
5/25 3PM ▶ 胡同午后音乐会:伯克利音乐学院爵士钢琴演奏家 牛天宇四重奏 (Jazz)


Piano: 牛天宇 (Daniel Niu)

Sax: 谢雨哲 (Yuzhe Xie)

Bass: 王晨淮 (Chenhuai Wang)

Drum: 高可超 (kevin gao)

Piano: 牛天宇 (Daniel Niu)

牛天宇,爵士钢琴演奏家,作曲家。2012年离开北京前往美国洛杉矶求学。常年旅居海外的经历极大丰富了他的音乐背景。2015年毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校经济学专业,并于次年考入伯克利音乐学院爵士钢琴演奏专业。在在校期间师从Hal Crook, Ian Froman, Vadim Neselovskyi, Stephany Tiernan, AlainMallet, Ed Tomassi, Rebecca Cline, Joanne Brackeen, Doug Johnson, Billy Test,Christian Li,  Billy Kilson, Marcello Pellitteri等爵士乐巨擘。合作过的音乐家包括世界级爵士乐萨克斯演奏家George Garzone,著名演奏家高太行,Edmar Colon,爵士鼓演奏家Ian Froman,安咚咚,以及爵士贝斯演奏家王晨淮等。多年来在美国和欧洲等地求学演出的经历让他在多种文化的碰撞下,吸纳了不同音乐形式的同时逐渐形成了独特的音乐风格。

Daniel Niu is a jazz pianist/composer from Beijing, China, now based in Boston as he is in pursuit of a jazz performance degree at the Berklee College of Music. Daniel has left his hometown and moved to Los Angeles since the age of 17 and has been living abroad for many years. During these years, he has experience of playing concerts in US, Europe and Asia. These experience of performing and living abroad enriches Daniel’s musicianship and artistry, as even though he identifies himself as a jazz pianist, he is also experienced in playing many other styles: such as Brazilian, Afro-Cuban, R&B, etc. During his education at Berklee, Daniel has studied with many renowned jazz musicians such as: Hal Crook, Ian Froman, Vadim Neselovskyi, Stephany Tiernan, Alain Mallet, Ed Tomassi, Rebecca Cline, Joanne Brackeen, Doug Johnson, Billy Test, Christian Li, Billy Kilson, Marcello Pellitteri. During his career, Daniel has played with many great musicians such as George Garzone, Ian Froman and Edmar Colon, etc. His music inspiration comes from many aspects of life, as he finds connections between music and other art forms like poetry, paintings, visual arts, etc. In Niu’s philosophy about music, jazz is just one of the many ways for expression of the artist’s mind, yet the music needs to speaks about the artist’s true voice to bring out the deepest affection of life about the artist.

Sax: 谢雨哲 (Yuzhe Xie)

青年爵士乐萨克斯演奏家,作曲家。12岁时开始学习古典萨克斯,师从萨克斯演奏家朱贵友。 2013年来到北京学习爵士乐演奏,师从爵士乐教育家陆廷荃。2015年毕业于东北师范大学音乐学院之后,由于对爵士乐的热情,谢雨哲选择来到美国伯克利音乐学院继续深造,并于2019年顺利毕业。在校期间师从著名爵士乐演奏家George Garzone, Hal Crook, Dave Liberman, Tia Fuller, Shannon Le Claire, Ed Tomassi,爵士作曲家 Gerg Hopkins, Ayn Inserto, Scott Free。原创作品《ADay Moring》于2019 年由伯克利音乐学院 Coop Big Band 首演, 并得到了一致赞扬。在伯克利学习期间不断从世界音乐,古典音乐,中国民族音乐等音乐形式中汲取营养,并尝试加入自己的音乐理解,从而逐渐形成了独特的个人风格

Yuzhe Xie, a Jazz saxophonist, composer, has started to learn classical saxophone with saxophonist Guiyou Zhu at the age of 12. In 2013, he came to Beijing and began to study Jazz performance, instructed by Jazz educator Tingquan Lu. After graduating from Northeastern Normal University College of Music in 2015, Yuzhe Xie chose to further pursuit the study of Jazz for his pure passion. As a result, he came to Berklee College of Music, and he successfully graduated in the year of 2019. The famous Jazz musicians, who instructed Yuzhe, include Jazz performers George Garzone, Hal Crook, Dave Lieberman, Tia Fuller, Shannon LeClaire, Ed Tomassi, and Jazz composers Greg Hopkins, Ayn Inserto ,and Scott Free. During the years in Berklee, Yuzhe kept absorbing knowledge and experiences from World Music, Classical Music, Chinese Traditional Music, etc. and he manages to fuse his own understanding of music into them. Thus, he gradually creates his unique personal music style.

