
11/03 DDC ▶ 车库 / 电子 / 摇滚:NOT A SINGLE BREAK / Eldad / Low Bow

乐队 Bands:

NOT A SINGLE BREAK (RU., Rock, Alternative)

Eldad (IL., Electronic)

Low Bow (Garage Rock)

NOT A SINGLE BREAK (RU., Rock, Alternative)

NOT A SINGLE BREAK! 是一只另类摇滚乐队,于2008年在莫斯科由四位校友成立。十年间这支乐队取得了斐然的成绩:出版两张LP和一张EP,录制了相当的单曲和MV,其中一些在MTV频道和俄罗斯广播电视台播出。

乐队最新出版的两张专辑在澳大利亚Graz录制,专辑制作人曾为Anti-Flag, Good Riddance, The Flatliners等工作,也曾为Anti-Flag作过嘉宾主唱。

在录制专辑期间,乐队同时参加了欧洲的多场音乐节,包括在拉脱维亚的Kubana Festival,与NoFX, Enter Shikari, Garbage, Guano Apes同台演出。

受到美国与英国的摇滚乐队(Foo Fighters, The Killers, 30 seconds to Mars, Against Me!, Anti-Flag, Green Day)影响,乐队发展出了自己独特的风格。在过去的几年中,NOT A SINGLE BREAK!曾为One Republic, Biffy Clyro, Anti-Flag, Awolnation, Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance)在大型音乐节上作开场演出。乐队也在电视/电台/莫斯科/圣彼得堡举办了专场演出。

2018年4月,NOT A SINGLE BREAK!第一次来到中国巡演,在北京,大连,哈尔滨,长春,沈阳举办了一共七场演出。

The band NOT SINGLE BREAK! From Moscow can be surly called the new flagships of Russian independent guitar rock. Participating in many different festivals such as KUBANA or DOBROfest, the band always makes their mark in audience memory. Each concert NOT SINGLE BREAK! turns into an interactive show, which all present people participate in.

Not Single Break! aren’t newcomers, in 2018 the band’s turned 10 years. This is an example of how, starting from the school bench, driven only by their own inexhaustible enthusiasm, the musicians are becoming a notable phenomenon in the horizon of a new wave of Russian guitar rock. Nowadays Not Single Break! has two full-length albums and EP, a whole set of videos that have been in the rotation of well-known tv channels, participation in major Russian festivals and supporting bands like One Republic, Biffy Clyro, One Ok Rock, Vanilla Sky, "TARAKANI!" and many others.

Their second album "All or Nothing” the musicians recorded at an Austrian studio under the direction of producer Tom Zwanzger, known for working with bands like Anti-Flag, Goldfinger, A Wilhelm Scream and others.

The recent studio work, called Ghosts, was also recorded abroad, and became the first fully English CD. The album support tour included gigs from Beijing to Europe.

Right now, the musicians are preparing for the second big tour in China and the Far East.

It's enough to see the live performance of NSB ! to understand that their main drivers are positive and cheerfulness. Having absorbed themselves all the best from modern guitar music, they are ready to conquer the stage not only with youth and impudence, but also with a quality level that is fundamentally new for the Russian scene.

Eldad (IL., Electronic)

Eldad Zitrin 是一个“单人乐队”,结合了他作为音乐家,制作人,编曲家,词曲作者,多乐器演奏家和歌手的才华。无论是流行音乐,古典音乐还是世界音乐,Eldad Zitrin 都可以将不同的音乐风格和流派融合成原创的,开创性的作品。

Eldad Zitrin is a “one man band”, combining his talents as a musician, producer, arranger, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and singer. Whether it’s pop, classical or world music- Eldad Zitrin harmonizes different musical styles and genres into original, groundbreaking compositions.

十多年来,Zitrin 与以色列多名艺术家合作制作了无数的专辑和作品,如 Idan Raichel,Shlomi Shabat,Rita,Arkadi Duchin,Mika Karni和Arik Einstein。 Eldad 还为第一频道电视剧“Where Do You Live”创作原创乐谱,并与制片人 Nir Maimon 共同为 Alaev 家族制作了一张专辑。

For over a decade, Zitrin has collaborated on countless albums and productions with distinguished artists in Israel such as Idan Raichel, Shlomi Shabat, Rita, Arkadi Duchin, Mika Karni and Arik Einstein. Eldad also wrote and composed original scores for Channel One TV series “Where Do You Live”, and co-produced an album for the Alaev family alongside producer Nir Maimon.

2011年,The Duo 与歌手 Irit Dekel 合作创作了“Last of Songs”。这些曲目为爵士乐歌曲提供了新的诠释,融入了流行,民族,古典和电子音乐。该二重奏组在德国,意大利,西班牙,荷兰以及the Tel Aviv Jazz Festival and the Red Sea Jazz Festival 上演出。

In 2011, in partnership with singer Irit Dekel, The Duo created the “Last of Songs” project. The tracks offered new interpretations to familiar jazz songs, infused with a touch of pop, ethnic, classical and electronic music. The duo performed in Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands and also at the Tel Aviv Jazz Festival and the Red Sea Jazz Festival.

