
10/21 DDC ▶ 来自意大利 / 土耳其的根源融合爵士组合 AVA TRIO (World Jazz)

Line up:

Bass: Esat Ekincioglu (TR)

Sax: Giuseppe Doronzo (IT)

Drums: Pino Basile (IT)

AVA Trio 是土耳其贝斯手 Esat Ekincioglu 和意大利萨克斯管演奏家 Giuseppe Doronzo 两人的心血结晶。Esat 和 Giuseppe 在 Prins Claus Conservatorium学习时相遇,因为相同的审美与相似的生活方式,他们更加亲近。

AVA Trio is the brainchild of Turkish bassist Esat Ekincioglu and Italian saxophonist Giuseppe Doronzo. Esat and Giuseppe met during their studies at the Prins Claus Conservatorium (NL), and they were drawn closer due to their shared aesthetic perspective, their common Mediterranean roots and their similar pace of life.

从2015年开始, AVA Trio 就一直处于活跃状态,在欧洲国家很多节日和场地中都有演奏,例如: the Zomer Jazz Fiets Tour (NL), Tivoli Vredenburg (NL) 和 Barletta Jazz Festival (IT) 等等。2017年5月份发行首张专辑《来自想象的王国》, 来自欧洲的歌迷和评论家对该张专辑反应强烈。另外,这张专辑也出现在许多欧洲,澳大利亚,加拿大,美国和墨西哥的广播节目里。 AVA Trio 现在正在为2018-2019全欧巡演活动做准备,并也在被格莱美奖提名的 ArteSouno 工作室录制第二张专辑。

AVA Trio has been active since 2015 and played in a number of festivals and venues in Europe, such as the Zomer Jazz Fiets Tour (NL), Tivoli Vredenburg (NL), and Barletta Jazz Festival (IT), among many others. We released our debut album “Music from an Imaginary Land” in May 2017 and we received an excited response from fans and critics throughout Europe. The album has been featured in many European, as well as Australian, Canadian, American and Mexican radios. AVA Trio is now preparing for a busy touring period in 2018-2019 throughout Europe and will be recording their second album in the Grammy-nominated ArteSuono Studios in Udine (IT).

古往今来,地中海盆地就是文明和跨文化交流的摇篮。在这块土地上,原始群体从大西洋海岸一路到印度洋聚集在一起。在当今时代,这片土地面临苦难,冲突,战争,迁移,处于一片混乱之中。现代群体正在经历一场草率的变革,我们与未来的一代也正在经历这场意义深远的转变和两极分化。 因此,我们希望通过跟 AVA Trio 合作来创作一首摆脱民族、地域、宗族限制和政治的音乐。我们追溯一种讲人类团结起来的最古老的交流方式:声音系统,换句话说,音乐。

From times immemorial, the Mediterranean basin was the cradle of civilization and inter-cultural interaction. In that land, ancestral societies were brought together all the way from the Atlantic coast to the Indian Ocean. In present times, the same land faces hardship, conflict, war, immigration and confusion. Modern societies are going through a hasty change, and we - the future generation - are experiencing this transformation and polarization in a profound way.

Therefore, our aim with AVA Trio is to create a music that is liberated from ethnic, geographical, and racial constraints, as well as political agendas. We are looking for an archaic way of unifying people through the earliest form of communication known to mankind: the organisation of sounds, in other words, music.

在国际中,我们与多位著名音乐家合作,例如:Joao Bosco, Mariem Hassan, Vince Mendoza, Michael Moore, Kiko Freitas, Matt Wilson, Burhan Ocal 等等。这些合作经验让我们对音乐有了新的认知, 在世界性的环境中,作为音乐家,我们不断发展,从新的角度看我们自己的音乐作品,形成新的音乐形式。这种音乐不能严格地划分为土耳其音乐,或者意大利音乐, 或者用更广泛的词,地中海音乐。这是超越边界的音乐;这就是《来自想象王国的音乐》。

As cosmopolitan individuals who pursue international careers, we’ve had the chance to collaborate with successful musicians all over the globe: Joao Bosco, Mariem Hassan, Vince Mendoza, Michael Moore, Kiko Freitas, Matt Wilson, Burhan Ocal - just to name a few. These experiences have led us to take a new look on the music that we grew up with. In the cosmopolitan environment where we developed as musicians, we started seeing our own music from a new perspective that led to a new hybridization of music attitudes. This music cannot be strictly categorized as Turkish or Italian, or in broader terms, Mediterranean music. It is music beyond borders; it is “Music from an Imaginary Land”.


As artists, we believe that we are responsible to further and represent our social heritage. However, our goal is not to reproduce the traditional music of our homelands, but to create a new environment where traditional musics find a new meaning and a path to resume their evolvement.

