
7/11 ▶ 印度古典音乐会 India Classical Music Concert (Indian, Classical)


Sarod:Sayak Barua




Sayak Barua is a musician from India playing traditional instrumental music of India. After receiving a Master’s in instrumental music at Rabindrabharati University, Sayak was appointed to a prestigious position of Junior Research Fellow for the sarode by the Indian Ministry of Culture. His passion for education and music has led him to tour extensively throughout India, performing his ragas in diverse and remote regions of the country. In an expansive and heterogeneous country, Sayak’s soothing and meditative drones bridge ethnic and social divides.

Sayak Barua是来自印度的音乐家,目前在北京与他的妻子Moumita米特拉,音乐老师在印度驻北京大使馆。在Rabindrabharati大学获得硕士学位之后,Sayak被印度文化部委任担任为沙乐琴青年研究团体的要职。他对教育和音乐的强烈热忱促使他在印度全国各发达和偏远地区演奏他的拉格。在印度这样地域辽阔且构成复杂的国家,他流畅而动听的音乐成为了沟通不同族群与社会的桥梁。

A graded artist for the All India Radio, Sayak was selected as an Onebeat fellow (OneBeatSM is an international cultural exchange that celebrates the transformative power of the arts through the creation of original, inventive music, and people-to-people diplomacy OneBeatSM is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, administered by Bang on a Can’s Found Sound Nation. OneBeat builds on Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s vision of “smart power” diplomacy. It embraces the use of a full range of diplomatic tools, including music, to bring people, especially youth, together for greater understanding) to tour the US for a month.

OneBeatSM是美国教育文化部启动的一项国际艺术家之间的创新音乐交流项目,由Bang on a Can’s Found Sound Nation管理。OneBeat构建基于国务卿希拉里克林顿的“巧实力”外交政策,它囊括了全方位外交手段的用途,其中包括音乐,把尤其以年轻人为主的人们聚集在一起加深理解.作为全印度之声认定的艺术家,Sayak曾入选 OneBeat 项目,赴美进行为期一个月的交流活动。此外,他作为印度代表团中的一员参加了2013年在乌兹别克斯坦Samarkand举办的第九届国际音乐节获得了大奖。

Sayak took part in the 9th International music festival 2013 held at Samarkand, Uzbekistan and was part of the Grand Prix winning Indian contingent.

Sayak has toured twice to Afghanistan, Kabul as a teacher and performer along with his wife Moumita to teach at the Afghanistan National Institute of Music. Presently he is a resident of Beijing with his wife Moumita Mitra who is the vocal music teacher at the Indian embassy.

Presently, Sayak and Moumita are working in promotion of Indian Traditional Music.



Yu Feifei, Master of dance study, graduated from Beijing Dance Academy. She started professional dance training at 11, At 18, she was enrolled in the Oriental Dance Department of Beijing Dance Academy, where she was provided with an opportunity to generally learn about the traditional dances of Asian countries. During her study in the Academy, she focused on Indian dance under the instruction of Professor Zhang Jun, who was named as the Hsuan Tsang of India Dance In China. 


Yu Feifei was enrolled as a postgraduate after her undergraduate course, majoring in the comparison and relation study on Classic Dance of India and China. To be specific, Yu Feifei majored in Bharatnatyam during her undergraduate course, and Kathak and Odissi during her postgraduate course. She took part in the Sino-India Interactions held by Indian Embassy to China, Peking University and Central Conservatory of Music for several times. From Jul., 2006 to Jul., 2007, Yu Feifei, as a part of the Sino-India Scholarship Exchange Program of China Scholarship Council, was given with a chance to have a further study on Indian Classic Dance in India. Since Sep. 2008, she has been learning Kathak in Indian Embassy to China.





师从印度西塔琴大师得布(Pandit Debuchaudhuri),学习印度古典乐器西塔琴。




中央民族大学教师、中央音乐学院世界音乐方向博士,导师陈自明研究员。学习、研究塔布拉鼓10年,2006年在国内随梁昊、Azalea Birch、Pandit Keshaji学习塔布拉鼓演奏。后多次赴印度,师从当地知名音乐家Ustaad Akram Khan,进行塔布拉鼓演奏的深造。2014年出版国内第一部塔布拉鼓的专著——《轮回中的韵律——北印度塔布拉鼓探微》。自2010年起,多次在印度使馆文化交流中心、中央音乐学院演奏厅、国家大剧院演出及交流,合作过的乐团包括中央民族乐团、中央音乐学院民乐团、北京歌舞团等。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年7月11日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door) (票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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