自2015年以来,Zitrin 将他作为制片人编曲者的成功转化为他自己的艺术野心,并开始创作和制作自己的音乐。整个2016年,Eldad 以他自己的 “单人乐队” 音乐表演形式,用声学和电子乐器,钢琴,合成器,手风琴,曼陀林,萨克斯,鼓,人声,打击乐等录制自己的音乐作品。

Since 2015, Zitrin has translated his success as a producer-arranger into his own artistic ambition and started writing and producing his own music. Throughout 2016, Eldad began performing with his own music as a “one-man-band”, recording himself live on acoustic and electric instruments, piano, synths, accordion, mandolin, saxophone, drums, vocals, percussion and more, creating his music in layers.

这个想法为观众提供不同的现场表演的体验,以及在他们眼前录制的录音室体验。 Eldad 以一种观众可以听到,观看和理解音乐各个部分的方式构建他的音乐。这些歌曲分层创建,从一个乐器线到完整,完整的播放,伴随着他的声音,然后在舞台上现场直播。

The idea was to give the audience a different live performing experience, an experience of a studio recording right in front of their eyes. Eldad builds his music in a way that the audience can hear, watch and understand each part of the music separately as it comes together. The songs are created in layers from one instrument line into a full, complete playback which accompanies his voice, live on stage.

2017年初,他发行了他的第一个个人音乐项目。 Double Album, 包括一张流行与独立风格专辑和一张古典独奏钢琴专辑。

At the beginning of 2017, he released his first solo music project. The Double Album consists of one pop/indie album and one classical solo piano album.

2018年3月,Eldad 参加了新的大众高尔夫广告,在驾驶时在汽车后座上现场演唱他的原创歌曲“Three Old Words”。

In March 2018 Eldad took part in the new Volkswagen Golf commercial, performing his original song "Three Old Words" live on the back seat of the car while being driven.

"Three Old Words" 这张新的专辑于2018年8月10日发布,目前在包括国家电台在内的所有平台上播放。 这张专辑包括由Eldad编写的新原创歌曲,还包括HALO(Beyoncé)和Rather Be(Clean Bandit)等知名热门歌曲。所有的歌曲都是在录音棚中录制并在现场拍摄,并同步在所有数字平台逐一发布和播放。

"Three Old Words"- the new EP was released on August 10th, 2018 and is currently played on all platforms[E1]  including national radio. The EP offers new original songs written by Eldad and also cover versions of well-known hits such as HALO (Beyoncé) and Rather Be (Clean Bandit). All songs were recorded and filmed Live in the studio and are being released and broadcasted these days one by one to all Digital platforms.

Low Bow (Garage Rock)

LOW BOW是一支车库摇滚,布鲁斯,后朋克的二人组合乐队。主唱/吉他手是来自爱尔兰的董默涵,鼓手是 Birdstriking,吉他手/鼓手王欣九。LOW BOW成立于2012年在北京海淀。当年只有默涵一个人,边弹琴边踩底鼓。该风格可以 理解为one-man-punk blues(一个人朋克布鲁斯)。

由于默涵经常在北京实验乐的摇篮场地D-22就认识了王欣九并开始中爱两国在实验摇滚的平台长进行深度的研究。LOW BOW深受60年代美国西岸迷幻法子摇滚乐队的影响,尤其是The Stooges. 在每一场演出试图通过激动人心的简约摇滚创造一个纯净的,充满喜悦的现场。当然,现场观众的参与是不可缺少。 虽然默涵一个人分别在中国和爱尔兰录制了不少于6张小样带, LOW BOW却到了2014年Nevin Domer的独立唱片公司根茎才录制并行了第一张正式黑胶E.P.

“Win With A Draw”(以打平为胜)并且开始在中国巡演。 董默涵一家2014年离开北京返回老家爱尔兰首都,都柏林定居不过由于他所从事的工作, 每年能有4-5次出差到北京的机会。这样LOW BOW就能继续演出并录制新曲子。

2018年王欣九正式成为了LOW BOW鼓手。在美国音乐人 Brad M.Seippel 的指导下,二人进了Namu Image(那木录音棚)录制了新的小专辑,名为Heavy Days(沉重的日子)。在2018年 LOW BOW 计划为该专辑在国内开始巡演。希望在近一年能扩大演出的范围到中国各大城市乃至美丽的“翠绿之岛”爱尔兰,把中国和爱尔兰最令人震撼,鼓舞人心的演出送给大家。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time:2018年11月3日 21:00

门票/Ticket:  60(ADV)/ 80(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com   

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