
4/02 DDC ▶ 阿根廷多器乐打击乐演奏家 Pablo La Porta (AR, Multi-Instrument)

Pablo La Porta plays Hang, Angklung ,Kalimba, stones and dry leaves.

Pablo La Porta musician, percussionist, drummer and composer. He dedicates his career to the study and investigation of multiple instruments of percussion of diverse cultures. He graduated in the Municipal Conservatory of Music "Manuel de Falla" as Master of Music, with the specialty in Percussion. He studied orchestral percussion in the United States in 1993 and 1994 with Elden C. Bailey, Chris Lamb and Rolland Kohloff, soloists of the New York Philharmonic.

Pablo La Porta 是来自阿根廷的音乐家、打击乐演奏家和作曲家。致力于不同文化中的打击乐器的研究和演奏,担任阿根廷科隆剧院交响乐团和布宜诺斯艾利斯爱乐乐团打击乐手,科隆剧院室内乐团成员。曾出版打击乐独奏专辑《十一》《独自一人》、Porta 毕业于阿根廷著名的 the Municipal Conservatory of Music "Manuel de Falla" 音乐学院打击乐专业。1993年和1994年期间在美国跟随纽约交响乐团打击乐演奏家 Elden C Bailey、Chis Lamb 和 Rolland Kohlof 学习。

Pablo La Porta plays Water,Kalimba, Shruti box ...and a phone call

He took Frame drum classes with Glen Velez, Udu drums with Jimmy Hadad, Hindi board with Kinhar K. Seen and d'jembe with Babatunde Olatunji and Kahinde O'Uhuru. In New York's Drummer Collective he studied drums with Bobby Sanabria and Kim Plainfield.

跟随 Glen Velez 学习框鼓,跟随 Jimmy Hadad 学习巫毒鼓,跟随 Kinhar K. Seen 学习印度塔布拉鼓,跟 Babatunde Olatunji 学习非洲手鼓,在纽约 Drummer Collective 学校学习电子鼓。

He is Professor of the Percussion Chair of the Juan Pedro Esnaola School of Music, from 1988 to date. He is Professor of Percussion at ISFA Higher Institute of Artistic Training and directs the Percussion ensemble ESEAM J.P Esnaola, in Buenos Aires Argentina. It teaches seminars and Master Class throughout the country and abroad as Germany, Belgium, Spain, Uruguay, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Mexico, Italy, France, Portugal. He is a founder and member of the percussion quartet Paralelo 33, with which he has performed since 1995 at the following national and international festivals.

从1988年起至今担任阿根廷 “Juan Pedro ESnaola” 音乐学校打击乐教师,在阿根廷 ISFA 高等艺术培训学校任教。曾在意大利、法国、葡萄牙、比利时、西班牙、德国、乌拉圭、古巴、波多黎各、巴西、墨西哥等国家巡演,并开设短期大师课。1995年创建了“平行33”四重奏打击乐队,多次首要在阿根廷及其他国际音乐节上演出。


墨西哥拉丁美洲国际音乐节、波多黎各第六届国际打击乐节、古巴国际打击乐节、波多黎各第七届国际打击乐节、意大利国际打击乐节、法国国际打击乐节、阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯探戈节、从2003年到2006年连续参阿根廷 BAP 打击乐节、从2005年到2008年参加乌拉圭国际音乐节

Mexico | International Festival of Latin American Music. Puerto Rico VI International Percussion Festival. Cuba | International Percuba Festival. Puerto Rico | VII International Percussion Festival. Italy | PerNACO International Percussion Festival. France | Le Journnes Percussion International Percussion Festival. Argentina Buenos Aires | Fimba. Y Festival of TangoArgentina Buenos Aires | BAP Percussion Festival 2003 to 2006 Uruguay | International Festival of "Music in the Lighthouse". 2005 to 2008 Argentina Rio Negro | Patagonia Percussion Festival.

He works as an additional musician contracted in the Stable Orchestra of the Colon Theater and the Buenos Aires Philharmonic Orchestra. He was a member of the Chamber Opera of the Colón Theater with which he toured in Brazil in 2005 and in 2006 in France. Conducted the Musical Direction and interpretation of the work "Perséphone" with music of Iannis Xenakis, and choreography of Alejandro Cervera in the CETC of the Colón Theater. Extrenò large quantity of works of composers between which it emphasizes Metrópolis of  Fritz Lang with the musical composition of Martin Matalon. He played alongside Jean Paul Bernard, member of the Strassbourg Percussionists. He collaborated with composers Annette Schlunz (Germany), Ney Rosauro (Brazil), James Tenney (United States) among others. His work is embodied in his two solo albums, "Eleven" and "Uno solo". He participated in the following albums, among others: Patricia Da Dalt (Ensamble), El Viaje Moguilewsky and Acoustic (Group) Bossa and Stones, Bossa and Marley, Brazilian Chill Sessions, Tango Line Luis Borda Quartet, Bawer- Re Sergio Bulgakov.

他还在 the Stable Orchestra of the Colon Theater 和 the Buenos Aires Philharmonic Orchestra 爱乐乐团担任音乐家。作为 the Chamber Opera of the Colón Theater 的一员,他2005年到巴西演出,2006年到法国演出。他还担任了 Iannis Xenakis 音乐"Perséphone"的音乐指导,并为 the Colón Theater 剧院的 CETC 的 Alejandro Cervera 做编舞。他创作了以 Fritz Lang 的 Metrópolis 和 Martin Matalon 为中心的大量音乐作品。他和 Strassbourg Percussionists  的打击乐成员 Jean Paul Bernard一起演奏。他曾与 Annette Schlunz (Germany)、Ney Rosauro (Brazil)、James Tenney (United States)等音乐家合作。他的作品体现在"Eleven" 和"Uno solo"这两张专辑中。他参与了这些专辑的录制:Patricia Da Dalt (Ensamble)、El Viaje Moguilewsky and Acoustic (Group) Bossa and Stones、Bossa and Marley、Brazilian Chill Sessions、Tango Line Luis Borda Quartet、Bawer- Re Sergio Bulgakov。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年4月2日 21:00

门票/Ticket:  60(ADV)/80(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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