
12月24日 8PM ▶ Xmas Rock Party: ELENORE, 大卫, Hugh Reed, GUM BLEED

2017-11-29 黄昏黎明俱乐部
26 29200 26 7866 0 0 1464 0 0:00:19 0:00:05 0:00:14 1517

Christmas Eve! 你在许一个火光里的愿望吗?卖火柴的小女孩用火柴看到了一个难以置信的世界,而今夜我们以音乐当做夜行衣,穿越无数孤单与痛苦,直面一个火光里的灿烂世界。

Line up:
Elenore埃莉诺 (Brit-pop, Psychedelic Rock)
大卫与社会诗歌 (Jazz, Hip-hop, Funk, Rock)
Hugh Reed and the Electric Shadows (Punk Rock)
GUM BLEED 牙龈出血 (Punk)

Elenore埃莉诺 (Brit-pop, Psychedelic Rock)

乐队成立后便定期在D-22, MAO, School 等 Livehouse 演出,并很快形成了固定的歌迷群体。2012年,乐队的第一张EP《迷失的女皇》发布,主打单曲《波多野之舞》在搜狐视频获得超过26万次的点击。另一首单曲《Psycho Man》被知名英式乐队Exile Parade 翻唱,得到了良好反响。
2015年,乐队陆续发布专辑中三支主打单曲《Winter Swing》《Elenore》和《你的爱充满所有容器》,在豆瓣、虾米、网易云音乐排行榜上均取得前十名内的成绩。7月,乐队正式发行首张专辑《马戏团的国王》,唱片上架后,销量良好。

大卫与社会诗歌 (Jazz, Hip-hop, Funk, Rock)
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=k0555rkn5xo&width=500&height=375&auto=0他获得过数不清的 Freestyle Battle 冠军头衔,他是崔健最喜欢的说唱歌手。大卫,绝对的疯逼一个。是武术老师,诗人,影像工作者,历史评论员,文化激进分子,疯狂说唱者。他像一个同时自我复制又自我反对的拄杖教父,在破布与华服、疲惫与矍铄的极端中,甩着双节棍肆意穿梭。

His music rhymes with violence, acme,affection, literature profoundness, and is full of dramatic tension. free-style rapping is one of his signature. Every time Da Wei's on stage, he surges a poetic tsunami, sweeping the crowd and no one is left to dry. 

Hugh Reed and the Electric Shadows (Punk Rock)
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=j056714ioov&width=500&height=375&auto=0Hugh Reed 现居北京,是一个长期从事音乐事业的苏格兰人。 他的 Six to Wan(621)被BBC Radio 1用作1990年代初苏格兰摇滚乐系列节目的主题曲。

Hugh 将自己描述为"无天赋",他在九十年代最酷的电影《猜火车》中扮演为一名14岁女孩买酒的人。 最近一次他在成龙的《十二生肖》中当管家,并在CCTV出演许多小角色。

Hugh Reed is now based in Beijing, he's a Scotsman who has had a long musical career. His first single Six to Wan (621) was used by BBC Radio 1 as a theme tune for a series of programs on Scottish Rock, in the early 1990s.
Following local TV appearances his band The Velvet Underpants' were invited by Deborah Harry of the band 'Blondie' to support her on 11 dates throughout Britain in the winter of 1993. This culminated in Hugh and Debs doing a live duet of Waiting for the Man, which can be watched on youku. Deborah also faxed Lou to tell him about Hugh.

GUM BLEED 牙龈出血 (Punk)

牙龈出血乐队(Gum Bleed) 十几年来活跃于北京与全国各地的livehouse和音乐节演出现场;并逐渐成为中国内地最具国际巡演经历和影响力的朋克/摇滚乐队之一。牙龈出血乐队以其国际巡演经历和影响力著称。


Beer support:BUBBLE LAB气泡实验室

BUBBLE LAB气泡实验室成立于2014年的寒冬,由酿酒师Marco一手创立,由于对品质的不懈坚持,使用最好的进口原料来酿造纯正的手工艾尔和拉格啤酒来满足啤酒粉丝日益提高的品位。在2015年,BUBBLE LAB 在武汉开了自己第一家酒吧,并在隔年迅速开了第二家分店,2015年底,BUBBLE LAB 江苏常州店顺利开业,目前三家店都已经成为当地颇有名气且最受欢迎的 Brewpub 之一。

1. Juicy Rain New England IPA (果雨 新英格兰风格浑浊印度淡色艾尔) 酒精度ABV:7.2%vol


It has a very good balance, and rich in smell with a tropical fruit aroma. As the name implies, Juicy Rain is like the cool, refreshing rain on a hot summer day, if that rain was made juice, of course. 

2. Bubble IPA (气泡IPA) 酒精度ABV:5.6%vol


A large number of dry hops made this IPA have a charming and complex aroma. You can smell the passionate tropical fruit and taste it when you pour it into the glass. A perfect amount of malt evokes a sweet aroma and rich body.

3. The Golden Porter (金色波特) 酒精度ABV:5.1%vol


The golden Porter is no longer a dark, depressive color like its brethren and the aroma did not even weaken. Instead, the aroma of chocolate and coffee is even stronger.

4. Bohemian Pilsner (波西米亚皮尔森) 酒精度ABV:4.2%vol


Marco the master brewer adjusted the fermentation storage time for up to two and a half months in order to restore the ancient taste of Czechoslovakia, which is classically refreshing and just the right amount of bitterness.

5. Belgium Wit (比利时风格小麦白啤) 酒精度ABV:4.2%vol这是一款传统的比利时风格小麦啤酒,口感清爽易入口,是精酿初学者的最好选择,入口可以感受到微微的苦味和适中的麦芽香气和甜度。

This is a traditional Belgian style wheat beer. The taste is crisp, fresh, and therefore easy to drink. It is also a common first beer for aspiring brewers.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年12月24日 20:00 
门票/Ticket: 60(presale)/80(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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