
10/10 DCC ▶ OZMA - 欧洲爵士音乐场景里的UFO | French Fusion World Jazz



Born from France, OZMA, an outstanding contemporary jazz band, is absorbing advantages of various music styles since it was founded in 2001. The band name, OZMA, was inspired by the alien civilization exploring project, and it states their wish that they could gain responses from the universe of music. After years of development, OZMA grew from a trio to a quintet and proved it a success by their works. Nowadays, OZMA has become into one of the most exciting band in the jazz filed of Europe.

每一次的巡演对于OZMA来说都是一次“灵感之旅”。他们会为到过的城市,体验过的文化创作专辑,这才有了一张张风格各异的专辑。当对话乐团鼓手Stéphane Scharlé的时候,他很自信地向我们推荐乐团的每一张专辑,不同喜好的听众似乎都能在OZMA的音乐中找到中意的乐曲。而对于OZMA这样一支多元的乐团,听者会给予怎样的定义呢?只有经历了他们现场你才会知道!


Every show tour of OZMA is an “inspiring experience”. Their albums with various music styles were created for the cities and cultures they had been experienced. The drummer, Stéphane Scharlé, recommended each and every albums of the band confidently while we were having a dialogue with him. It seems that audiences with different preferences could find their favorite works from albums of OZMA. Then, how would audiences define the music works from such a band with diverse styles? You’ll find it out in their live show!




A:我们对天文学很好奇,我们听说过OZMA这个项目。 所以即使不是我们所有人都是Si-Fi粉丝(虽然贝斯手Edouar是科幻铁粉!)我们真的很喜欢在宇宙中发送声音(音乐)的概念! 人们说音乐是通用的...好吧,我们还在等待回应!

Q:The name, OZMA, was inspired by the scientific effort that American made to explore alien civilization using radio telescope in 1960. By what chance you decided to use this name for your band when it was founded. Are the members all Si-Fi fans?

A:We were quite curious about astronomy and we heard of the project OZMA. So even if not all of us are Si-Fi Fans (Edouard the bassist is a huge one though!) we really loved the concept of sending sounds (music) in the universe! People say Music is Universal... well, we are still waiting for a response!


A:2001年,吉他手Adrien Dennefeld,贝斯手EdouardSéro-Guillaume和我(鼓手StéphaneScharlé)三人在埃尔萨斯的斯特拉斯堡音乐学院相遇,组建了最初的OZMA三重奏。乐队以三重奏的形式几年之后,想探索一种更大的形式,所以我们David Florsch和Guillaume Nuss加入乐队担任萨克斯和长号。坚持多年的五重奏对于我们来说是一个真正的启示。现在,Julien Soro在演奏萨克斯和键盘,Tam de Villiers在弹吉他。

Q:.We’ve learnt that OZMA was founded into a trio, but now it is a quintet. We want to know by what chance have five of the members got together and start to play music?

A:The original trio composed of Adrien Dennefeld (Guitar), Edouard Séro-Guillaume (Bass) and myself (Stéphane Scharlé - Drums) met at the conservatory of Strasburg in Elsass in 2001. After a few years in trio we wanted to explore a larger form so we invited David Florsch (Sax) and Guillaume Nuss (trombone) to join the band. This was a real revelation and we sticked to the quintet for many years! Nowadays, Julien Soro is playing the Sax (and keyboards) and Tam de Villiers is on the guitar.


A:这可能取决于听众。 如果你是Pink Floyd粉丝那你可能会很喜欢我们2014年的专辑《New Tales》。如果你更喜欢后摇,那么2012年的《Peacemaker》将为你提供一个广阔的宇宙。对于放克乐成瘾者,欢迎聆听2005年的《OZMA》2007年的《Electric Taxi Land》。 但如果您想了解2018年OZMA的声音,《Welcome Home》是最好的选择! 好消息是我们所有的专辑都可以在我们的网站上免费收听:www.ozma.fr,有些也在中国的音乐平台上!好吧......感谢Space Circle和Tsong Dao Prod。

Q:The creation of the band is maintaining stable quantity and quality, and six albums has been presented by now. If you may, what would be your recommendation among all your works and why?

A:It may depend on the listener. If you are a Pink Floyd fan than you could really like New Tales (2014). If you are more into Post-Rock, than Peacemaker (2012) has a great universe. For the funk addicts check out OZMA (2005) and Electric Taxi Land (2007). But if you want to discover what OZMA sounds like in 2018, Welcome Home (2016) is the one! Good news, all our albums are in free listening on our website: www.ozma.fr and some are on Chinese plateforms too ! well… thanks to Space Circle and Tsong Dao Prod.


