
5/26 DDC ▶「重构爵士磁场空间」瑞士爵士三重奏60 MILES (SW., Jazz)

2018-05-02 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Nicolas Gerber (piano & rhodes)
André Hahne (bass)
Johan Wermeille (drums)


60 Miles 《...Ou à raison》

The Swiss trio 60 Miles did not take its name from a decade surely very rich in jazz, neither from a certain trumpeter with an emblematic silhouette (among others). But… it’s certainly jazz that 60 Miles propose. In our day, does a jazz still exist that refers only to itself and is nourished only by its own tradition ?

来自瑞士的60 MILES组合基于过去几十年丰润的爵士乐,其音乐表现不局限于具象的轮廓化主线的小号演奏。但60 MILES演奏的又是爵士乐…… 乐队思考的一个问题是:由传统滋养而生的爵士乐是否仍然存在?

60 Miles choose to create its own music, inspired as much by Charlie Parker, Keith Jarrett or Cohen as Led Zeppelin, Radiohead or Beethoven. A music formed in the great tradition of the trio, but without the usual codes. A music where the rhythmic games take the principal place, between the fascination of the numeric abstraction and the enjoyable celebration of the ambiguity.
60 MILES选择创造一种属于自己的音乐。他们的灵感源于 Charlie Parker, Keith Jarrett, Cohen 甚至 Led Zeppelin, Radiohead 以及 Beethoven 等大量经典音乐人。60 MILES由经典的三重奏传统配器组成,但摈弃了常规的音乐元素。节奏韵律站到了主导地位,韵律介于数值抽象和混沌之间,充满魅力。

After publishing their first album « ...Ou à aison » (2015) 60 Miles have played in Switzerland, France, Germany, China and south America. At the moment the trio is presenting the new record: « Last Summer » 2018
在2015年发布首张专辑« ...Ou à aison »后,60 Miles已经在瑞士、法国、德国、中国、南美等多家演出过。如今60 Miles正在筹备新专辑« Last Summer». 

60 mils « Last Summer » 2018

The world is fix, in balance in a space of dimension four. 


期待 60 MILES 在 DDC 重构爵士磁场空间!

活动详情 Event Info: 

时间/Time: 2018年5月26日 15:00
门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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