
2月6日 DDC ▶ 美国迷幻民谣 Julie Byrne 亚洲巡演 (US., Psychedelic, Folk)

2018-01-17 黄昏黎明俱乐部

"she paints sublime, awestruck moments when simple things become overwhelming"


--- Pitchfork (Best New Music)

"When it's only January but you're already convinced you're listening to one of the finest albums of the year, then it's highly possible you've heard something very special indeed"

--- NME

"A Voice of rare Elegance" 


--- The Guardian

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=f0517jbypoq&width=500&height=375&auto=0Sometimes it can take years to find your calling. Not for Julie Byrne; whose power of lyrical expression and musical nous seems inborn. Often what comes naturally cannot be driven by speed and time. Julie's second album, Not Even Happiness, has evolved at its own pace. It spans recollections of bustling roadside diners, the stars over the high desert, the aching weariness of change, the wildflowers of the California coast, and the irresolvable mysteries of love. Her new album vividly archives what would have otherwise been lost to the road, and in doing so, Byrne exhibits her extraordinarily innate musicality. Some of the songs on Not Even Happiness took years of fine tuning to reach their fruition. If you asked her why the follow up to 2014's Rooms With Walls and Windows has taken so long, you'd be greeted with a bewildered expression melted into a smile - as though the strangest question had just been asked. "Writing comes from a natural process of change and growth. It took me up to this point to have the capacity to express my experience of the time in my life that these songs came from." 

有些歌手,往往要花上好些年才能找到自己的路子。但是 Julie Byrne 仿佛是个例外,她是一个天生的音乐家,从感性、温馨、随性的歌词到精致、唯美的编曲,她都可以拿捏得游刃有余。Julie 的第二张专辑 Not Even Happiness,已经走出了自己的独特步调。它涵盖了熙熙攘攘的路边食客的回忆,高沙漠上的星星,变化的痛苦,加州海岸的野花,以及爱情难解的奥秘。她的新专辑生动地记录了在路上失去的东西,Byrne展现了她与生俱来非凡的音乐性。一些 Not Even Happiness 中的歌曲经过多年的精心调整改善才完成。 如果你问她为什么跟进2014年的 Rooms With Walls and Windows 后的新专辑花了这么长时间,你会被致以迷惑的表情和她的微笑 - 就像刚才提到的最奇怪的问题一样。"一个自然的变化和成长过程是创作的基础,这让我有足够的能力来表达我对我生命中那些歌曲来源的经历。"

Julie Byrne has counted Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Seattle, New Orleans and Northampton, Massachusetts as her transient homes in recent years. For now, she's settled in New York City, moonlighting as a seasonal urban park ranger in Central Park. Whether witnessing the Pacific Northwest for the first time ('Melting Grid'), the morning sky in the mountains of Boulder ('Natural Blue'), or a journey fragrant with rose water; reading Frank O'Hara aloud from the passengers seat during a drive through the Utah desert into the rainforest of Washington State ('The Sea As It Glides'), Not Even Happiness is Julie's beguilingly ode to the fringes of life.
Julie Byrne 近年来分别在马萨诸塞州的布法罗,匹兹堡,芝加哥,西雅图,新奥尔良和北安普敦暂住过。 现在,她定居在纽约市,兼任中央公园城市公园护林员的季节工作。 无论是第一次目睹西北部的太平洋("融化网格"),博尔德山上清晨的天空("天然蓝色"),亦或是玫瑰水的馥郁之旅;在驱车经过犹他州的沙漠,到达华盛顿州的雨林("海上滑翔")时,在旅客座位中朗读弗兰克·奥哈拉(Frank O'Hara),幸福也不过是朱莉对生活边缘的有趣颂歌。

"The title of the album comes from a letter I wrote to a friend after a trip to Riis Park's 'The People's Beach', it was the first warm afternoon of the year. I walked alongside the Atlantic as the Earth came alive for the sun. There was a palpable sense of emergence to everything. I felt it in myself too, and remember thinking I would trade that feeling for nothing…not even happiness."
“这张专辑标题来自 Riis Park 在 "People's Beach" 之旅后写给朋友的一封信,那是那年的第一个温暖的下午,地球也因那阳光而活了起来,而我走在大西洋的岸边。万物都赋予了明显的倏忽涌现的感觉。这样的感觉也在我的身体里出现,我会毫无顾虑地交换这种感觉......甚至是幸福”。

