5/17 DDC ▶「掀翻屋顶大趴体」白皮书 / TGM / PATHS (Punk, Poetry-Rock)


乐队 Bands:

白皮书 (Punk)

TGM (Electronic)

PATHS (Art-Rock)

白皮书 (Punk)

Vocal/Guitar: 刘家辉  

Bass: 赵彦樵  

Drum: 虫子


White Paper. Just like the government-issued document White Paper, our songs feature concise words and explicit attitude without deliberate dressing. What we expect is to spread rational thoughts through gloomy and depressing music. And our style mainly focuses on post-punk experimental  and electronic music. No words after thinking, No listening after expressing, No understanding after listening, Noecho after understanding. That is the way we are.


Guitar/vocal: Armen Simonpour

Drum: Mattia “Cecche” Cecchetto

THE GLAMOUR MANIFESTO 和他们签名“声音之墙”向抛光和流行饱和的音乐场景挥出了重重的一拳。巨大的电子鼓点,低沉的吉他和人声在他们的重新安排合成下,他们提供了一个肮脏,坚韧,但新鲜和舞蹈采取摇滚和电子音乐,这肯定会让舞者和头板一样跳了整个晚上!

尽管他们已经在欧洲、日本和俄罗斯的音乐舞台上证明了自己,但他们最近还是把目光投向了中国的音乐舞台。为此,《THE GLAMOUR MANIFESTO》为自己重新创造了全新的音响和工作人员,包括未来派的前沿视觉效果、创新的舞台设置和适合2017年任何音乐场景的音响设计。THE GLAMOUR MANIFESTO无疑是你从未经历过的。

乐队最初成立于2006年的威尼斯,由创始成员'Armen Simonpour'(主唱和吉他)和Mattia “Cecche” Cecchetto(鼓和编程)。他们很快获得了许多著名的品牌在欧洲的注意,并签署了著名的耳朵糖果音乐,他们在2007年发布了他们的第一个单一的HIDE AND EAT。单次投出的单曲登上了排行榜,超过了《莫比》和《化学兄弟》等艺术家。

在HIDE AND EAT成功后,乐队开始制作他们的首张全长专辑–自我名为“THE GLAMOUR MANIFESTO”——于2008年发行,由HALIDON在全球发行。

欧洲的成功使乐队有机会与日本的IN N OUT唱片公司签约,他们很快开始在非常封闭和艰难的市场上赢得一批追随者。



PATHS (Art-Rock)

Paths started as a band-larva underground  in Dongzhimen and lived the life span of caterpillar under the earth - people came and left and there were no gigs for many months - just the band playing in a cocoon-like studio in the hollow earth under Dongzhimen once a week. Now there have been gigs and the band is realizing itself-melancholic, unpredictable, at times joyous and at others times subdued. Artur plays bass, Diego plays guitar, Matt sings, David plays keys, Geraldplays drums and Nina does the visuals for the live show. Time spent watching Paths is time spent watching the evolution of a band that's into incorporating poetry into their songs - decaying flowers and atomic explosions as their backdrop - band members that like bands like The Pixies, Interpol, The Mars Volta, Soulwax and giant moths.

Paths 作为一个 band-larva 成立于东直门的地下,像毛毛虫一样生活在地下-人们来去匆匆,几个月都没有演出。就在东直门的空洞地心,乐队每周一次在茧一样的工作室里演奏。乐队现在有了一些演出,他们意识到自己的忧郁和不可预知,有时欢乐,有时压抑。在现场,贝斯手 Artur、吉他手Diego、主唱Matt、键盘手 David、鼓手 Gerald、视觉制作 Nina 共同演出。观看 Paths 演出的同时,也是观看一个乐队将诗融入他们的歌曲中的进化-将腐烂的鲜花和原子弹爆炸作为背景-乐队成员也喜欢 The Pixies、Interpol、The Mars Volta、Soulwax 和 giantmoths。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年5月17日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 60(ADV)/80(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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