
9/18 DDC ▶ 瑞典吉普赛乐团 Tibble Transsibiriska (SW, Gypsy)


Vocals / Guitar: Johan Testad

Vocals / Domra: Jonas Runefelt

Tuba: Mats Jonsson

Saxophone / Accordion / Vocals: Alexandra Särström

Percussion / Vocals: Martin Källgren

Violin / Vocals: Emil Rotsjö


In 2011 Johan Testad and Jonas Runefelt, who had recently become neighbors in the village Tibble, sat in the car on their way home from a concert they both had participated in. They listened to the soundtrack of “Gypsies are found near heaven”, a Russian-Romani movie from 1976. It turned out, amazingly, that music like that in the movie had been an important part of both their musical backgrounds since they were children, but had never been allowed to flourish for either.

2011年,在瑞典堤波镇,Johan Testad 和 Jonas Runefelt 在他们共同参加的音乐会结束后回家的车中很快成为了朋友。他们听着《吉普赛女王》这个1976年的俄式罗马尼亚电影的电影原声,奇妙的事情发生了,像电影中那样的音乐类型成为了他们共同的从孩童时代起形成的音乐背景的重要部分,但是从那以后却没能得到发展。

- What if we could start a band and play this music!

- Yes, why not give it a try? Let´s do it!



Since they have lots experience of film music, song writing and different music projects between them, finding skilled musicians to join the group was not very hard.


It didn´t take long before they were asked to perform at festivals and parties. Since then, the group has developed into something of an international music community. Musicians from U.S.A, Russia, Finland and Denmark have visited the little village Tibble in Dalarna, Sweden for concerts, jams and musical exchange. During a period of touring in Denmark and Finland, collecting charity money for homeless people, doing street performances and giving sold out concerts, the group has also been working on its own material. A unique style of Balkan inspired songs with Swedish lyrics and some elements in Romani has been created.


Tibble Transsibiriska wants to highlight the rich music culture of the Roma people. The band plays that music, not only because it´s fantastic, but also because it builds bridges between people and works against racism.An audience is reached, that otherwise never would get in contact with this tradition.

Tibble Transsibiriska 乐队想要强调罗马人民丰富的音乐文化。乐队演奏音乐,不仅仅是因为音乐很棒,也因为音乐在人们之间架起了一座桥梁,不区分种族,观众只有到了那里才能感受到这种传统。


After getting lots of questions from the audience about recording an album, Tibble Transsibiriska finally went into the studio in the spring of 2014. The single “Jag är tokig i dig (tutti frutti)” was released in November 2014 and the self-titled album came out in February 2015.

在众多乐迷的要求之下,Tibble Transsibiriska 乐队终于在2014年春天走进了录音室。他们单曲“Jag är tokig i dig (tutti frutti)” 在2014年十一月发布,并在2015年2月发行了同名专辑。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年9月18日 22:00 
门票/Ticket: 60(ADV)/80(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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