
4/21 DDC ▶「玫瑰爵士」意大利爵士歌手 Simona De Rosa (IT, Jazz)


Vocal: Simona De Rosa (IT)

Organ: 周侠 (CHN)

Guitar: 张晶 (CHN)

Drums: Antonio Fusco (IT)

Vocal: Simona De Rosa (IT)

Simona De Rosa 是一位斩获众多奖项的歌手、作曲家、教育家。她出生于意大利那不勒斯,从十岁起开始学习钢琴,之后开始接触从古典音乐到流行音乐多种类型的音乐,并对爵士乐和即兴创作产生极大兴趣。她已经发行了两张专辑,并参与很多专辑的录制。在纽约的爵士舞台她已经有了一席之地,目前开始自己的国际巡回演出。

Simona De Rosa is an award-winning singer, composer, educator. Having released two albums as a leader and appearing on numerous albums, she has established herself in the NY jazz scene and continues touring internationally. Born in Napoli, Italy, Simona De Rosa started to play piano at the age of ten. As a teenager she discovered her voice and started singing different types of music from classical to pop and soon become fascinated by jazz and the thrilling possibilities of spontaneous improvisation.

在那不勒斯学习的时候,Simona 开始参与很多乐队的工作。毕业后,她搬到了纽约,在这期间她就读于纽约皇后学院继续深造,也是在这里她学习了专业的编曲和爵士乐表演技巧。

While studying geology science in Napoli, Simona already had the chance to work with many bands ranging from a duo to big bands. After graduating, Simona moved to New York, and has been living there and in Italy since then. During the time in New York, she was enrolled at Queens College where she developed her skills in arranging and jazz performance.

她参加过世界各地著名的爵士音乐节,具有非常丰富的现场表演经验。例如:由 Randal Keith Horton(Duke Ellington, Michael Jackson) 主持的 Duke Ellington Sacred Concerts, 并被演员兼歌手 Dominic Chianese (The Godfather, Sopranos) 邀请多次在曼哈顿著名的 Friars Club 演唱。

She was offered to travel with her projects gracing several stages in USA (United Nations NY, Kupferberg Center of Arts NY, Zinc Bar, Stage 72, Untermayer Park NY, Trumpets Jazz Club NJ, Bloomfield Italian Festival PA, Mercer County Italian Festival NJ, Warren Italian Festival OH, Lake Worth Street Painting Festival FL, Italian American Museum NY, Consulate General of Italy NY, Ft Lauderdale Italian Festival FL, San Gennaro Fest NY, Madonnari Art Festival MD), in Watamu Kenya, Vietnam Hanoi “Jazz Diva Residency at Sofitel Metropole) and Europe with her projects and as guest (Umbria Jazz, Pomigliano Jazz Festival, Moncalieri Jazz Festival, Napoli Jazz Festival, Blue Note Milano, Peperoncino Jazz Festival, Alatri Jazz Festival, Montecorice Jazz Festival, Pozzuoli Jazz Festival, Sunset Jazz Festival, Teatro Summerte, Teatro La Claque, Teatro Eduardo De Filippo, Sunset Jazz Festival, and many more).  Simona joined the Duke Ellington Sacred Concerts conducted by Randal Keith Horton (Duke Ellington, Michael Jackson) and was invited to sing many times at the prestigious Friars Club in Manhattan by the actor/singer Dominic Chianese (The Godfather, Sopranos).

Simona 对于美国与那不勒斯有着非常浓厚的归属感。她积极地为意大利裔美国人社区组织活动。 2014年,由她组织并制作的一场以“同一平行线”命名的音乐会,连接起了那不勒斯和纽约这两座城市。这场音乐会的名字叫做“第41个平行线”。在皇后区 LeFrak 音乐厅的舞台上,有60名音乐家参加了这次大型演出。国家行政主管 Ed. Mangano 也在当晚授予她对意大利裔美国人社区的奉献精神与领导能力的荣誉。在著名的第五大道举行的2014年哥伦布日游行期间,她还应邀代表意大利参加 ABC7 全美电视节目录制。

Simona is also very close to her neapolitan roots in the USA, organizing events for the italian-american community. In 2014 she produced and organized a concert named after the same parallel that links Napoli and New York:”41st parallel”. A titanic operation with 60 musicians on the stage of the LeFrak Concert Hall in Queens. That night was awarded by the Country Executive Ed. Mangano for her spirit of leadership and dedication to the italian-american community. She was also invited to represent Italy for the ABC7 National American TV during the Columbus Day Parade 2014 on the famous Fith Ave.

