
10/14 3PM ▶ 中东欧顶级爵士歌手 RUTH KOLEVA 与乐队 (BG., Soul, Funk, Jazz)

Line up:

Vocal: Ruth Koleva

Piano: Filip Alexandrov

Guitar: Stoyan Djaferov

Bass: Svetoslav Nedelchev

Drums: Bogomil Enchev

“Koleva is the best thing we’ve had from Eastern Europe lately”

Koleva 是我们最近从欧洲得到过最美妙的事物

Robert Elms – BBC




When you think of music, Bulgaria is not the first place that comes to mind. But it definitely got soul and Ruth Koleva is leading the pack. Born into the hardship of post-Communist Eastern Europe, she quickly developed into a rounded artist. There were multiple excursions into local scenes, a stint at the Hollywood Pop Academy… Then came her debut album. RUTH scooped the top prize at the BG Radio Awards in 2014. Hit-making producer Mark Ronson (Amy Winehouse, Lady Gaga) called it “amazing”.

Koleva has since become a national treasure. She’s shared the stage with legends including jazz vocalist Bobby McFerrin, wooed kindred spirits like N’Dambi and performed two sold-out concerts at Bulgaria Hall with the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra.

The power of her music is subtle yet absorbing, rewarding those who spend time with it. She is also very versatile and has collaborated on remixes with the cream of the global underground including Kaidi Tatham, DJ Spinna, Mark De Clive-Lowe, Eric Lau, Opolopo and Shuya Okino.

在巴尔干山和多瑙河环抱的国土上,除了娇艳欲滴的玫瑰花,素有“上帝的后花园”之称的保加利亚还孕育出了许多优秀的音乐人,其中一个,就是爵士乐新秀 Ruth Koleva。

尽管在成长的过程中经历了许多艰辛,Ruth 并没有放弃自己的梦想,而是将不屈不挠的精神融入到了自己的音乐当中。在保加利亚当地的音乐圈多次曝光,并在好莱坞流行音乐学院短暂停留后,她于2011年发布了自己的首张专辑《Within Whisper》。该专辑一经发售就在保加利亚引起巨大反响,广受当地听众好评。



"Ruth 和活力音乐(该专辑发行公司)应该为这张专辑感到骄傲。"


2012年,Ruth 凭借《Within Whisper》一举夺下红秀(又名GRAZIA,世界知名时尚杂志)年度代表女性奖项和2012年BG电台(保加利亚最大的流行音乐电台)年度最佳女歌手奖项。

事实反映了 Ruth 的不安分的精神和成长,她与过去的自己调情,直面自己内心的魔鬼,并在不断的自我成长中发现乐趣。Ruth 并没有满足于现状,随后,她获得了与获格莱美奖的爵士歌手鲍比麦克菲林一同登台演出的机会,并为世界知名女歌手劳伦·希尔演唱会开场。连英国著名流行歌手马克·劳森都在推特上主动跟 Ruth 互动。

在与世界级的歌手同台演出的过程中和不断的自我提升当中,Ruth 收到了国家索菲亚交响乐团的邀请,这是保加利亚索菲亚交响乐团成立以来首次也是唯一一次跟非古典音乐的艺术家合作。2015年,Ruth 在保加利亚国家剧院和索菲亚交响乐团共同举行了音乐会,并引起了巨大反响。两年后,她又应邀举行了第二次音乐会。


Ruth Koleva 带着她的第二张专辑“Confidence”回归。这张专辑是一个深度个人化的流行歌曲集合,它包含种种情绪, 从忧郁的个人独白到史诗渲染,愉快的圣歌。为更好的平衡,还带着一点微微的蔑视。

Bulgarian singer songwriter Ruth Koleva returns with her second album, Confidence. Truth. It’s a deeply personal collection of pop songs encapsulating a variety of moods – from melancholic studio confessions to epic, euphoric anthems. With a little brassy defiance thrown in for good measure.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年10月14日 15:00

门票/Ticket: 80(ADV)/100(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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