sgmediation depvar [if exp] [in range] , mv:(mediatorvar) iv(indvar) [ cv(covarlist) quietly ]
cv(covarlist) Optional list of covariate variables.
quietly Suppresses the individual regression output.
sgmediation science, mv(read) iv(math)
In this example the mediation effect of read was statistically significant with approximately 40% of the total effect (of math onscience) being mediated.
sgmediation science, mv(read) iv(math) cv(write)
bootstrap r(ind_eff) r(dir_eff), reps(1000): sgmediation science, mv(read) iv(math)
estat bootstrap, percentile bc
If you prefer to do a residual resampling bootstrap rather than case resampling bootstrap, you can use the resboot-mediationcommand (findit resboot_mediation).
bootstrap with residual resampling need to install resboot_mediation
findit resboot_mediaton
resboot_mediation, dv(science) mv(read) iv(math) reps(1000)
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