Bass: 王晨淮 (Chenhuai Wang)

王晨淮 ——爵士贝斯手,从14岁起接触音乐,并于17岁考入北京现代音乐学院,随后音乐生涯的发展转向爵士乐并开始学习低音提琴,作为北京新一代低音提琴手,为乐坛注入了新的活力,带来新气象。2008年王晨淮被荷兰格罗宁根州的克劳斯王子音乐学院特招开始攻读爵士乐学士,2013年以全额奖学金毕业。 2015年赴美国纽约皇后学院攻读演奏专业硕士,学习美国正统的音乐知识,提升自身创作才能,2017年以优异成绩毕业。随后并加入了全中国最赋有天分与才能的爵士乐手的行列,与我们在很长的时间里见到的东西都不一样,他以演奏原创音乐为主,强调即兴创作和乐手间的乐思交流。音乐的风格涉及多种领域,如比波普,自由爵士,摇滚,说唱,电子,中国传统音乐等等,对不同的音乐风格驾驭自如,完美呈现,不仅解放出音乐本身的自由精神,更不断变化出更多姿多采的面貌,独特的创作能力加上充沛的情感,让他的作品总是充满惊喜。

Wang Chenhuai, a jazz bassist, has been in contact with music since the age of 14, and was admitted to the Beijing Contemporary Music Academy at his age of 17. After that, his musical career turned to jazz and began to learn the double bass. As a new generation of double bass players in Beijing, he injected new music into the music scene. The vitality brings a new look. In 2008, Wang Chenhuai began his jazz bachelor's degree at the Prince Claus Music Academy in Groningen, the Netherlands. In 2013, he graduated with a full scholarship. In 2015, he went to Queen's College in New York to study for a master's degree in music. He studied American orthodox music knowledge and improved his creativeability. He graduated with honors in 2017. Then he joined the ranks of the most talented and talented jazz musicians in China, which is different from what we have seen in a long time. He focuses on playing original music, emphasizing improvisation and musicians. Music exchange. The style of music involves many fields, such as Popper, Free Jazz, Rock, Rap, Electronics, Chinese Traditional Music, etc. It is easy to control different music styles, perfect not only liberating the free spirit of music itself, but also constantly His work is always full of surprises, with his unique creative ability and rich emotions.

Drum: 高可超 (kevin gao)

一名来自于大连的年轻爵士音乐家和爵士鼓演奏家,现居美国。2003年师从中国著名鼓手教育家周连江,打下了扎实的基础。2012前往美国读书,15岁开始接触爵士乐,师从加州著名鼓手 Matt Johnson。高中期间曾跟随学校顶级big band参加加州各种爵士音乐节,包括Irvine Jazz festival, Monterey Jazz Festival, Reno Jazz Festival,并多次获得个人spotlight奖项。他带领的爵士四重奏更是被城市的各种大型活动邀请演出,以及在迪士尼多次参加演出活动。毕业时,被学校颁发美国初高中最高的爵士荣誉奖项Louis Armstrong Award。在进入伯克利音乐学院之后,师从波士顿导师bobgullotti以及mccoy tyner,JoeLovano的鼓手 Francisco Mela。在他们的指导下高克超19岁的年纪已经在wally’s Jazz Club, Lilypad, dizzy’sclub以及small’s jazz club多次演出。他在学习和探索爵士乐当中慢慢的掌握了他自己对着门艺术独特的了解,不断创新,不断成长。

Kevin Gao is a drummer/composer from Dalian China. Started drums at a young age with Chinese drummer Lianjiang Zhou, he developed strong fundamental skill before immigrated to US. At age 15, he started studying with Matt Johnson, and started his career by doing local performances in California. He also participated the Irvine Jazz Festival, Monterey Jazz festival, and Reno Jazz Festival with the top jazz band in his high school, and winning the best performance award. He received the Louis Armstrong award upon his graduation, the highest award for high school in US. Now, studying at the prestigious music school Berklee College of Music, he is currently studying with the great Bob Gullotti and the great Francisco Mela. He is also performing locally in Boston and as well as New York. At a young age Kevin Gao has already became a professional musician, and with his unique perspective on the language of Jazz, he is ready to set his spiritual path on his continuous passion towards music in both the Chinese and the US music scene.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年5月25日 15:00

门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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