
12/07 DDC ▶ 巴西迪斯科朋克Blastfemme中国巡演 (BRA disco punk, Hardcore)


BLASTFEMME (BRA disco punk,post-punk,punk, hardcore, black metal, digital)

Supported Band:

Lonely Leary (post-punk)

XIAO WANG (punk, hardcore, black metal)

Thruoutin (digital)


从巴西里约热内卢危险的地下深处出现了BLASTFEMME。乐队在女权主义的教条下形成,在极具爆炸性的音乐现场中,朋克缪斯Danny Vallejo气势汹汹的站立在舞台上,紧迫感,反抗,感性和力量一应俱全。迪斯科朋克节拍加上旋律,时而微妙,更多时候则变得肮脏和混乱。


From the depths of the dangerous underground of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, BLASTFEMME appears. Band formed under the feminist dogma that embodies in explosive concerts the urgency, the revolt, the sensuality and power of the cause in the presence of imposing stage of the punk muse Danni Vallejo. Driven by disco punk beats added with melodies sometimes subtle and at other times, dirty and confused.

The band is newly formed and is in the process of recording their first album, in the face of the current political moment in Brazilian, Blastfemme presents itself as a resistance, a fight, a force in the movement for women's rights in the country.

Lonely Leary (post-punk)

过去几年来,中国的很多乐队都以简洁厚重的后朋克之声为标志,但Lonely Leary无疑是其中最为厉烈凶狠对一支。乐队成员邱驰、宋昂和李保宁在山东读大学时相识,他们在校园让人窒息的无聊中打造着自己的音乐。移居北京后,三人加入首都沉降音乐大潮,最终确立了自己的标志性声音——将快速鼓击、粗粝贝斯与尖锐吉他噪音混合成紧张又充满侵略性的一记记重怼。2018年春天,乐队在兵马司唱片发行了首张专辑《穿过公园就到了》,这是一张以后朋克和噪音摇滚为主要风格的唱片,并在同年夏天和秋天分别完成了乐队首次国内巡演和欧洲巡演。

Many bands around China have tuned into a lean, heavy post-punk sound over the last several years, but nobody does it meaner than Lonely Leary. The band members, also as college classmates—Qiu Chi, Song Ang, and Li Baoning, who forged their sound out of the crushing boredom that pervaded their university campus in a culture-starved outreach of Shandong province. Since relocating to Beijing and plugging in to the capital’s cresting wave of downer music, Lonely Leary has landed on their trademark dynamic, blending fast drums, muddy bass and rough guitar noise into a tense, menacing pummel. Lonely Leary released their debut album <Through the Park, Almost There> (Post Punk & Noise Rock) under the label Maybe Mars in the spring of 2018, and then toured in China and Europe in summer and autumn.

XIAO WANG (punk, hardcore, black metal)


Xiao Wang is a Kawaii Core band. Founded in 2017 in the Gulou area in Beijing, Xiao Wang is considered to be inspired by punk, hardcore, black metal and anime culture. In short, between the chaos and the cuteness, everything about Xiao Wang's music is honest and has raw expression. By utilizing their unique voice and their emotions in good faith, they resist and face the world.

thruoutin (digital)


他曾在北美洲和亚洲有过巡回演出,除了发行过个人独立唱片,他与多家唱片公司都有过合作关系,例如燃音乐和京味2017年他曾在Boiler Room中国演出,此外他在豆瓣音乐、Wetware乐节北音乐节登上过舞台


American born electronic producer and multi-instrumentalist, thruoutin, has been based in China since 2009.

His work varies from project to project, but often revolves around the combining of different genres with a focus on organic and digital sounds.

He has extensively toured through North America and Asia; releasing music on several labels along the way.

Most Recently he has put out work with Beijing labels RAN Music and Jingweir aswell as performing on Boiler Room China and playing at festivals such as Wetware and Jiangbei.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年12月7日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 80(ADV)/100(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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