
3/20 DDC ▶ 艺术摇滚 vs 布鲁斯摇滚:PATHS / Woodshed / Jerry_Atric


PATHS (Rock)

Woodshed (blues rock)

Jerry_Atric  (soul & blues)

PATHS (Rock)

Paths is at once melancholic and at other times sharp and caustic - Its definitely rock music but the band intersperses poetry bites and other odd, slightly frantic additions that snap at unexpecting listeners and keep them guessing - Members of the band like bands such as Radiohead, Mars Volta, Pixies - so maybe that kind of thing.

Paths 既忧郁又锐利和具有侵蚀性,他们绝对的摇滚,其中穿插着诗歌的碎片和另外的稀奇古怪,略带疯狂的附产品紧紧抓住了不曾料到的听众并让他们保持好奇。成员受到像 Radiohead, Mars Volta, Pixie s等影响。

Eric Allen Woodshed band (blues rock)

Singer / songwriter, Eric Allen, brings his soulful sound and WOODSHED band to China’s hottest stages.

Playing both originals and covers influenced by American blues rock legends, the Eric Allen Woodshed is Beijing's only band that combines a rocky style with authentic American Chicago, Texas, & Mississippi Delta blues.

The Woodshed band is:

Guitar / Vocal: Eric ‘Blind Howlin’ Allen (US)

Guitar: Lenny Mississippi (RU)

Bass: Rotten Jimmy Memphis (AU)

Harp/Sax: Ben ‘Boogieman’ Broonzy (UK)

Drums: Big Bad Eddie Bones (US)

美国歌手/创作者 Eric Allen 将他充满深情的歌声及他的柴房乐队 (Woodshed) 带到中国的舞台。

Eric 及他的乐队主要翻唱美国正统蓝调歌曲,并演唱他的原创作品。该乐队深受美国蓝调摇滚传奇歌手的影响,是唯一一支活跃在北京舞台上的演唱正统美国芝加哥、得克萨斯及密西西比三角洲蓝调并融合了摇滚音乐的乐队。

Jerry_Atric (soul & blues)

Jerry_Atric (Modern Woman) is a down and dirty American soul & blues singer. She writes original music from her experiences while growing up hard in a New Orleans, Louisiana church house with a Caribbean family. Jerry_Atric has been featured at several Beijing venues as well as having played and recorded for many years in the US.

Jerry_Atric 是个忧郁的美国灵魂布鲁斯歌手。她在新奥尔良路易斯安那州的一个加勒比家庭和教堂环境中成长,从这些经历中她写下了她的原创音乐。她在美国及北京有过诸多录音和演出经验。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年3月20日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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