A:说到这个,Wayne Shorter在我脑海中浮现,因为他刚刚庆祝他的八十五周年纪念。他是一个生动的爵士乐传奇!想象一下,他与Jazz Messengers、Miles Davis、Weather Report一起玩音乐,自2000年以来,他仍用他那难以置信的四重奏去寻找开辟新的方向。他是一个很好的榜样,给了我很多灵感。OZMA收获的影响是多元的,并不只来源于爵士乐。我们喜欢摇滚、嘻哈、传统音乐、电子音乐...... 我们的音乐风格是我们不同背景的重聚,这会产生一些惊喜。(OZMA成立之初,我还曾在一个金属乐队演奏)

Q:Who is the most respectful jazz master in your mind? And under whose influence has the band form its present music style?

A:Wayne Shorter comes to my mind because he just celebrated his 85th anniversary. He is a living Jazz Legend! Just imagine, he played with the Jazz Messengers, Miles Davis, Weather Report and since 2000 he is still searching new paths with his incredible quartet. He is a great example and inspiration to me.OZMA’s influences are multiple and not only from the jazz sphere, we love rock, hip-hop, traditional music, electronic music... Our style is the reunion of our different backgrounds, and this generates some surprises... (Fyi, I played in a metal band when OZMA was founded... :-)

Wayne Shorter


Q:据说《WELCOME HOME》这张专辑有很多歌曲的灵感来自乐团以往巡演路途上的趣事。可以给我们分享一些最记忆深刻的吗?

A:你知道他们说了什么:巡演发生的一切就留在巡演中!巡演中发现其他国家的文化是令人着迷且鼓舞人心的。 我们喜欢将歌曲献给我们过去的城市。 我们的下一张专辑将完全建立在2018年的巡演体验之上。 我们已经为欧洲和非洲创作了音乐。 我相信我们2018年秋季的中国,印尼和印度之旅将带来更多的灵感!

Q:.It is said that many songs in the album, WELCOME HOME, were inspired by interesting things happened during the tours you held before. Can you please share with us some of those most impressive ones?

A:You know what they say: what happens on tour, stays on tour!!! Being able to travel and discover other cultures is fascinating and inspiring. We love to dedicate songs to the cities we have been. Our next album will totally be built on our 2018 tour experiences. We already have composed music for Europe and Africa. And I’m sure our fall 2018 Chinese, Indonesian and Indian tours will bring many more inspirations!   

Q:《WELCOME HOME》这张专辑是OZMA重归五重奏后的专辑,所以“WELCOME HOME”这个专辑名是否对乐团来说也意味着某种回归呢?

A:对我们2009年到2016年之间离开乐队的长号演奏家Guillaume Nuss来说是这样的,真是一眨眼。专辑名献给他和封面上那个可怜的女孩......

Q:WELCOME HOME is an album created and presented after OZMA returned to the form of a quintet. So, does the name, WELCOME HOME, have signify some sort of returning of the band?

A:It is indeed a wink to our trombone player Guillaume Nuss who left the band from 2009 till 2016. The title is a dedication to him and to the (poor) girl on the album cover...


Q:我们都很喜欢《HE SAVED THE GIRL (ONCE AGAIN)》那支超酷的MV,是怎样的灵感触发您们制作了这支MV呢?

A:非常感谢!这支MV是由一位朋友、令人惊叹的数字艺术家Anne Horel创作的。她的作品真的很疯狂,我们觉得这音乐真的很适合。我们告诉她,这里有一些音乐,这里是我们的疯狂照片。你会用这些做出什么呢?然后这支MV就诞生了。

Q:We love the super cool MV of the song HE SAVED THE GIRL (ONCE AGAIN). So, what inspired you to present such a MV?

A:Thank you very much! This Music Video was created by a friend and amazing digital artist Anne Horel. Her artwork is really crazy and we though this music would really fit to it. We told her, here is some music and here are crazy pictures of us. What would you do with this? And this happened.




A:我认为这是一个很好的定义! 我们有这种摇滚乐的背景和能量。 爵士乐是我们的基础,即兴创作我们的自由感,电子的声响越来越多的运用...... 对于我们的秋季亚洲巡演中,我们在舞台上添加了两个键盘,并对号产生了影响,会将我们的现场提升到一个新的高度!

Q:Someone commented that the music of OZMA is formed of “the freedom of jazz music and the trance of electronic music, together with some of the rock and roll features”. So, how do you define your music?

A:I think it is quite a good definition! We have this rock background, this energy. Jazz is our basis and improvisation our freedom And the electronic sounds are taking over more and more...... For our Fall tours in Asia, we have added two keyboards on stage and effects on the Horns, taking it to a new level !


A:是的,这是OZMA首次在中国演出! 我们都非常高兴能为中国观众演奏,并在十多个城市展示我们的音乐! 我们希望我们有一点时间来发现更多你们令人惊奇的文化。 请不要害羞,来和我们聊聊!

Q:OZMA will come to China and have a tour. Will that be your first time to come to China? And what do you expect about your visiting?

A:Yes, it is the first time OZMA will perform in China! We are all very excited to play for the Chinese audience and present our music in more than 10 cities! We hope that we’ll have a bit of time to discover more of your amazing culture. Please don’t be shy and come talk to us!

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年10月10日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 70(ADV)/90(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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