借助 AVA Trio,《来自想象王国的音乐》及西欧古典和近代音乐,我们从更伟大的地中海盆地群体中获得灵感。我们力争拓宽我们音乐不仅仅在地理位置上的边界,同时也在时间方面的边界。通过将古代本身就属于传统音乐的即兴创作的惯例和现代时尚前卫的相互交互和即兴创作技术相结合,我们正努力创作一首不受任何限制影响的音乐。

With AVA Trio and the “Music from an Imaginary Land”, we get inspired from the societies of the greater Mediterranean basin, as well as Western-European classical and contemporary music. We strive to expand the borders of our music not only by geography, but also throughout time. By combining ancient ritualistic methods of improvisation, inherent in traditional music, - with modern avant-garde techniques of interaction and improvisation, we are striving to achieve a “timeless” music.

Esat Ekincioglu (TR)

Esat Ekincioglu(伊斯坦布尔,1990)是一位驻在荷兰的贝斯手和作曲家。他在克劳斯亲王音乐学院(荷兰)获得了本科和硕士学位。在2014年以独唱者的身份在北欧爵士竞赛和由伊斯坦布尔文化艺术基金会在2010年举办的伊斯坦布尔爵士音乐节根茨.卡茨竞争中获胜。 作为一名非常受欢迎的贝斯手,Esat 带着几个项目在欧洲正活跃地进行巡演活动,每年在10个国家举办了上百场音乐会。他曾参加过 Istanbul Jazz Festival (TR), Istanbul-Pori Music Exchange (FIN), Fusion Festival (DE), Cully Jazz Festival (CH), SwinginGroningen Festival (NL), InJazz Rotterdam Festival (NL), ZomerJazzFietsTour (NL), Jazz Goes to Town (CZ), and Sudtirol Jazz Festival (IT) 等音乐节。

Esat Ekincioglu (Istanbul, 1990) is a bass player and composer based in the Netherlands. He completed his bachelor’s and master’s at the Prins Claus Conservatorium in Groningen (NL). Esat won the North European Jazz Contest as a soloist in 2014 and the IKSV Istanbul Jazz Festival Genc Caz Competition in 2010. As an in-demand bassist, Esat is actively touring in Europe with several projects, playing over hundred concerts each year across 10 countries. He has taken part in Istanbul Jazz Festival (TR), Istanbul-Pori Music Exchange (FIN), Fusion Festival (DE), Cully Jazz Festival (CH), SwinginGroningen Festival (NL), InJazz Rotterdam Festival (NL), ZomerJazzFietsTour (NL), Jazz Goes to Town (CZ), and Sudtirol Jazz Festival (IT), to name a few.

Giuseppe Doronzo (IT)

Giuseppe Doronzo(巴勒塔市,1987)是一位意大利驻在阿姆斯特丹市的萨克斯管表演者,作曲家,教育家。他同时在遍及欧洲和美国的多个国际机构,节日和场馆演奏和工作,例如 the North Sea Jazz Fesitval (NL), Bimhuis(NL), NDR Großer Sendesaal (DE), Domicil (DE), New York University (US), Novi Sad Jazz Festival (SE), Petruzzelli Theater (IT), SKY/MTV shows (IT). Giuseppe has given music workshops in several institutions in Europe together with the Conservatorium of Amsterdam (NL), City Proms Festival (NL), Arkestra Lab foundation (IT), Marmara University of Arts (TR), and Italian High School of Istanbul (TR).

Giuseppe Doronzo (Barletta, 1987) is an Italian saxophone player, composer and educator based in Amsterdam. He played and worked in several international institutions, festivals and venues across Europe and the US, such as the North Sea Jazz Fesitval (NL), Bimhuis(NL), NDR Großer Sendesaal (DE), Domicil (DE), New York University (US), Novi Sad Jazz Festival (SE), Petruzzelli Theater (IT), SKY/MTV shows (IT). Giuseppe has given music workshops in several institutions in Europe together with the Conservatorium of Amsterdam (NL), City Proms Festival (NL), Arkestra Lab foundation (IT), Marmara University of Arts (TR), and Italian High School of Istanbul (TR).

Pino Basile (IT)

Pino Basile(苏黎世市,1969)是一位住在意大利阿尔塔穆拉的打击乐演奏员和教育家。他在古典打击乐器专业获得学位。自那时起,他在爵士音乐,古典音乐,当代音乐,戏剧音乐和舞蹈和当代马戏剧场方面积累了大量的音乐经验。近几年来,Pino一直在忙于开演唱会,教学,做研究,学习意大利南部和整个地中海地区的传统民间架鼓和摩擦鼓。他的任务是教授人们关于这些所谓不懂世故的乐器的特殊性,并在许多艺术圈内尽可能地分享他的热情和传播他的知识。

Pino Basile (Zurich, 1969) is an Italian percussionist and educator based in Altamura, Italy. He graduated with a degree in Classical Percussion Instruments. Since then, he has had a vast array of musical experiences in the styles of jazz, classical, contemporary, theatre music and dance, as well as contemporary circus theatre. For the last few years, Pino has been busy doing concerts, teaching, researching and studying the traditional, folk - frame drums and friction drums of Southern Italy and the entire Mediterranean region. His mission is to teach people about the peculiarities of these so-called "un-sophisticated" instruments and to share his passion and diffuse his knowledge in as many artistic circles as possible.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年10月21日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 80(ADV)/100(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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