Stata |Python |Matlab |Eviews |R Geoda |ArcGis |GeodaSpace |SPSS 一文读懂 |数据资源 |回归方法 |网络爬虫 门限回归 |工具变量 |内生性 |空间计量 因果推断 |合成控制法 |倾向匹配得分 |断点回归 |双重差分 面板数据 | 动态面板数据
一、 地理加权模型简介
地理加权模型(GW model)包括的功能有:地理加权汇总统计(GW summary statistics),地理加权主成分分析(GW principal comp- onents analysis,即GW PCA),地理加权回归(GW regression),地理加权判别分析(GW discriminant analysis),其中一些功能有基本和稳健形式之分。
运用GW model的一个重要元素就是空间加权函数,空间加权函数量化(或套)观察到的变量之间的空间关系或空间相关性。空间目标及其位置临近关系的确定。
Global Model(均值核函数)、Gaussian(高斯核函数)、Exponential、Box-car(盒状核函数)、Bi-square(二次核函数)、Tri-cude(立方体和函数)
二、 GWR软件操作
1、在session file选择设置文件名,然后选择data file的filepath文件路径,选择CSV格式的数据,分隔类型选择comma,然后单击open,
4、在common output里面的session control file,选择浏览按钮,
5、单击execute this session,获得运行的结果
Geographically weighted regression
gwr depvar [varlist] [if exp] [in range] , east(varname)
north(varname) [options]
saving(filename) dots reps(#) double eform family(familyname)
link(linkname) [ln]offset(varname) test replace noconstant
nolog scale(x2|dev|#) disp(#) iterate(#) init(varname)
outfile(filename) comma wide bandwidth(#) mcsave(filename)
familyname选项包括 gaussian | igaussian | binomial [varname|#] | poisson | nbinomial [#] | gamma,即核函数类型
linkname 选项包括如下内容:identify | log | logit | probit | cloglog | opower # | power # | nbinomial
test:要求测试带宽的重要性。这测试了gwr模型对数据的描述是否明显优于 全局的回归模型。
save (filename)创建一个Stata数据文件,其中包含从计算gwr的每个点估算的参数。
replace表示save()和/或outfile()指定的文件可以 被覆盖。它也适用于mcsave()选项。
gwr cars class unemp, east(easting) north(northing) test
gwr flag class unemp, east(east) north(north) fam(binomial) link(logit)
gwrgrid y x1, east(east) north(north) fam(b) link(l) square(10) samp(25)
. gwr cars class unemp, east(easting) north(northing) test
Global Model
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 120
-------------+---------------------------------- F(2, 117) = 287.17
Model | 4.51965851 2 2.25982925 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | .920700696 117 .007869237 R-squared = 0.8308
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.8279
Total | 5.4403592 119 .045717304 Root MSE = .08871
cars | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
class | .0188073 .0033449 5.62 0.000 .0121829 .0254316
unemp | -.0182798 .0011238 -16.27 0.000 -.0205054 -.0160543
_cons | .8847704 .0288569 30.66 0.000 .8276208 .94192
spregxt是一个完整的Stata模块工具包 ,可以估计不同类型的空间面板计量经济回归模型。
spregxt可以估算以下模型: 1-自相关(序列相关)回归模型。2-干扰项异方差回归模型。3-扰动项下的非正态回归模型,以及自变量多重共线性回归模型。
spregxt varlist , nc(#) model(ols) run(ols)不选择:wmfile(),
运行spregxt varlist , nc(#) model(ols) run(xtbe, xtfe, xtre, xtmle, xtpa, xtgls, ...)不选择:wmfile(),spregxt的结果与xtreg和更多的XT命令的面板相同。
model(sar, sem, sdm, sac, mstar,mstard, spgmm)处理连续或截断相关的数据 变量。如果depvar有缺失值或下限,那么在这种情况下, model(sar, sem, sdm, sac, mstar,mstard, spgmm)将会通过xttobit模型拟合空间面板模型,因此spregxt可以解决 存在于多种数据中缺失值的问题。否则,在连续数据的情况下,将使用正态估计。
* (17) Spatial Panel Geographically Weighted Regressions (GWR)
* ols spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(ols)
* xtbe spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtbe)
* xtbem spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtbem) ridge(grr1)
* xtfe spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtfe)
* xtfem spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtfem) ridge(grr1)
* xtfm spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtfm)
* xtpa spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtpa)
* xtwem spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtwem)
* xtmle spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtmle)
* xtam spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtam)
* xtbn spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtbn)
* xthh spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xthh)
* xtrc spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtrc)
* xtre spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtre) hausman
* xtrem spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtrem) hausman ridge(grr1)
* xtsa spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtsa)
* xtmlem spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtmlem)
* xtwh spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtwh)
* xtgls spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtgls)
* xtkmhomo spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtkmhomo)
* xtkmhet1 spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtkmhet1)
* xtkmhet2 spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtkmhet2)
* xtparks spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtparks)
* xtmg spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtmg)
* xtpcse spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtpcse)
* xtregar spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtregar)
