
6/22 DDC ▶ 迷幻摇滚 Vegan Bankers 新专辑 "Dolphin Sandwich" 发布会


"Join us for a Psychedlic Rock night at DDC in Beijing as Bob Dupont & The Outstanding Vegan Bankers present there new album "Dolphin Sandwich" and new video for the song "Tahiti".

来DDC加入我们 Bob Dupont &The Outstanding Vegan Bankers 发布新专辑 "Dolphin Sandwich" 和 "Tahiti" mv 的迷幻之夜!


Bob Dupont & The Outstanding Vegan Bankers:

“Bob Dupont & The Outstanding Vegan Bankers", French artist Djang San's new project, is an amazing rock trio mixing rock, happy music, sad music. The band is full of energy and delivers great riffs and melodies for everybody's entertainment from 7 to 77 years old. Created by a group of bankers with the objective to make everybody vegan and happy in a world of bio marshmallows and tofu cigarettes, the band's music will be mesmerizing for your ears and eyes, don't miss it ! The band is also asequel to The Amazing Insurance Salesmen, a band created by Djang San that won the Global Battle of the Bands in 2010 against 100 bands in Mainland China and Hong Kong/Macau. »

“Bob Dupont & The Outstanding Vegan Bankers",是法国艺术家 Djang San 的新项目,拥有融合摇滚、快乐和悲伤音乐三者想结合的惊人音乐作品。乐队充满能量,他们传递美妙的即兴旋律,能娱乐7-77岁的所有人。这支乐队由一群 Banker 组成,他们的目标是让每个人都成为素食主义者,在一个充满生物棉花糖和豆腐香烟的世界里快乐生活。这支乐队也是 The Amazing Insurance Salesmen 的延续。The Amazing Insurance sales 是 Djang San 创建的一支乐队,在2010年与中国内地和香港/澳门的100支乐队的全球巡演中胜出。


嘉宾:Nekroma (Psyche,Post-Rock, Art Rock)

Nekroma is an experimentalart rock quartet based in Beijing. While the group began as a collaboration between the bands Nakoma and the GUIGUISUISUI, Nekroma has taken on its style and identity distinct from the two bands that forged it. Drawing on a range of influences from all over the globe Nekroma utilizes vocals, skate board guitar, drums, bass, electronic samples, and synths to create a back drop for carnival of intriguing characters including King Necro, Pumpkin Queen, Diavolo Rosso, and The Hanged Man. On record they present twisted fairy tales and Love craftian fantasies, while live they mix the atricality akin to a silent horror film with digital painting created inreal time and projected over the band, creating a feedback loop between sight and sound. Nekroma beckons

Nekroma 是来⾃于北京的实验艺术摇滚四重奏。虽然乐队开始是乐队 Nakoma 和 GUIGUISUISUI 之间的合作,但 Nekroma 的风格和⾝份不同于伪造它的两个乐队。借助来⾃全球各地的影响⼒,Nekroma 利⽤⼈声,滑板吉他,⿎,贝司,电⼦样本和合成器创造了⼀个吸引⼈的⾓⾊嘉年华的背景,包括 King Necro,Pumpkin Queen,Diavolo Rosso 和 The Hangged Man。唱⽚上,他们呈现了扭曲的童话故事和 Lovecraftian 的幻想,⽽现场他们将戏剧性与静⾳恐怖电影相结合,实时制作数字绘画并投射到乐队上,创造视觉与声⾳之间的反馈循环。Nekroma 在召唤。


嘉宾:JARUCO (Rock)

JARUCO - a Beijing-based trio, playing simple upbeat songs featuring hutong cats and holidays gone wrong.



嘉宾:Oldy Baby (Punk)

Oldy Baby is a punk band from Beijing

Oldy Baby是一支北京朋克乐队


活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年6月22日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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