
7/17 DDC ▶ 阿南刻 Ananke / 拜拜鱼 (Indie, Electronic, Prog Rock)

Bands 乐队:

阿南刻 Ananke (Indie, Electronic)

拜拜鱼 (Prog Rock, Electronic)

阿南刻 Ananke (Indie, Electronic)


Vocal & Keyboard: 王若卉

Bass & Keyboard: Eric Lattanzio

乐队于2015年12月成立。创始成员王若卉(主唱/键盘),Eric Lattanzio(贝斯/键盘)。

The band was formed in December 2015. Founding members are 王若卉, lead vocalist and keyboardist, and Eric Lattanzio, bass player and keyboardist.


王若卉 is a singer/songwriter, composer/arranger, dancer from Beijing. She won several awards and TV competitions with her dance crew. She also compose and arrange music of her own. She was trained and grew up in the pop industry, working on world tours for major Chinese artists (Jackie Chung) as a dancer and as a back singer.


Her love for cinematic music, orchestral soundtracks and foreign artists allowed her to work as an arranger and composer for miscellaneous projects (MEMORY 5D+, XuFei, …). 若卉 is graduated from PLA University of Beijing. She sings, write and produce songs for herself and other artists in China and overseas.

Eric Lattanzio 是一位来自法国的音乐制作人,同时负责作曲、编曲。从小学习钢琴、管风琴。15岁时,他开始在法国当地的地下摇滚乐队和硬核乐队演奏贝斯。虽然他早期的项目都是以摇滚为基础,但 Eric 为其个人创作的音乐多以 Trip-hop 和电子音乐为主。他在中国赢得了几项奖项,在工作室里担任录音工程师(旅行团,哈雅乐团)。Eric 在过去的15年里一直是制作人/音响工程师,也是拥有30年工作经验的乐手。曾在欧洲和亚洲进行巡回演出,以及在录音室内工作,为无数的项目制作音乐。

Eric Lattanzio is a producer, composer/arranger, musician from France. He learned piano at an early age and church organ. At the age of 15 he started to play bass in local underground rock bands and hardcore metal bands. Though his early projects are all rock based, it’s been 10 years that Eric works and compose for himself mostly for trip hop and electronic music projects. He has won a few awards while in China for his work as a sound engineer in studio (the Life Journey, Haya Band). Eric has been a producer/sound engineer for the past 15 years, and twice as much as a musician, touring in Europe and Asia, working in recording studios and producing music for countless projects.

乐队成员王若卉和 Eric 相识于2006年,并始终保持着联系,而他们也各自在不同的音乐项目中工作和演出。他们常常聚在一起分享音乐和想法,偶尔也会共同为 Eric 的教学课程进行合作,交流音乐和分享他们各自的音乐作品。直到20159月的一次东京之行,乐队的第三名成员正式出现。Eric发现了一台复古键盘乐器——Rhodes MK II,这也是Eric一直梦寐以求的乐器。与此同时,王若卉对现代电子音乐的兴趣越发浓厚,并不断开始购入电子乐器、MIDI 控制器以及各类合成器。因缘巧合,他们决定共同成立一个 project,基于使用这些老式、和现代的乐器,令王若卉能够展示她音乐创作的能力,也让 Eric 能从声音技术角度去展现音乐。

The founding members, Eric and 若卉, met a long ago in 2006 and kept in touch for many years while they were each working and playing in different projects at the time. They shared music and ideas, occasionally working together for Eric’s classes, and exchanging music of their own and sharing their respective works. It’s only after a fateful trip to Tokyo in September 2015 that the 3rd official member of the band appeared. Eric found a vintage keyboard, a Rhodes MK II, which he wanted to own for a long time. At the same time, 若卉 started to buy electronic toys, midi controllers and synthecisers as she was growing her interest in the modern electro scene. Time and fate allowed them to create a new project, based on the use of those vintage and modern instruments, giving the opportunity to 若卉 to unleash her songwriting skills while Eric could keep an eye on the technical sound landscape of the music.


ANANKE was born, named after the greek primary goddess (the Protogenoi era of the greek gods) who represents fate, inevitability, compulsion and necessity. As a symbol of the way 若卉 and Eric write their songs, by letting their ideas come out naturally, un-forced, to keep the music as true as possible.

拜拜鱼 (Prog Rock, Electronic)




活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年7月17日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/ 60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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