Julie taught herself guitar, picking it up when her father became ill and could no longer play. She readily admits she can't read music and doesn't even listen to it all that much - her own vinyl was the first in her possession. Back to her childhood home in western New York state to record the album with producer Eric Littmann (Phantom Posse), friend Jake Falby contributed strings at a cabin in Holderness, New Hampshire. "Without possessing the right words, I'd describe to Eric and Jake the feeling I wanted a song to evoke, or I would take a shot at singing what was in my head. Though over all, their contributions to the record are entirely their own vision and their own power. I trusted each of them and we chose each other; our songs came from that place."
Julie 弹得一手好吉他,直到17岁的时候,父亲再也不能为她表演之后,她开始自学吉他。 她欣然承认自己不识谱,也没有听很多音乐 - 她自己的黑胶唱片是她的第一支音乐。回忆到她在纽约西部的童年时代,她与制作人 Eric Littmann (Phantom Posse) 朋友 Jake Falby 一起录制专辑,在新罕布什尔州 Holderness 的一个小屋里献上了音乐。 "如果没有合适的语句,我会向 Eric 和 Jake 形容我想要一首歌唤起的感觉,或者我会尝试唱我脑海中的东西。他们对专辑的贡献完全来自己的自己的观点和才智,我们相信彼此,选择彼此。

Not Even Happiness offers a bigger picture to its predecessor through a wider exploration of instruments and atmospherics, revealing an artist who has grown in confidence over time. This form of self-evolution permeates through the track titles, as the album opens with, 'Follow My Voice' and ends with, 'I Live Now as a Singer'." "Those two songs are the nearest to my heart, without hesitation. This is an album with a far stronger sense of self, and fidelity to self than the last," she says.
Not Even Happiness 也通过对乐器和氛围的更广泛的探索,为其前身提供了一个更大的图景,揭示了一个随着时间的推移而日渐自信的艺术家。 这样的自我进化渗透到曲目标题中,正如专辑开始时的"跟随我的声音",最后以"我现在成为一名歌手"结束。"这两首歌曲无疑最贴近我的心声。 她说:"这张专辑的自我感更强,比上一次更高忠于自我。"

Her last album was released in January 2014, on Chicago based DIY label Orindal after first existing as two separate cassette releases. Rooms With Walls and Windows went on to become a true modern-day word of mouth success story (it would have to be for an artist who shuns all forms of social media). By the end of the year, it was voted number 7 in Mojo Magazine's Best Albums, with the Huffington Post calling it, "2014's Great American Album." A collection of hushed intimate front porch psych-folk songs, recalling the greats, but strongly emanating the essence of timeliness. Her journey to follow was captured in two summers through Europe, playing the Green Man Festival and End of the Road, as well as lesser trodden tour paths around Italy.
她的上专辑于2014年1月在芝加哥的 DIY label Orindal 发行,首先作为两个单独的盒式磁带发行。有墙壁和窗户的房间继续成为一个现代社会口口流传的故事。 到了今年年底,它在 Mojo 杂志被评选为最佳专辑的第7名,赫芬顿邮报称它为"2014年的美国优秀专辑"。尽管这其中收藏了隐秘的前廊精神民歌,追忆伟人,但却强烈散发着时代的精髓。 后来她在欧洲度过了两个夏天,在绿人节和路的尽头演出,去意大利周边徒步旅行。

In the live arena she enchants, leaving rooms and festival crowds mesmerized by her voice and warm presence, where many find a real connection with Byrne's intimate songs. This feeling is often shared: "The most magical thing about performing these songs is that afterwards, so many of the conversations I have escape all small talk," tells Julie. "Shows don't always have this spirit, but when they do, every person has contributed, even unknowingly, to creating a space of responsiveness to each other through vulnerability, through our unified experience and honesty about our sorrow and our emergence."
在现场表演的舞台上,她魅力动人,人们为她的声音和温暖的存在所着迷,许多人发现与 Byrne 的个人歌曲与自己也有真正的联系。 这种感觉经常被分享:"演出这些歌曲最神奇的地方在于,之后的很多谈话我都逃避了一切闲聊",朱莉说。 "演出并不总是有这样的精神,但是当它真正这样存在的时候,甚至在每个人都在不知不觉中,通过脆弱,通过我们对自己的悲伤和遭遇的类似经历和诚实,创造了一个相互感应的空间。"

Julie Byrne is taking Not Even Happiness on the road throughout 2017.

2017年,Julie Byrne 带着 Not Even Happiness 这张专辑继续踏上音乐的道路。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年2月6日 20:30
门票/Ticket: 100(presale)/120(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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