
9/08 ▶ 酸性事件 / Claptraps / Spiders (Fusion, Post-punk, Post-rock)

乐队 bands:

酸性事件(Post-rock, Fusion)

Claptraps (Noise, Shoegaze, Post-punk)

Spiders (Post-rock) 

酸性事件 (Post-rock, Fusion)



ACID ACCIDENT is an instrumental alt-rock / post-rock trio founded in Beijing in 2016. Their music is driven by a majestic mix of raw emotion, resulting in tense live performances that contrast gentle reflection with explosive aggression, and flow from strict syncopation to experimental chaos. By integrating a range of influences and sound effects with a desire to explore and push the boundaries of conventional music, ACID ACCIDENT delivers a dramatic and highly visual sound experience. If you're tired of routine, this may be what you've been looking for.

Claptraps (Noise, Shoegaze, Post-punk) 








小吵闹乐队成员深受 JAMC,Sonic Youth 等乐队的影响,继承80年代噪音后朋与迷幻风格,粗粝的破音与啸叫配以复古合成器像是从扬声器射出的一颗颗糖衣炮弹,如同太空船与空间站接轨的那一瞬间,碰撞发出了巨大而静止的声响。

Spiders (Post-rock)

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=y0747dvt54m&width=500&height=375&auto=0Released in 1991 by an almost unknown band name Slint, the album Spiderland has been recognized through the years a landmark in underground music, spurring the birth of what we know today as post-rock.

Slint,这是一支几乎没人认识的地下乐队,1991年发行的一张名为 Spiderland 的专辑,在如今被认为是后摇音乐的鼻祖。

The music of Spiderland is famous for its angular guitar rhythms, dramatically alternating dynamic shifts and irregular time signatures; in later years, the album’s sound has been described as "mid-'70s King Crimson gone emo: screeching guitar chords and gorgeous note-spinning in odd-metered instrumentals speckled with words both spoken and sung".

Spiderland 因其突出的吉他节奏、歌曲结构上的交替变化和具有强烈个人特色的乐句而出名,余下的时间里,这张专辑的音乐被认为是 King Crimson 除去emo的版本,尖锐的吉他和弦,华丽的音符,发出一种介乎于口语和歌唱间的人声。

In tribute to such a groundbreaking record, present and past members of RHONDA (Tommaso, Zhang Yiyi, Diego) and Meltin’ Pot (Zhang Pengfei) just for one night will unite on stage as Spiders to perform Spiderland in its entirety as a celebration of this weird but beautiful piece of music.

来自 Rhonda 的历任乐手 (Tommaso, Zhang Yiyi, Diego) 和 Meltin’Pot 的 Zhang Pengfei 决定组建 Spiders,站在舞台上表演 Spiderland 里奇特却又美丽的歌曲,从而来致敬 Spiderland 这张伟大的专辑。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年9月8日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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