Project is an ensemble originated in Miami in 2004, that has 3 albums recorded, two in New York, (Guayaland and Canto Choco, and the latest in Chicago, (Tales of a Latin American Traveler). 

Victor Bastidas and De Paises 项目在2004年在迈阿密成立,出版了三张专辑,两张在纽约出版,最新的一张在芝加哥出版。

The Project focuses on the development of Latin-American folk music through theelements of Jazz, and one of the main premises of the ensemble is to feature musicians form all parts of the globe, implying that music is universal and that this language is pertinent and inherent to the human nature regardless of the geographic location.


The language of music is a unifying force that helps us undermine the many culturaldividers that as humans we endure. It surpasses religion, politics, genre and race, helping us to find common grounds.


Intricate textures and dense harmonies as well as interesting rhythms, are the space fora collective effort to present a universal music language.



Victor Bastidas

Victor Bastidas received a Bachelor in Music from Florida International University with a full scholarship from the music department, and performed with artists suchas among many. He also graduated with honors from the Master of Music Programat the University, with a full scholarship from the music department as well as a University Fellowship, and was part of the scholars group at NIU. 

Victor Bastidas 在佛罗里达州国际大学获得了音乐学士学位,并且在音乐系获得了全额奖学金。他也与 Michael Brecker, Paquito de Rivera, Arturo Sandoval, Ira Sullivan 等等艺术家同台表演。他也拿到了 Northern Illinois 大学的音乐项目的硕士,并拿到了全额奖学金,还是 Rosebud 学者团体的成员。Victor 给如 Steve Cardenas, Vincent Gardner, Sherman Irby, Adam Larson, Samuel Torres, Reggie Thomas, Roy Assaf 等一些爵士音乐人伴奏过。

As the director composer and drummer of the Project Collective, he has recorded two albums in New York City, Guayaland and Canto Choco, and the latest record Tales of a Latin American Traveler recorded in Chicago, and has performed asguest at International festivals such as FIA 2014 in Costa Rica, in Bogota Colombia, Jazz Festival in Urbana Jazz Festival, University of Iowa auditorium with the Adam Larson trio, University of Iowa with the Dan Moore Trio, with the Reggie Thomas Group, New York winter Jazz Fest with the Edmar Castaneda world Ensemble, Spanish cultural Center New York with De Paises Projec, Festival with Alon Nechustahan Quartet, Brooklyn School of Music Festival with De paises Project, as well as multi plevenues with Chicagos premier brass band, Four Star; Two CD releases at the Gibson showroom in Miami, The Arturo Sandoval Jazz club in Miami, National Museum of Colombia in Bogota Colombia, Antigua Aduana in Costa Rica, Some venues in Beijing China, and the "Promising Artists of the 21 st centuryProgram" in South America among many.

作为 De Paises 组合的主作曲人和鼓手,他在纽约发表了两张专辑,最新的一张专辑在芝加哥录音,并且在许多国际音乐节上作为表演嘉宾,如2014年的FIA,哥伦比亚的 Jazzal Parque,厄巴那的Cu爵士音乐节, Villavicensio 的爵士音乐节,lowa 大学的礼堂,Birch Creek Camp 音乐节,纽约冬季爵士音乐节,La Nacional 西班牙文化中心,Air Train音乐节,布鲁克林学校音乐节等,在南美被称作“有希望的21世纪的艺术家”。

Other performances include group at the Zinc Bar, in Colombia, Steve in Bogota Colombia, Chicago, Jazz Festival in Florida with the Carlos Averoff quartet, The international jazz workshop with Sherman Irvy and Vincent Gardner from the Lincoln Center Orchestra, Clinic at East St. Louis Senior High School (Miles Davis High school), Rubys house of blues in Saint Louis, and US national tour with Grammy nominated group Seraphic Fire, as well as the play "Coda For Freddie Blue" of the Broadway Musical in NY among many. Victor also wrote music for of Broadway play in NY, and the short Film Vanity in Miami.

其他音乐节包括 The Samuel Torres, The Ronald Carter Tour, Cardenas trio workshop, The Fareed Haque, The Hollywood 爵士音乐节等,他还获得过格莱美提名,Victor 也为 Coda for Freddie Blue 写过音乐,还有 Vanity 的电影配乐。

高太行 (Nathaniel Gao)

高太行于2006年获得美国北艾奥瓦大学音乐表演学士学位,于2011年获得纽约城市学院爵士演奏硕士学位。2006年以来活跃在北京爵士音乐界的的萨克斯演奏家和作曲家。作为“红手”五重奏乐队的成员之一和他自己的四重奏和三重奏乐队的主导者,他为北京爵士音乐做出了重要贡献。此外,他还积极参与了其他风格和流派的音乐活动,包括“Three Sergeants Syndrome”,“北京城市大乐队”,Afrokoko Roots 和 “不一定” 等音乐团体。他参 与了“九门音乐节”、“迷笛爵士节”、“地坛音乐节”、"重庆爵士节"、"海龟岛国际音乐节"等重要演出。