Simona 同时也是一位活跃在纽约和意大利的音乐教育家。她在纽约的 Dougleston School Of Music, 那不勒斯的 Waves Entertainment School 与 Futura Academy三所学校执教,同时也在纽约和意大利的三个州提供私人课程以及爵士歌唱/合奏的大师班课程。她现在正在国际巡回演出的路上,同时也正在筹备制作她的第三张专辑。

Simona is also an active music teacher both in New York and Italy. She teaches at the Dougleston School Of Music in New York, Waves Entertainment School in Napoli, Futura Academy in Napoli, private lessons in the three states area on NY and Italy, and masterclasses focused on jazz singing/ensemble.

Touring internationally, she’s working on her third album as a leader.

Organ: 周侠 (CHN)

周侠出生于江苏无锡的戏曲梨园世家。9岁时考入上海音乐学院附小(钢琴和双簧管双专业),接受了从附小-附中-大学十多年的专业音乐教育,2004年毕业于上海音乐学院。1999年获得日本高崎国际青年音乐家比赛第2名,1999-2002年多次应邀参加 AYO 并在国际舞台上巡演古典音乐,2000年左右醉心于爵士乐,从2002年开始作为 ALEC HAVICK 摩擦乐队、POSSICOBILITIES 乐队以及崔健乐队键盘手演出。多次参加上海爵士音乐节,也应邀在全国著名的爵士酒吧演奏。他的演奏被誉为古典与爵士的交汇,传统与创新的交织…

Guitar: 张晶 (CHN)

Zhang Jing, a contemporary Chinese jazz guitarist covering various music genres, from the southern metal core "Liu Dao Mu", Hip-Hop artist Man Shuk, Dubstep band "Jing Hua Yuan "to jazz.

张晶,中国当代青年爵士吉他演奏家. 而他并不拘泥于一种音乐风格, 从南方金属核代表 “六道母” 到当红 Hip-Hop 艺人满舒克, 从充满电气色彩的 Dubstep 乐队 “镜花缘” 到城市中爵士乐现场都找到他的踪影。

In 2012, he received a bachelor's degree in Jazz Music Performance from Xinghai Conservatory of Music. In 2016, he got a Jazz Guitar master's degree in NIU, the USA with free tuition in his postgraduate stage. In 2017, the new EP "Prelude to a Doom" was completed with his metal band "Liu Dao Mu" and was released in September. In June, he made the recording of his album "Untitled" and it was planned to be released at the end of 2017. Now he is also a tutor of guitar in Beijing Contemporary Music Academy.

2012年获得星海音乐学院爵士音乐表演学士学位;2014年获得美国北伊利诺伊 (NIU) 大学研究生助教及全免学费资格仆美深造;2016年获得爵士吉他硕士学位;2017年与所在金属乐队 "六道母" 完成了新EP "Prelude to a Doom" 的录制,并在九月发行。同年6月完成个人专辑"Untitled"录制,将于年底发行。 现任北京现代研修学院吉他专业导师。

Drums: Antonio Fusco (IT)

Antonio Fusco 是欧洲最早期也是最核心的爵士鼓手之一,不仅一直在圈内非常活跃,同样为爵士乐的新潮流贡献了很多心血,目前他是许多欧洲乐队的成员之一,包括:Giovanni Falzone Contemporary Orchestra, Tino Tracanna Acrobats, Reem Kelani Band, Henrik Jensen Followed By Thirteen。

2011年,他成立了乐队 Antonio Fusco Sextet- Suite for Motian, 并与2014年在意大利的音乐唱片厂牌 Auditorium Parco Della Musica 旗下正式发行,同时受到了国内的一致好评。同样在2014年,他与两位来自英国的优秀爵士音乐家建立了三重奏乐队NS3: 钢琴手 Bruno Heinen 和丹麦籍低音提琴手 Henrik Jensen。

他创作了 Esarmonia 发行的鼓手指南书籍 LA COORDINAZIONE (The Coordination), 并曾经接受过很多国内知名报纸媒体的采访,包括 Musikateneo, Drums and Percussion, Senza Barcode (Web magazine) 和 JAZZIT, Jazzespresso. 在2014年,他被 Flavio Caprera 创作并由 Feltrinelli 发行的新版 "New Italian Jazz Dictionary" 提名。

Antonio Fusco is one of the most important and original drummers of the European Jazz scene. Always supportive and focused on new trends in jazz and music in general, he’s currently involved in various European project, including: Giovanni Falzone Contemporary Orchestra, Tino Tracanna Acrobats, Reem Kelani Band, Henrik Jensen Followed By Thirteen. In 2011 he founded the project - Antonio Fusco Sextet- Suite for Motian and in 2014 it was released with the Italian label Auditorium Parco Della Musica Records, getting great approval from the national critic. The 2014 is also the beginning of a new trio NS3 project with two brilliant musicians of the UK jazz scene: the pianist Bruno Heinen and the Danish bassist Henrik Jensen.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年4月21日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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