
5/25 DDC ▶ 小王 / Eluvia 屹 / JARUCO / BOSS CUT (DJ SET)


乐队 Bands:

小王 (Punk, Kawaii Core)

Eluvia 屹 (Folk, Country, Fusion, Reggae)


BOSS CUT (DJ SET, Soul/Funk)

小王 (Punk, Kawaii Core)

On the bill we’ve got talk-of-the-town riot girrrl kawaii core band Xiao Wang, who resurrected this year stronger than ever, tearing up a storm across Gulou with their bombastic cathartic blend of punk, self-respecting hard core, and a touch of black metal thrown in for good measure. 


Eluvia 屹 (Folk, Country, Fusion, Reggae)

Eluvia 屹乐队是一支由不同国籍的成员组成的世界风摇滚乐队,甚至有人评价为“神奇的摇滚原生态”。以丰富的音乐性承载各类主题,音乐充满想象力和画面感。乐队主唱嗓音高亢而温柔,让人在音乐的狂热中感受自由。各种乐器的混搭,扬琴和吉他的“斗琴”,贝斯律动强烈的solo,张扬的鼓点,和主唱信手拈来的不同乐器,都为乐队的歌曲增添了丰富的层次感和独特的风味。当摇滚的热情奔放,遇上民乐的灵动含蓄,互相碰撞融合,形成了乐队强烈独特的风格!


Eluvia(屹乐队)— an acoustic roots-based rock band, blend selements of western folk with Chinese traditional hammered dulcimer (yangqin). The Beijing-based international line-up shares a mix of original, thought-provoking music performed in both Chinese and English. Banjo, Mandolin, and Ukulele find their way along side the yangqin, fused with electric guitarhooks, jangly acoustic guitar rhythms, and heart felt vocal harmonies, allunder pinned with a solid foundation of rhythm and groove. Poetry and melody are woven together creating beautiful, thought-inspiring musical tapestries. Rock music's unbridled passion collides with the subtlety of international folk instruments, creating a distinctly original amalgam.

Experience the unique sound of Eluvia.

Eluvia 屹乐队是一个实力强劲的音乐团队。他们成立于中国北京,是少有的中外“混血”乐队,各位成员拥有独特、多元的文化与音乐背景,共同进行新颖、多彩的音乐创作。在他们的原创作品中,东方与西方的风格完美融合,令人倍感新奇却又浑然天成。

Eluvia is a strong group of musicians and friends who have joined forces in Beijing, China, bringing together their unique and diverse cultural and musical backgrounds to create something new and beautiful. Their blend of Eastern and Western influences comes together in a seamless way creating original music that still sounds familiar. Eluvia took 2nd place in China's national Rock Storm competition in 2015 and is one of only a few bands with mixed foreign and national band mates invited to be members of China's National Rock and Roll foundation. You can often find Eluvia playing iconic Beijing venues like Mao Livehouse, JiangHu, DDC, Blue Stream, Long Zhu, and many more. Fans love singing along in both Chinese and English.


JARUCO 一个来自北京的三人组,演奏简单的欢快的歌曲,以胡同的猫和错乱的假期为特色。

JARUCO - a Beijing-based trio, playing simple upbeat songs featuring hutong cats and holidays gone wrong.


BOSS CUT (DJ SET, Soul/Funk)

Bust out the facekinis and do the shimmy, the swim, the mashed potato, the twist, and the watusi to 1950s and ’60s rockabilly, surf, garage, jazz, soul and funk. Boss Cuts is a collector of 45s from the United States, Australia, Italy and Japan and has performed at Temple, Dada, Fruityspace, School, Caravan and 4 Corners and has supported acts such as DJ Andy Smith, Habibi Funk, Liars and Carl Barat from the Libertines.

现在,就请揭掉你防晒用的面具,让飘散在雾霾之上的紫外线从皮肤径直照射进你我灵魂,随着1950和1960年代的山区乡村摇滚,车库摇滚,爵士,灵魂乐,放克和土豆泥跳起希米舞步,与瓦图西族共同扭动腰肢。Boss Cuts 网罗美国,澳洲,意大利,日本等地最牛逼冲浪原盘,45s和12”,在 Temple, Dada, Fruityspace, School, Caravan 和 4 Corners 等地有过精彩呈现。同时,他还曾以嘉宾身份与诸如 DJ Andy Smith, Habibi Funk, Liars 以及来自 Libertines 的 Carl Barat。

Beijing’s only all-vinyl r&b, rockabilly, surf, garage, psych, soul and funk party! 



活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年5月25日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 60(ADV)/80(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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