12/05 DDC ▶ 俄罗斯爵士鼓手领衔 Dmitry's Art Syndicate (Jazz)


Dmitry's Art Syndicate is 

Drums: Dmitry Strelianny (RU)

Sax: 刘晓光 (CN)

Bass: 丁睿 Ray (CN)

Drums鼓手: Dmitry Strelianny (RU)

Dmitry Strelianny 擅长观察与学习,喜欢从他人的看法、声音和历史中找到灵感。然后将这些学到的知识,综合传达整理,运用到今后的创作中去。

Dmitry Strelianny tirelessly learns, studies, observes, takes notes, and finds inspiration from the perceptions of others, from their sound and their history. In the future he plans to spend more time writing music that synthesizes and transforms the many influences from which he emerged.


With his band, that provides him the most direct opportunity to explore and expand his own thoughts in music Dmitry relishes a sense of open-mindedness. He has listened to lots of different musical styles as long as he remembers. He continues to absorb all these influences and in doing so create his own voice—by combining their forces into a harmonic whole. He seeks to blend the various styles and sounds he loves into a balanced, tasteful musical language.

Dmitry Strelianny 出生于俄罗斯的托木斯克。他在那里生活了5年,最初的音乐灵感来自他哥哥和姐姐从古典音乐到前卫音乐的黑胶唱片收藏。14岁生日的前几天他开始尝试演奏,当时他就读于高加索南部的高中。与大多数青少年一样,他被摇滚音乐及其所有的形式影响着。所以随后不久, 他便开始了他的第一个音乐项目,加入一支当地名叫“Crossover”的乐队。

Dmitry Strelianny was born in Tomsk, Russia. Here he spent the first five years of his life inspired by music of his elder brother’s and sister’s LPs, from “classical” to avant-garde. He began playing music just days before his 14th birthday at High School on the south side of Caucasus, where he grew up. Like the most teenagers he was impressed by rock music and all its formations and as a result of it, his first step was local crossover bands.


Dmitry第一次聆听了来自纽约的由Max Roach、Art Blakey、Ray Brown、The Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra管弦乐团及Lee Morgan等大师的乐队演出,他知道自己将来想去这样的地方发展,他觉得他需要在这种氛围中生活,这样才能在音乐上成长。接下来,他便开始在莫斯科音乐学院学习。此后,他于2008年进入阿姆斯特丹音乐学院进修。

After hearing groups from New York led by masters like Max Roach, Art Blakey, Ray Brown, The Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Orchestra, Lee Morgan, Dmitry knew where he wanted to go next. He felt he needed to be around this kind of atmosphere in order to grow musically.



Along with explosive power, blinding speed and mastery of rhythms and time signatures, Dmitry brings a rare sense of elegance, tried-by- fire composure, and a gritty street funk to his music. His artistic ingenuity expresses itself in his technique, sense of swing, and an extraordinary ability to imbue his music with majestic grace and elegant repose.

Sax萨克斯: 刘晓光 (CN)

次中音萨克斯手刘晓光是位多才多艺的音乐家,涉及作曲,编曲。曾是腾格尔“苍狼”乐队中的键盘手。小娟&山谷里的居民 乐队的口琴和长笛手。阿Q爵士乐队的萨克斯手。在北京十多年的现场演出中积累大量演出经验,曾经执教于北京现代音乐学院萨克斯讲师。参加的乐队和合作过的爵士音乐家包括:“闪鼓派”乐队,“北京城市爵士大乐队”“摩登泡泡乐队”“北京森霖爵士大乐队”“Beijing Blue Note Jazz Big Band”“五香冯克乐队”“HaYa乐队”顾忠山“红节奏Funk乐队”“高太行、夏佳、文志勇、刘玥、贝贝、莫瑞龙、张柯、大淮、小豆、梁颖、李晓川、张雄关、古贺泉、Royal Hartigan、David Bindman、Art Hirahara、Billy kilson、Jaleel Shaw、Conrad herwig及Ingrid Jensen等。

Bass: 丁睿 Ray (CN)

毕业于北京现代音乐学院爵士乐学院,师从大中、马锴、Dan Callaghan等国内知名贝斯演奏家,毕业后师从爵士长号手杨明学习爵士理论与实践。在校期间连续两年获得北京现代音乐学院爵士学院最高奖学金——“佩里扎罗奖学金”


活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年12月5日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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