
5/20 10PM ▶ BEMET — 席卷全球、大牌收割机、以色列当红电音音乐人 #MTA呈现#

因为各种原因来不了天漠的地球人们,在MTA飞船飞离之前,你们还有最后一次机会,不多说了,快上船!5月20日,京城DDC(拿小本本记好了啊~)来自以色列的电子音乐人BEMET 带你冲破界限,逃离地球表面,听BEMET, 他开挂的人生经历你又知道多少?

准备好膝盖吧!https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=l0642xc91fp&width=500&height=375&auto=0“This Israeli act is taking the Bass to a new level "


—— Diplo (Mad Decent)


在2016年,BEMET因为一首来自著名印度 DJ Nucleya 的《Mumbai Dance》(《孟买舞会》)的改编曲目,在印度圈粉无数。

要知道,印度小哥哥小姐姐可都是随时随地想跳就跳的,一般的音乐能得到Ta们的认可?想必不是了。Music on, 身体里跳舞的细胞就蠢蠢欲动,控制力再强的你也会要抖起腿来~~



BEMET在18岁时,进入伯克利音乐学院,人家拿的可是全额奖学金,优秀的人总是突出。很快,其音乐才华就得到了业界的认可,因为担任 Dor Assraf 新专辑的制作人,他制作的专辑获得了第58届格莱美奖最佳当代器乐演奏专辑的提名(撒花!)。22岁时,他在孟克爵士音乐学院比赛中的表现还得到了纽约时报的认可,实力击败一众音乐人。

在过去的两年内,BEMET 渐渐露出强劲势头,先后与 Dubstep 大牌艺人 Borgore 合作,为 Major Lazer 暖场,为 Assaf Avidan 最新的金唱片《Gold Shadow》(《金色的影子》)录音和编曲,和当红组合 A-WA 进行世界巡演,与传奇鼓手 Poggie Bell, DJ Braindead 和音乐人 Idob Zooki 等相继有合作,更是被 Diplo 称为能把电音推向一个新的层次的杰出以色列电音音乐人。

目前,他已经录制了两张专辑,分别来自 Inch Per second 和 Time Groove selections 两个厂牌。专辑《The Chase after tomorrow》(《追逐明天》)得到了来自布鲁克林无线电台、BBC 电台和 Poplock 等世界知名乐评人和杂志的一致好评。其中,歌曲《Uber Dance》被东京诺瓦电台称为是当时的“本月歌曲”。

大牌收割机 & 实力派创作人

在录制完他的最新两张专辑之后,BEMET 与 MC Tommy 在巴西合作了一个计划并发表了里含四首歌的首张单曲,歌曲分别有《Happy》, 《TudoBemet》, 《Lotto》以及《Brasil》,这张单曲迅速席卷了以色列的电台并且令媒体称赞不已。




BEMET风暴来袭,are you ready?席卷欧洲、美国和亚洲的各种著名音乐节,像西南偏南音乐节、Paléo,德累斯顿的电音节怎么少得了他呀!他的现场燃到爆炸,在配合上灯光和音效,释放的强大的爆发力让人无法抵抗!BEMET= Prodigy的活力+Die Antwood 的强劲+MØ 和 Major Lazer 炫酷

520,2018 MTA

准备好接收BEMET风暴了吗?各位漠星居民,2018年5月20日,BEMET风暴就要来袭,就在MTA天漠音乐节! 5月20日,BEMET x MTA, 混响电音之夜!大声表白吧!

BEMET, an Israeli electronic music artist, keytarist and keyboardist. His primary Genre can be characterized as electronic hiphop but includes influences and specific songs from EDM, Electro pop, Trap, Bailefunk, Reggaeton, Drum & Bass, Jazz, and Rock. His primary following is, in addition to Israel, Brazil and India. He is also a producer, composer, pianist and performer.

Hod Moshonov was born in Israel on June 8, 1989. He began playing the jazz piano at the age of 5. At the age of 13, Hod founded his first Jazz band – "the Hod Moshonov trio". At the age of 14, he left on a worldwide tour with his band. He also participated in a special playlist on Israel television channel 22, which televised live from the "Milestone- Shuni" club. Later, in 2005, Hod received an invitation from the prestigious IAJE festival in New York City to perform his Jazz concert. Hod was awarded full scholarship for his studies in the Berklee College of Music. At the age of 18, Hod became a Grammy award candidate in the category of best modern instrumental album for his role of as the producer of the album of Dor Assraf. In 2011 the New York Times published an article reviewing his performance in the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz competition in Washington DC to which he was invited by Herbie Hancock and Danilo Perez.

Following the release of his first two albums in the year 2017, BEMET's following increased pursuant to his release of the four singles from his Brazilian project. Two of these singles were TudoBemet, and "Happy". These singles were wideley shared and viewed on social media in Israel, Brazil, Portugal and India, receiving millions of views on youtube. On October 2017 BEMET released his first video single- Sababa, which was directed at his Indian followers. The video was produced during BEMET's tour of India in the summer of 2017 and received positive reviews by the Indian Media, including The Times of India, Grapevine Magazine and UC News.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年5月20日 22:00

门票/Ticket: 100(ADV)/120(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com   

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