4月4日 ▶ 刷新你的爵士体验 走进“失重”的先锋实验场 | 法国先锋爵士LAURENT COULONDRE中国巡演

2018-03-21 黄昏黎明俱乐部 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Laurent Coulondre 是一位来自法国的爵士乐手。他尤其擅长同时操控演奏几个不同的键盘。两只手,两只脚……演奏中的他,整个身体完全沉浸在音乐里,融合于他和伙伴们共同创造出的节奏之中。Laurent Coulondre在2016年法国音乐赢家大奖中的爵士乐板块备受瞩目,这是一个法国文化部设置的用于嘉奖某一类型最佳艺术家的颁奖仪式。Laurent Coulondre的作品从来都不是一成不变的,他不断尝试与优秀的艺术家们合作。

Laurent Coulondre isa French jazz musician. On his keyboards, everything works simultaneously - his two hands, his two feet, his whole body is dedicated to music and to the inextricable grooves he creates with his partners. Coulondreis also this year’s Jazz Revelation of the Victoires de la Musique, a French award ceremony where the French Ministry of Culture delivers Victoires to the best artist of a certain genre. Laurent Coulondre's music has never been the same, and he always keeps working with excellent artists.

 Laurent Coulondre的新专辑《Gravity Zero》,于2017年录制发行。

Gravity Zero” is Laurent Coulondre’s new album released in 2017.

对 Coulondre 而言,音乐就是一个伟大的实验场。在这张专辑里,他带来了与法国顶尖艺术家们的愉悦邂逅与合作。专辑中钹和其他打击乐器的组合,绝不会让人失望。可称得上是钢琴电子工程师的Coulondre,这次合作的艺术家包括才华横溢且忠诚的伙伴Martin Wangermée、最伟大的节奏诗人之一André Ceccarelli、还有集声音、柔和和思想于一身的艺术大师Yoann Serra,他所创造的音乐质感是独一无二的;以及有着鲜明音乐风格、脑洞大开的“麻烦制造者” Cyril Atef.For Coulondre, music is a great playground of experimentation.He brings about joyful encounters and collaborates with the best artists Francehas to offer. You will not be disappointed by his cymbals and the array of hisother percussion instruments. Coulondre works with Martin Wangermée, who isthe pianist-electronics-engineer's brilliant and loyal partner in crime, butalso with André Ceccarelli, who is one of the greatest poets of rhythm.Yoann Serra provides a unique touch, and is a virtuoso of sound, suppleness andideas, and Cyril Atef is the troublemaker, who never lacks those ideas thatcreate sharp musical turns.面对他们,Coulondre不断激发大家的灵感、推动着集体创作也偶有跳脱。不管你有着怎样的音乐趣味,都不会对这张唱片无动于衷。Laurent Coulondre 将和 Yoann Serra 一起进行这次中国巡演。

Facing them, Coulondre proposes, propels, throbs, and is always eager to make light of time and beats. This recordis suitable for all ears and will not leave you unmoved.For this tour in China, Laurent Coulondre is playing with Yoann Serra.

《Gravity Zero》LIVE

Laurent Coulondre & Yoann Serra 

Yoann Serra

Yoann Serra 无疑是当今世界爵士场景下最具天分的鼓手之一。作为一个全面的音乐家,他对于很多类型的音乐都了如指掌,波普、吉普赛、前卫、融合等。

Yoann Serra is certainly one of the most talented drummers in the national jazz scene. A complete musician, at ease in all music, bebop, gypsy, avant-garde and fusion. 早在6岁时,他就加入了尼斯音乐学院的古典打击乐器班。随后开始学习爵士鼓,他在Jacques Carre和Jean-Paul Ceccarelli的指导下,很快就掌握了爵士乐中那些错综复杂的东西。

As early as age 6, he joined the classic percussion class of Nice’s Conservatory of Music. He, then followed by the jazz drums, under the direction of Jacques Carré and Jean-Paul Ceccarelli, of which he quickly mastered the intricacies. 2009年,他加入了法国国家爵士乐团,并将在2013年之前一直被认为是乐团化身的Daniel Yvinec指导下,创作了《Around Robert Wyatt》成为乐队最畅销的专辑。这张专辑将作为2009年“"Jazz Victories”的最佳器乐专辑而获奖。2012年,与John Hollenbeck合作的歌曲《Falling Men》,获得了格莱美最佳器乐作曲提名。

In 2009, he joined the National Jazz Orchestra, where he will remain until 2013 under the direction of Daniel Yvinec, the longest embodiment of the National Jazz Orchestra, and also best selling album of the orchestra with the title "Around Robert Wyatt ". The album will be rewarded as the best instrumental album of 2009 at the "Jazz Victories". In 2012, “Falling Men”, in collaboration with John Hollenbeck, was nominated at the Grammy Awards, for Best Instrument Composition.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年4月4日 21:00
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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