
1月2日 DDC ▶ 美国杰出演奏家领衔五重奏 Alex Cummings Quintet (US, Jazz)

2017-12-13 黄昏黎明俱乐部


Alex Cummings (US) /alto saxophone /vocals

Terry Hsieh (US) /trombone

Sejin Bae (KR) /piano

Zhangke (CH) /bass

Anthony Vanacore (US) /drums

Alex Cummings (US) /alto saxophone /vocals

Alex Cummings is a New York based singer and saxophonist returning to play with some of his best friends immersed in the Beijing music scene. His quintet will play well known pop/rock arrangements along with original music that puts a twist on jazz, pop and rock music all in one which features some of the music from his upcoming debut album set to be released in February 2018.

Alex Cummings 既是纽约一位歌手也是一个萨克斯演奏家,他和他最好的朋友专注于北京的现场音乐。他的五重奏乐团会演奏著名的流行摇滚音乐也会演奏原创音乐,他们融合了爵士、流行和摇滚的新专辑会在2018年2月发行。


Since the age of 9, Alex has always used music for entertaining and serving his community. Composing and performing for his high school jazz ensembles h 42 31223 42 13292 0 0 7269 0 0:00:04 0:00:01 0:00:03 7267ave earned him awards such as outstanding soloist awards at the N.J.I.A.J.E. State Finals Jazz Festivals, Berklee College High School Jazz Festival Judge's Choice Soloist award in 2009, and the Maestro Award at the Washington D.C. Inaugural Music Festival for President Barack Obama in 2009. 


By the time Cummings had graduated Oberlin in 2013 he had studied with musical legends such as Wendall Logan Gary Bartz, Billy Hart, Jamey Haddad, Robin Eubanks, Dan Wall and Paul Samuels. Alex has also collaborated with his Oberlin colleagues touring with bands in China and various cites in the United States. In 2015, Alex completed graduate school under the mentorship of Antonio Hart at Aaron Copeland School of Music with a masters degree in music performance. 

在 Cummings 2013年毕业于奥柏林时他已经求学于许多音乐传奇大家如: Wendall Logan Gary Bartz, Billy Hart, Jamey Haddad, Robin Eubanks, Dan Wall 和 Paul Samuels。 Alex 也与奥柏林的乐团合作来过中国和美国的几个州进行巡演。在2015年Alex 完成了学业,他毕业于 Aaron Copeland 音乐学校 Antonio Hart 导师的音乐表演硕士学位。

As a composer, Cummings has made contributions writing for numerous big bands on an international scope. Aside from writing for his award winning high school big band in Camden, Cummings composes and arranges music for leading large ensembles such as the Beijing Blue Note Big Band, Robin Eubanks Big Band, Oberlin Jazz Ensemble and Queens College Big Band. Cummings has studied privately with arranging and composing pioneers such as Wendall Logan, Jay Ashby and Michael Mossman.

作为一个作曲家,Cummings 为许多国际大乐队写过音乐。除了为他的高中乐团写过曲子,他还是北京 Blue Note 大乐队、Robin Eubanks大乐队、奥柏林爵士乐团和Queens学院乐队的主创。Cummings 私下曾与作曲先锋如 Wendall Logan, Jay Ashby 和 Michael Mossman 学习过作曲。

Currently, Cummings tours with Robin Eubanks big band, earthTone and his own band, Twilyte Axis. Cummings has also shared the stage with musical legends such as Stevie Wonder, Billy Hart, Mary J Blige, Jimmy Heath, and Lew Soloff, among others.

最近,Cummings 在与Robin Eubanks 大乐队,earth tone乐队和他自己的乐队巡演,Cummings 也曾与许多音乐传奇大家同台演出,如:Stevie Wonder, Billy Hart, Mary J Blige, Jimmy Heath 和 Lew Soloff 等等。

Terry Hsieh (US) /trombone

Terry Hsieh是来自北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的作曲、编曲及长号手,现工作生活于北京。 Hsieh是一个很受欢迎的录音室音乐家、乐队领队及编曲。他2012年毕业于奥柏林音乐学院,师从Robin Eubanks, Gary Bartz, Paul Samuels, Dan Wall, Billy Hart和Marcus Belgrave。2014年,Hsieh和他的乐队The Terry Hsieh Collective以及Eubanks & SF Jazz cohort Miguel Zenon发行了首张专辑,名为“多重性”。Hsieh使用定制的Best American Craftsmen长号以及Denis Wick的笛头。

Sejin Bae (KR) /piano

Sejin Bae is a Korean based jazz pianist, composer and arranger. She moved to New York City in 2010 to attend graduate school at Queens College. At Queens College she had the privilege to study with David Berkman, Jeb Patton, Michael Mossman, Antonio Hart and Johannes Weidenmuller. To date, Sejin Bae has performed all of the world including the United States, Korea, Japan and China. Sejin is currently living in Beijing and performing with some of the finest musicians including Anthony Vanacore, Natanial Gao, J Kyle Gregory, Zhang Ke, Terence hsieh, Dan Callaghan, Simone Schirru and many others. 

裴世珍是一位钢琴家,作曲家以及编曲家,在韩国著名的同德女子大学获得爵士表演学士学位。2010年,她搬到纽约市并在皇后大学上研究生。在皇后大学她师从David Berkman ,Jeb Patton,  Michael Mossman ,Antonio Hart以及Johannes Weidenmuller,裴世珍已经在世界各地演出过,包括美国,韩国,中国和日本等。裴世珍目前居住北京并与众多音乐家一起合作,如Anthony Vanacore,高太行,J Kyle Gregory,张柯,谢燕辉,Dan Callaghan,Simone Schirru等等。

Zhangke (CH) /bass

张柯从小在一个音乐团体的大院中长大,学习小提琴。但多才多艺的他在大学时选择了学习美术,几年后毕业于西安美术学院。音乐对于张柯始终是生活的重要部分,在年少时对摇滚音乐的喜爱让他始终与音乐为伴,并且在接触了爵士乐后张柯自然地很快掌握了爵士乐的即兴理论,而他挑选了现代音乐中节奏动感的灵魂乐器—贝斯。在重新回归音乐的开始,张柯来到上海,很快在上海爵士圈成为当地乐手中经常受邀合作的贝斯手之一。2009年,张柯移居北京,开始了和国内众多顶尖音乐家的合作,如美籍华人萨克斯手Nathaniel Gao高太行,意大利钢琴家Moreno Donald, 美国鼓手Alex Morris等,现担任国内著名钢琴家夏佳的三重奏及四重奏乐队的贝斯手。

Anthony Vanacore (US) /drums

安东尼 (Anthony Vanacore) 生于美国,2007年毕业于美国新泽西蒙特克莱尔州立大学(Montclair State University)音乐学院获专业表演学士学位;2010年毕业于纽约市皇后大学(Queens College)并获得爵士乐表演专业硕士学位;他演奏的乐器分别是架子鼓,打击乐器以及钢琴。曾师从多名爵士鼓大师,包括Billy Hart(著名爵士音乐家Miles Davis的鼓手)和Gene Jackson (钢琴大师Herbie Hancock的鼓手)

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年1月2日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door) 

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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