
12月23日 LBM XMAS MIXER D2: TOSS, DFA1989, Backspace, bREAKtHEd0LL

2017-12-22 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Vol. 2 gets downright dangerous with an explosive cocktail of some of the scene’s most electrifying (and sometimes terrifying) acts to hit the streets of Beijing, Shanghai, and maybe Lichtenstein. Where to begin: Backspace, the indie rock rookies of the year, who have gone above and beyond. Besides striking a album deal with independent label Maybe Mars, the bands has been expanding their riotous sound even further integrating elements of surf rock and psychedelic boogie into their arsenal. One of the best live acts of the year. While TOSS may be known to grunge fans all around China, the long-standing trio is still very much underground. Formed in Qingdao before relocating to Beijing they challenge the rules of music and society with their tense side-splitting rock and roll that’s not afraid to get down and dirty. We’re honored to host bREAKtHEdOLL aka Dee – one of the electronic and experimental scene’s most beautiful, mischievous, and unpredictable characters. A one-man sound shifter, Dee recently moved to Shanghai where he’s been an active force, organizing noise shows and creating everything from psychedelic-laced darkwave music to even more unconventional sounds. As always with bREAKtHEdOLL expect the unexpected. And finally, the mysterious noise collective that supposedly originates from the forests of Lichtenstein. Since 1989 they have travelled the world summoning relentless walls of noise in order to ram open doors of perception and awaken human consciousness in pursuit of a higher path, mostly consisting of robes, gas masks, and cats. Yeah – might get a bit crazy.

第二天:在北京、上海和武汉的大街上,一些震撼人心(有时甚至是令人恐惧)的场景会让人感到非常危险。加入他们将是独立摇滚新秀 Backspace, 除了与独立品牌 Maybe Mars 的专辑合作之外,乐队还将冲浪摇滚和迷幻布吉的元素进一步整合到他们的“武器库”中。今年最好的现场表演之一。虽然 TOSS 可能被中国各地的摇滚乐迷所熟知,但长久以来,三重奏还是非常地下。在青岛成立前,他们搬到了北京,他们用紧张的摇摇欲坠的摇滚来挑战音乐和社会的规则。最后,我们很荣幸有 bREAKtHEdOLL(又名Dee),这是电子和实验音乐中最漂亮,最淘气,最不可预测的角色之一。 Dee最近搬到了上海,成为了一个活跃的组织者,组织了噪音表演,创造了从迷幻的黑暗音乐到更加非常规的声音。与往常一样,期待 bREAKtHEdOLL 的意外惊喜吧。最后,神秘的噪音乐队Death Fxxk ABBA 1989,据说起源于列支敦士登的森林。自1989年以来,他们周游世界,不停地敲打着声音的墙壁,以打开感知的大门,唤醒人类意识,以追求更高的目标,他们道具的组成包括长袍、防毒面具和猫。是的——可能会有些疯狂。

Line up: 

Death Fxxk ABBA 1989(Experimental Rock)

Backspace (Indie Rock) 

TOSS (Grunge)

bREAKtHEdOLL (Shanghai/?????)

Death Fxxk ABBA 1989 东方爱八九 (Experimental Rock)https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=e0552uutyiz&width=500&height=375&auto=0Death Fuck Abba 1989 aka. Death From Abba Eight Nine aka. Deaf Funk Abdul 1889 (东方爱八九) are a drone noise collective that originate from the forest of Lichtenstein. Since 1989 they have travelled the world summoning relentless walls of noise in order to ram open doors of perception and awaken human consciousness in pursuit of a higher path, mostly consisting of robes, gas masks, and cats.


Backspace (Indie Rock) https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=v0545lfpjp4&width=500&height=375&auto=0Jangly indie rock band Backspace has only been active since late this summer, but that hasn’t stopped them from picking up some traction, opening for bands across China, recording with the one and only Yang Haisong, and joining underground indie collective, Nerd Noise --- expect big things from these cats in 2017. 

Backspace 乐队2016年7月成立于北京。四位成员均来自南方的一个小城市。三年前他们更多谈论的是摇滚乐前身,现在则投身于新浪潮之中,从作品里可以听出Television, Joy Division, Franz Ferdinand, La Femme对乐队的影响,但创作中他们明白他们所想的表达内容和方式,不拘泥于固定的音乐风格。 如同“Backspace”一词,这是一支充满数字化时代年轻人敏感气质的乐队。干燥而神经质的双吉他打底,简洁的贝斯与果敢有力的鼓混合,制造出反射现实空虚无聊之声。而充满失落感和反复质问句式的歌词则为他们拒绝进入污秽的成人世界的表态,让人联想起美国垮掉一代,充满随意性和挑衅性。 
自成立起,乐队就迅速在北京各地下现场音乐场景中活跃起来。同年,由杨海崧主持,加入独立集体Nerd Noise,并参与Nerd Noise青年噪音计划首张合辑。这些小伙子并非激进,对于乐队的发展,他们说,“认真,然后顺其自然。”

TOSS (Grunge)

The grunge rock trio that formed in Qingdao before relocating to Beijing - TOSS challenges the rules of music and society with their explosive genre-bending rock and roll, which can be confusing and melancholy but always pushes the limits of the genre – aka they’re not afraid to get down and dirty.


bREAKtHEdOLL (Shanghai/?????)

Dee (Sheng Di), experimental artist, music producer and DJ. He often builds surreal scene and soundscapes with real natural fragments, and looking for the truth between brightness and darkness.

盛迪 Dee, 先锋艺术家,音乐制作人,DJ。以自然碎片构造超现实的迷噪场景,在暴戾与静谧的极端中寻找真理。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年12月23日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/70(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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联系/Contact: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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