Simone Schirru

毕业于卡利亚里的 G.P.da Palestrina 音乐学院爵士吉它专业,之后在比利时 Lemmens 学院获硕士学位,并在大师班中学习,受 D. Douglas, S.Coleman, Butch Morris, Pet Metheny, A. Braxton, Muhal Richard Abrams, G.Fewell, Roscoe Mitchell, W. Leo Smith, John Scofield 等大师的指导。2005-2008 年期间赢得 Sant’anna Arresi 音乐节的最佳吉它手和最佳乐队奖项及奖学金,获得跟随 G. Fewell (柏克利大学)和 R.Cecchetto 学习的机会。 

Since then He played with "Guitto Gargle", "Cuenta Contemporanea", the solo project "Improsa Tongue", "Ajo-jo mandi & the Youngers", Progetto Nudo, Pixeldrama, in many festivals and prestigious places around the world crossing Italy, Belgium, United States and India.
Simone 是比利时著名 soul 乐队 Man on Fire and the Soul Soldiers 的成员,巡演至欧洲各地;同时他也创立了自己的两支乐队 “Invisible” 和 “Elegant people” , 他也是拉丁爵士大乐队等乐团的固定成员,并参与剧场音乐会项目。

Sejin Bae

裴世珍是为钢琴家,作曲家以及编曲家并在韩国很著名的同德女子大学获得爵士表演学士学位。2010年,她搬到纽约市并在皇后大学上研究生。在皇后大学她师从 David Berkman, Jeb Patton, Michael Mossman, Antonio Hart 以及 Johannes Weidenmuller. 在纽约的时候,她经常参加各种演出,音乐会以及大师班。 获得了爵士表演的硕士学位,裴世珍搬回韩国并在首尔和大邱里的几所大学开始授课。与此同时,她经常在韩国各地最著名的音乐俱乐部和音乐厅演出,另外还参加广播电台、音乐节以及参与很多录音棚的录音工作。


爵士貝斯手。曾就读于北京現代音樂學院、荷蘭格羅寧根州的克勞斯王子音樂學院並於美國紐約皇后學院獲得演奏專業碩士學位。曾師從 Antonio Hart, Ralph Peterson, Michael Moore, David Berkman, PaulBenner, Joe Martin, Dennis Mackrel, Michael Mossman, Joris Teepe, ChristopheLier, 也曾於 Erik Truffaz, Don Braden, Matthew Shipp, TedNash, Chris Washburne, Theo Croker 合作演出。

Creative Composers Collective (3C) was founded by Italian Jazz Guitarist Simone Schirru with the idea of creating a synergy between some of the best jazz composers in Beijing. Beginning in March 3C will be presenting a series of concerts at DDC, with each concert featuring a different composer and their original project. 

北京爵士创意作曲家集合(Creative Composers Collective)是由意大利爵士吉他手 Simone Schirru 先生发起筹办的一个活动系列,旨在为北京最好的爵士作曲家创造积极、创意的协同平台。在这系列活动中,原创作曲家的地位被放大。活动将从3月开始在DDC陆续呈现,每场音乐会都有不同的作曲家和他的原创乐队。 

There are two purposes of this initiative: 
1. Improve the music scene by challenging musicians to propose original projects featuring high-quality performances. The performances will be recorded and made available online, allowing for greater exposure for the Beijing creative music scene. 
2. Offer the audience a fulfilling cultural experience and foster an appreciation of original music and its value to the community. 
1.激发音乐家带着原创音乐并进行高质量现场演出,改善音乐现场。组织者 Simone 将联合场地DDC为每场活动精心准备文案、海报、摄影、采访、宣传,现场还将进行专业录制并发布于网上,充分推广北京创意爵士乐现场。 

All involved in the 3C series, from musicians to audience members, promoters to bar staff, are comprised completely from Beijing’s best and brightest, artistically nuanced and culturally eclectic bunch, ensuring nothing short of excellence in all aspects of our project. 


Sejin Bae Electric Quartet (Sejin Bae)

Tongues of Fire(J Kyle Gregory)

3C Ensemble

往期 Previously on 3C:

9月21日 CORE

7月11日 SEESAW 

6月28日 Captain Tokunaga's Ocean

这也是著名日裔音乐家 Hideaki Tokunaga 在华从事音乐行业后回国前的告别演出。

6月14日 刘玥三重奏https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=o0522u7z32z&width=500&height=375&auto=0

3C: 刘玥三重奏

5月25日 Ah-Q Jazz Arkestra4月20日 BAD MONK

3月28日 Moreno Donedel TRIO

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=z0398424ddj&width=500&height=375&auto=03C: MORENO DONEDEL TRIO - BLUE

3月9日 LEELA

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=t0399mzqh0b&width=500&height=375&auto=03C: LEELA - BREAKER OF HORSES

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年11月22日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, DongchengDistrict 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 


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