
7/14 DDC ▶ Lonely Leary 新专辑《穿过公园就到》首发 (Post-punk, Noise)

“The three-piece band has a wonderful addictive sound – one thats full of jagged edges, paranoid unease, and brooding psychedelic overtones. And while the band wears its influences on their sleeve their noise rock rowdiness and playful mischievous wordplay are all their own. Operating in the post punk dance hall world with such confident and tweaked relish, it sticks in you like a knife.” — Live Beijing Music

“这支三人乐队有着令人无法自拔的美妙声音——这声音中充满的是锯齿般的边缘、偏执的不安和阴森的弦外之音。虽然乐队所受的影响可以说是显而易见,但粗暴的噪音摇滚和调皮的文字游戏却是他们独有的特色。在后朋克的舞厅中凭借这般坏趣味自信地游走,他们会像刀子一样插入你。”——Live Beijing Music


Vocal/Bass 主唱/贝斯:邱驰

Guitar 吉他:宋昂

Drums 鼓:李保宁

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=d05350ahyt4&width=500&height=375&auto=0Lonely Leary #DDCLIVE#

Lonely Leary formed in 2012 in a suburb of Jinan, where band members Qiu Chi, Song Ang, and Li Baoning met in college. The closest thing to a music scene that their corner of Shandong province had at the time was an overpopulation of cover bands obsessed with ‘80s Cantopop sensations Beyond (Qiu remembers there being more than 100 such bands). Drawing their influence from rougher, tougher stock, Lonely Leary created an early arsenal of covers from Beijing punk pioneers Underbaby and Joyside, before landing on Joy Division and artful Beijing post-punk unit PK14 as their cultural lodestones.

Lonely Leary 2012年组建于济南郊区,乐队成员邱驰、宋昂、李保宁相识于这里的大学校园。在山东省的这个角落,能勉强称为音乐场景的大概就是巨量迷恋80年代香港流行天团Beyond的翻唱乐队(邱驰回忆说当时大概有超过一百支这样的乐队)。Lonely Leary则从更加粗犷和强硬的音乐中吸取营养,他们当时的歌单里多是翻唱自北京朋克先锋地下婴儿和Joyside的曲目。在此之后,乐队则找到了更加适合自己的文化偶像——Joy Division以及北京后朋克乐队P.K.14。

In 2014 the band moved to Beijing, the de facto capital of burnt out Chinese downer rock, and there they started in earnest. “Beijing is a high-speed city with [a] bad environment, and people here are restless,” guitarist Song Ang told an interviewer a few years back. “The violent sound of our music has a close connection with the situation.”


Nevertheless, after a few years spent working out the kinks on-stage at now defunct Beijing club XP, Lonely Leary has singularly channeled Beijing’s bad vibes into a trademark dynamic, blending fast drums, muddy bass and rough guitar noise into a tense, menacing pummel. These days they can be found in the shadows of their idols, working with PK14 vocalist Yang Haisong, who produced their forthcoming debut LP, and Joyside bassist Liu Hao, who presides over the live music venue School Bar, where they’re currently most at home in Beijing. Dressed in black, faces slack, Lonely Leary is now a greased machine, and hold the stage with a nervous, mechanical intensity that none of their current peers can quite match.

尽管如此,XP俱乐部舞台上的几年历练后,Lonely Leary已不可思议地将北京糟糕的气氛具象为自己的标志性音乐形态,快速的鼓击、粗粝的贝斯以及野蛮的吉他噪音一起化为紧张、侵略的一记记重击。如今,你能发现他们已与往日的偶像相距咫尺,P.K.14主唱杨海崧为乐队制作了即将发行的首张专辑,而Joyside贝斯手刘昊主理的School酒吧则是乐队经常登台的地方。一身黑装与迷茫的面孔,Lonely Leary就像一台上好油的机器,凭借神经质而机械化的张力镇守着自己的舞台,将同辈乐队甩在身后。

Flashy as a buzzsaw under a naked bulb, noise-sick Beijing post-punk trio Lonely Leary’s debut album Through the Park, Almost There rips through your comfort zone with a breezy unease. Mechanical, maniacal drums and robotic bass lines propel them forward, but they’re all burning flesh, aimless angst coursing through down-and-out anthems like “Stay Ugly.” Song Ang’s guitar cuts surgically, hypnotically on tracks such as mid-album highlight “Silver City (银色城市),” while vocalist Qiu Chi barks his dissatisfaction throughout, most directly and despondently on “Prayers for Preparation,” the sickly ritual album closer. These songs have been through the gauntlet, spent years in trial on Beijing’s dirtiest live house stages, and emerge now clear enough to hear, opaque enough to feel on the gut level of vague nausea. Through the Park, Almost There doesn’t quite arrive, but it launches one of Beijing’s best current bands, Sisyphus-style, onto the next leg of their twisted journey to the top of the hill.

暴躁得犹如灯泡下疯转的圆锯,饮“噪”止渴的北京后朋克三人组Lonely Leary的首张专辑《穿过公园就到了》会带着轻抚的不安闯入你的安全区。机械躁狂的鼓和僵硬的贝斯线推动着乐队向前,几个鲜热的肉身就这样带着漫无目的的愤怒穿行在《Stay Ugly》这样的颓丧圣歌中,而在专辑中段的抢眼歌曲《银色城市》里,宋昂的吉他如手术刀般催眠式地切割。主唱邱驰则在病态祭典式的专辑尾曲,《Prayers for Preparation》中通篇消沉地低吠不满。这些歌曲在北京最脏的现场舞台历经考验,如今终于可以听辩一二,却又浑噪的足以让人内脏翻腾。《穿过公园就到了》虽尚未抵达巅峰,却用西西弗斯式的风格,为当下北京最好的乐队之一踏出了登往山顶的下一步。

Through the Park, Almost There was produced by Yang Haisong, and will be released on CD and vinyl by Maybe Mars Records on April 27, 2018.

Recommended for fans of: Joy Division, P.K.14, Sleaford Mods, Savages


推荐以下乐队的乐迷们:Joy Division, P.K.14, Sleaford Mods, Savages

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年7月14日 21:00
门票/Ticket:  70(ADV)/90(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com  

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