
4/11 ▶ 东方韵律与复古合成器,追溯宇宙起源的惊艳碰撞 | YOUR ROMANCE 概念大碟「9 Dimensions」

Neon.Booking 黄昏黎明俱乐部 2019-06-16

成立于2014年的日本东京合成器流行/摇滚乐队YOUR ROMANCE,拥有着独立摇滚的血与骨,合成器流行的皮与肉。擅长由粗犷的摇滚乐衍生出闪闪发光的流行音乐。

在音乐制作上,梦幻的合成器赋予了作品80年代复古的美以及成熟的时尚性。在音乐理念和歌词创作上,YOUR ROMANCE将更多注意力放到了宇宙、社会、人类情感等更深的思考层面上,和大众刻板印象里合成器那令人沉醉的“靡靡之音”有着天壤之别的试听感受。

今年4月,独立演出厂牌Neon.Booking邀请日系潮团MISTAKES来到中国,将在北京、深圳、厦门(新增场次)、广州、南京、上海、宁波、杭州 八城 进行巡演,敬请期待!

《9 Dimensions》全专试听

YOUR ROMANCE的奇妙之处在于他们完美的让粗犷的摇滚乐和浪漫的合成器保持了微妙的平衡,优美的旋律起到了必要的润滑作用,一种由内而外的矛盾体现在他们丰富的音乐性里。


比如法国艺术界的教父级人物Serge Gainsbourg,和美国著名乐队The Strokes的主唱Julian Casablancas。他们都是同时拥有“不良精神和知性”这两种相反要素的人,如新宿的夜景般兼具着“华丽与寂寞”的风景。

YOUR ROMANCE认为那样的人与音乐是最具有魅力的,所以在创作上,他们也考虑到了流行和摇滚的两面性。



从YMO开始脉脉相承的techno pop,一脉相承的METAFIVE近几年也开始活跃了起来。并不是出生在80年代的YOUR ROMANCE,他们所创作出的合成器、techno pop音乐,拥有着更具东方韵味的音效。妖冶的旋律和跳动的节奏抚摸着我们的脑神经,但这并不妨碍听众感受他们内在的爽朗和野性。

track 2的「The Ocean Floor」是中国听众最为耳熟能详的一首歌。这首歌总会让人想起开拓的地平线和和煦的春风,洒脱不羁之中散发着高透明度的哀愁。专辑中间部分的两首歌「Fingers」和「Space Lion」加入了中华风音乐的元素,初听起来更像是一支YMO的直系乐队。

当你完整听完《9 Dimensions》整张大碟后,一定完全无法想象这是几名二十岁出头的年轻人所创造出来的缜密的音乐。在复古时髦的音乐里,还能时常听到摇滚乐里常见的即兴吉他。溢出屏幕的年轻和气势变成了他们的一种独特魅力。这绝不是他们在逞强,他们就是拥有这样的能力。

多样化的世界中感受到的孤独、决心、迷茫、帮助、虚伪、幻想、冲动、人生、回顾、起点等所有感情,在这个立体的世界里,他们通过《9 Dimensions》来展现内心强烈的倾诉欲和炙热的狂妄。



YOUR ROMANCE 认为9这个数字是第一行整数中最有中间印象的数字。把1和2放在对立的位置时,刚好位于中间位置的数字9拥有全能的形象。这样的形容更容易理解刚才提到的同时拥有相反的两个要素的魅力。超弦理论里,关于宇宙的起源,事实上有这样一个说法——宇宙只是一个小的九维聚合体、现在只有我们生活的三维世界突然发生了膨胀。



#M1 - 9dimensions 


#M2 - The Ocean Floor 


#M3 - Man in The Blue

创作印象:电影「only god forgives」


that emotion without consideration
they don’t care if it makes someone’s heart aching I deny and hate that brain sick
how do I with these cruel people out there 

don't kiss the ground who's gonna take that if it gets me down 

my heart is shaved and gets skinny by that action about that feeling is great mistake?
you'll betray me?
I'll never betray you 

