
3月20日 DDC ▶ "品味拉丁" SaVor LaTino con V de Venezuela (Latin Jazz)

2018-03-06 王天天 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Line up: 
Lead Singer: Gilberto Romero
Percussion, Backing Vocals: Fraivan Aponte Barrios - Concha
Keyboard, Backing Vocals: Jose Perez - El Negro
Percussion, Backing Vocals: Christian Javier Ruiz
Singer, Backing Vocals: Dayana
Bass: Rolando Torres
Guitar: Alejandro Manuel Goncalves Lopes
Drums: Richard Lopes
Keyboard, Backing Vocals: Elmenson

SaVor LaTino was created in Beijing in 2005. It was then that together with his colleagues Jose "El Negrito" Perez (Keyboard) and Fraivan "Concha" Aponte (Percussionist) created  "SaVor LaTino".
2005年,SaVor Latino 在北京成立。主唱 Gilberto与键盘手 Jose "El Negrito" Perez、打击乐手Fraivan "Concha" Aponte 一起组建了 SaVor Latino。 

Bringing together musicians from all over the world. Places like: Venezuela, Cuba, Ghana, Puerto Rico, USA, Portugal, and Colombia. They show a love and passion for music that make crowds dance and enjoy! Old and young, Chinese and Foreign! 
SaVor Latino喜欢将世界各地的乐手聚集在一起,包括委内瑞拉、古巴、加纳、波多黎各、美国、葡萄牙、哥伦比亚等地的乐手都曾与他们一同演出。他们致力于让观众随着节奏跳起来,感受音乐带来的爱与激情,无论老少,亦或是中国人还是外国人,乐队都希望将这份快乐传递给你。

So on March 20th, "SaVor LaTino" would like for you to come to hear their new original songs, and celebrate the 14 years of success and history of this conglomerate. We use this word because the many people have worked hard under the "SaVor LaTino" brand to make it a success. 
三月二十日,SaVor LaTino 将表演他们新录制的一些歌曲,借此庆祝他们成军十四周年,以及感谢那些曾为 SaVor LaTino 的演出付出努力,一同陪伴乐队的所有人。

Gilberto Romero

In October 2003, he had the opportunity to come to china to sing with the latin band "MAKORE" in a latin bar called "LATINOS". Until 2005 when another Latin club "SALSA CARIBE" decided to bring him on board as the lead singer. Since then until now he started as a singer and playing small percussion in the band, making crowds old and young dance and have fun, not just Chinese people, but all differents nationalities in and out of China. 
2003年十一月,Gilberto前往北京,在一家拉丁俱乐部"LATINOS"的"MAKORE"的乐队中演唱。直到2005年,他被另一家拉丁俱乐部"SALSA CARIBE" 选中,成为了他们的主唱。直到现在,他在乐队中担任主唱,并偶尔进行打击乐器的表演,无论听众年龄大小、国家不同,Gilberto 都能让他们在音乐下欢快地跳起舞来。

As a soloist, he participated in different events around China, the new year 2016 event in the Forbidden City, also at the great wall for the next Winter Olympic Games 2022.

Fraivan Aponte Barrios - Concha 

Being in music from such a young age Concha has developed an expertise is the percussion, and is also DJ. He has been part of many renowned national and regional orchestras in his country and abroad, and has also shared the stage with world class musicians such as Óscar de León, Michael Font, and Sergio Gallardo. In the year 2003 Concha moved to China where he been working as both a percussionist and a DJ in the club "Latinos", "Buffalo" and currently "Salsa Caribe". I have been part of the bands "Makore", "Grupo Swing" and now with "SaVor Latino". 
Concha在非常年轻时就已经成为打击乐与DJ方面的专业表演家。他在委内瑞拉国内外与众多知名管弦乐团一起演出,同时具有与Óscar de León, Michael Font, and Sergio Gallardo等世界著名音乐家同台演出的经验。2003年,Concha移居中国,并在"Latinos","Buffalo"和"Salsa Caribe"拉丁俱乐部中担任打击乐手和DJ。他曾加入过"Makore", "Grupo Swing",现在与"SaVor Latino"一同演出。

Jose Perez - El Negro

Playing all sorts of styles many from Latin, Western, and Asian countries it gave him the experience he needed on many music styles and helped with his personal compositions. Jose has been in Beijing since 2004 and spreading the Latin culture through the bands he's played with. Playing everything from jazz, rock, blues and especially Latin styles. 
Jose Perez 在拉丁国家、西方与亚洲国家都进行过关于各种风格的演出,为他的现场表演以及创作增加了无数种可能性。Jose从2004年参演过的所有乐队都具有拉丁风格,同时或多或少掺杂着爵士乐、摇滚乐、布鲁斯的特点,而他的拉丁表演是最具有代表性的。

Christian Javier Ruiz

Kris is a American born Puerto Rican raised in New York City. He started his life in music at the young age of five playing congas at the church he was attending at time. From there he dabbled in many other musical things like: singing, beat box, drum kit, congas, bongos, cajon, etc. Kris has also performed in many places internationally. He spends his free time now gigging with his bands. A versatile musician he plays a long list of different of bands with different genres.
Kirs 是美籍波多黎各人,自幼在纽约长大。他曾在五岁时便在教堂表演康茄舞。之后,他在创作时试着将不同的元素组合在一起,比如歌声、B-BOX、鼓点、康茄舞、手鼓等。Kris同时拥有丰富的国际演出经验,他在闲暇时间经常与乐队进行排练,他曾与众多不同风格的乐手和乐队同台演出。


A Graduate of the Cuban Arts House MUSIC Project, a Bachelor in Languages (English, Spanish and Chinese), and part of the National Academy of Cuban Theater. Singing in back home, and in Beijing since 2009 she has proven herself as a versatile singer.
Dayana 是古巴艺术中心音乐项目的毕业生,也是研究英语、西班牙语和中文的学士,同时是古巴国家剧院学术部门的研究人员之一。无论是在古巴国内,还是2009年后生活在北京,她都已经证明自己是一名极富能力的歌者。

Rolando Torres

Born in the tropical land of Venezuela. Rolando was always influenced by music from a young age especially rock. At 15, he started playing with local bands and kept doing so until he came to China. 
Rolando Torres 出生在委内瑞拉的热带地区,他在年轻时就受到了音乐的极大影响,尤其是摇滚乐。于是他在十五岁时就参加了当地乐队,开始进行现场演出。直到他来到中国,也热衷于各种表演活动。

Alejandro Manuel Goncalves Lopes

Richard Lopes


活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年3月20日 21:00  
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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