
4月6日 4PM ▶ #胡同午后音乐会# 荷兰爵士歌手HENK KRAAIJEVELD与乐队(NL, Jazz)

2018-03-27 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Five years after winning the Dutch Vocal jazz competition, Henk Kraaijeveld releases his debut album called Passengers in the Amsterdam Bimhuis. It is the outcome of his collaboration with pianist and songwriter Daan Herweg.

获得荷兰爵士竞赛胜利的五年后,HENK KRAAIJEVELD 发行了他的最新专辑——Passengers. 这张专辑汇聚了他与钢琴家、创作者 Daan Herweg 的全部心血。

— Kim Nazarian (Co-founder New York Voices)

Line Up: 

Vocal: Henk Kraaijeveld (NL)

Sax: Joe Longardner (US)

Guitar: 张晶 Jing Zhang (CN)

Bass: Daniel Callaghan (IR)

Drums: Fiach Ó Briain (IR)

Henk Kraaijeveld is a versatile jazz vocalist and songwriter from The Netherlands who brings together compelling music with strong lyrics, storytelling and surprising improvisations. Playful and light-footed elements alternate with intense and vivacious grooves and harmonies. 
Henk Kraaijeveld 是来自荷兰的爵士音乐家与创作人,他的创作往往将直击内心的歌词、细腻的叙事以及惊人的即兴演出凝聚在一起。他的歌曲中拥有令人着迷的和声与旋律,富含着喜悦与舞蹈的元素。Past year he has been working on his debut album called Passengers, which is the outcome of his collaboration with pianist and songwriter Daan Herweg, The album contains original songs by Kraaijeveld/Herweg and covers. Kraaijeveld’s debut album Passengers contains mostly original songs as well as two pop-covers.

同样,Henk Kraaijeveld 将爵士乐的经典风格与新风格互相融合,也将古典乐与流行音乐的元素混杂在其中。去年,他一直在制作他的首张专辑Passengers, 这是他与钢琴家和曲作者 Daan Herweg 共同合作的作品。这张专辑包含 Kraaijeveld / Herweg 的原创歌曲。《Passengers》作为他的首张专辑包含了他的大部分原创歌曲。https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=d0609tcw641&width=500&height=375&auto=0Early 2013, Kraaijeveld won both jury and audience award at the 10th edition of the Dutch Vocal jazz competition (Nederlands Jazz Vocalisten Concours) The jury praised his‘relaxed performance in which he connects very well with the audience, blends his warm and beautiful voice perfectly with the sound of the band, while showing an impressive vocal range’.2013年初,Kraaijeveld 在第10届荷兰爵士乐比赛上,同时获得了评委与观众选出的最佳爵士乐手奖项。评委们称赞他:“轻松的表演,使听众感到了共鸣”。他那温暖而悦耳的声音与乐队的表演完美融合,使他的声域得到极大的展示。

Joe Londgarner

Joe Longardner has recently relocated to Beijing, China.  Joe has been living in China for the past 5 years performing and teaching Jazz Music.  Joe has performed his original music in some of Asia’s top Jazz Clubs in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul and Bangkok and has performed in a few European and Asian Jazz Festivals.


张晶 Zhang Jing中国当代青年爵士吉他演奏家. 而他并不拘泥于一种音乐风格, 从南方金属核代表 “六道母” 到当红 Hip-Hop 艺人满舒克, 从充满电气色彩的 Dubstep 乐队 “镜花缘” 到城市中爵士乐现场都找到他的踪影。

Dan Callaghan Dan Callaghan is one of Ireland's finest double bass players. He graduated with an Honours BA in Jazz Performance from Newpark Music Centre,Ireland in 2010. He has been working as aprofessional musician for the last seven years and has performed and recorded with many of Ireland's leading jazz musicians including Leopoldo Osio, Dig a Little Deeper, Guiliano Nistri, Mike Nielson, Hugh Buckley and Richie Buckley.

Dan Callaghan 来自爱尔兰都柏林的一位优秀的贝斯手。在过去的六年间,他一直作为一名职业音乐家在各地演出,并且与数名爱尔兰顶尖爵士乐手合作过,他们分别为 Mike Nielson, Hugh Buckley 和 Richie Buckley.

Fiach Ó BriainIn 2015 Fiach relocated to Beijing and since then has been an active member of the Beijing music scene, performing with artist of many styles including Tia Ray, 斯琴格日乐,and 王韵壹. Fiach has also performed with many International musicians touring in China such as Laurent Maur etc.

Fiach 一直活跃在北京音乐界,与不同风格的艺术家同台演出,其中包括 TIA袁娅维、斯琴格日乐和王韵壹。Fiach 还与许多在中国巡演的国际音乐家比如 Laurent Maur 等一起演出。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年4月6日 16:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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