I can't understand their behavior 

don't kiss the ground who's gonna take that if it gets me down 

#M4 - Revolver 



the rain coming through the door and snow blowing
I need somebody to tell me the time The rain coming through the door and snow blowing
If you want to try, If you want to try 

a tin can island in the cage
live in a circle in a circle
do you really want to win this game If you want to try
If you want to try 

you still don't know what I really mean, really mean
you are going to be nothing slowly, super slowly 

we were used to coming to heel we can never ever know anything 

a tin can island in the narrow cage Do you really want to win the game oh If you want to try 

M5 - Fingers 



the figure of a woman
live in the shadow
they are forgotten
the bottom of the bucket
hearing sound like a boring radio all the time 

still find a miracle
the place for lost things have too much to die for stop getting old
talking like a boring radio all the time 

If you wanna know about it count on your fingers
I can't tell you everything count on your fingers 

you don't know when you made a mistake you never understand
cuz you don't believe it
who's calling your names in the nightmare you never realize 

even if you can come alive again 

#M6 - Uncivilized 

创作印象:电影「mister lonely」


I ain't out of my mind 

so I ain't out of my mind 

I won't get back (to) some places for made up an up lifting feeling
I won’t stay any more 

waiting is wasteful practice
I decide it never ever again uncivilized. that’s just what I need now 

I can’t choose but do I wanna do it. true
I can’t choose but do I pray you. want you 

it always lifts me up brighten up with a clap to be a someone else
it makes me feel like that 

so I won’t get back there for meaningful practice
I won’t get back there be a someone else 

so I won’t get back there for meaningful practice
I won’t get back there be a someone else 

until the great beyond 

#M7 - Space Lion 



lumpy lions stand in line
white tails and yellow eyes
lumpy lions stand in line
still don't know how to run
they only waiting for my sign
I'm sitting at the back of space with nobody, nobody, nobody else 

the other side of the moon
a few secrets hiding in a room running out of time to go where I've been
they can't see me 

crawling through the hole into me 

#M8 - Stalemate 



you're falling and get me close
you shoot me by those behavior
To say being shocked never before is you're falling and let me know
you choose me from outer side
To say being shocked never before is 

you showed me the light
and I don't know the way to forget
I fall in that light
you know it. I'll be without complaints I've never thought, we get too close I've never thought, we have too much oh you know 

you're falling and get me close
you shoot me by those behavior
To say being shocked never before is 

stay out of this game
I have done more than enough in this 

you showed me the light
and I don't know the way to forget
I fall in that light
you know it. I'll be without complaints I've never thought, we get too close 

I've never thought, we have too much 

#M9 - Opportunity for Reminiscing 



the view became much more spectacular
than before i had seen it a while ago
what had changed? my mind or something else? writing letter in the vernacular word
I have seen it again and again
things have changed. my mind gets blank space 

that night I only had a few space for mine can’t get back to the past
should made up better life
have came to these mind barely 

what I want you to know you can't get to the past what I want to do
should made up better life 

the view became much more spectacular than before i had seen it a while ago
what had changed? my mind or something else? 

writing letter in the vernacular word
I have seen it again and again
things have changed. my mind gets blank space 

that night I only had a few space for mine can’t get back to the past
should made up better life
have came to these mind barely 

what I want you to know you can't get to the past what I want to do
should made up better life 

that night I only had a few space for mine can’t get back to the past
should made up better life
have came to these mind barely 

what I want you to know you can't get to the past what I want to do
should made up better life 

#M10 - Back to the Earth 



We shouldn't look up stair
Into a whole of the green light 

I’m nothing, nothing but thinking of you
You recalled me some golden nights in the darkness Then, looking through a glass of spaceship
I got a truth
The only i found
Body and myself
divide without the gravity 

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年4月11日 20:30

门票/Ticket: 80(ADV)/100(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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