* xtabond spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtabond) inst(x1 x2)
* xtdhp spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtdhp) re
* xtdpd spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtdpd) dgmmiv(x1 x2)
* xtdpdsys spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtdpdsys)
* xtmln spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtmln)
* xtmlh spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtmlh) mhet(x1 x2)
* xtfrontier spregxt y x1 x2, nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtfrontier) ti
* xtfrontier spregxt y x1 x2, nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtfrontier) tvd
* xtfrontier spregxt y x1 x2, nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtfrontier) ti cost
* xttobit spregxt ys x1 x2, nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xttobit)
model(gwr) Geographically Weighted Regressions (GWR)
run( ) is used with Spatial: model(ols, sarxt, sdmxt)
1- run(ols) [regress] Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
2- run(xtbe) [xtreg , be] Between-Effects Panel Regression
3- run(xtbem) [NEW] Between-Effects Panel Regression
4- run(xtfe) [xtreg , fe] Fixed-Effects Panel Regression
5- run(xtfem) [NEW] Fixed-Effects Panel Regression
6- run(xtpa) [xtreg , pa] Population Averaged-Effects Panel Regression
7- run(xtmle) [xtreg , mle] MLE Random-Effects Panel Regression
8- run(xtam) [NEW] Amemiya Random-Effects Panel Regression
9- run(xtbn) [NEW] Balestra-Nerlove Random-Effects Panel Regression
10- run(xtfm) [NEW] Fama-MacBeth Panel Regression
11- run(xthh) [NEW] Hildreth-Houck Random Coefficients Panel Regression
12- run(xtrc) [xtrc] Swamy Random Coefficients Panel Regression
13- run(xtre) [xtreg , re] GLS Random-Effects Panel Regression
14- run(xtrem) [NEW] Fuller-Battese GLS Random-Effects Panel Regression
15- run(xtsa) [NEW] Swamy-Arora Random-Effects Panel Regression
16- run(xtmlem) [NEW] Trevor Breusch MLE Random-Effects Panel Regression
17- run(xtwem) [NEW] Within-Effects Panel Regression
18- run(xtwh) [NEW] Wallace-Hussain Random-Effects Panel Regression
19- run(xtgls) [xtgls] Autocorrelation & Heteroskedasticity GLS Panel Regression
20- run(xtkmhomo) [xtgls] Kmenta Homoscedastic GLS AR(1) Panel Regression
* with Options: panels(iid) corr(psar1)
21- run(xtkmhet1) [xtgls] Kmenta Heteroscedastic GLS - different AR(1) in each Panel
* with Options: panels(het) corr(psar1)
22- run(xtkmhet2) [xtgls] Kmenta Heteroscedastic GLS - SAME/Common AR(1) in all Panels
* with Options: panels(het) corr(ar1)
23- run(xtparks) [xtgls] Parks Full Heteroscedastic Cross-Section GLS AR(1) Panel Regression
* with Options: panels(corr) corr(psar1)
24- run(xtmg) [xtmg] Heterogeneous Slopes Time Series Panel Regression
Requires (xtmg) module ssc install xtmg
25- run(xtpcse) [xtpcse] Corrected Standard Error Panel Regression
26- run(xtregar) [xtregar] AR(1) Panel Regression
27- run(xtabond) [xtabond] Arellano-Bond Linear Dynamic Panel Regression
28- run(xtdhp) [NEW] Han-Philips (2010) Linear Dynamic Panel Regression
29- run(xtdpd) [xtdpd] Arellano-Bond (1991) Linear Dynamic Panel Regression
30- run(xtdpdsys) [xtdpdsys] Arellano-Bover/Blundell-Bond (1995, 1998)
System Linear Dynamic Panel Regression
31- run(xtfrontier)[xtfrontier] Stochastic Frontier Panel Regression
32- run(xttobit) [xttobit] Tobit Random-Effects Panel Regression
33- run(xtmln) [NEW] MLE Random-Effects Panel Regression
* Normal Model
34- run(xtmlh) [NEW] MLE Random-Effects Panel Regression
* Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity Normal Model
spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(ols)
. spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtfe)
*** Binary (0/1) Weight Matrix: (49x49) : NC=7 NT=7 (Non Normalized)
* Spatial Panel Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR): Model(gwr) - Run(xtfe)
* Fixed-Effects Panel Data Regression
w1y_y = w1x_x1 w1x_x2
Sample Size = 49 | Cross Sections Number = 7
Wald Test = 23.6942 | P-Value > Chi2(2) = 0.0000
F-Test = 11.8471 | P-Value > F(2 , 40) = 0.0001
R2 (R-Squared) = 0.3056 | Raw Moments R2 = 0.7326
R2a (Adjusted R2) = 0.1668 | Raw Moments R2 Adj = 0.6792
Root MSE (Sigma) = 61.4785 | Log Likelihood Function = -196.0189
- R2h= 0.3056 R2h Adj= 0.1668 F-Test = 10.12 P-Value > F(2 , 40) 0.0003
- R2r= 0.7326 R2r Adj= 0.6792 F-Test = 42.02 P-Value > F(3 , 40) 0.0000
w1y_y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
w1x_x1 | -.2283962 .0796563 -2.87 0.007 -.3893877 -.0674047
w1x_x2 | -.8133583 .2947702 -2.76 0.009 -1.409111 -.2176054
_cons | 159.5689 12.69732 12.57 0.000 133.9067 185.2311
. spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(xtmle)
*** Binary (0/1) Weight Matrix: (49x49) : NC=7 NT=7 (Non Normalized)
* Spatial Panel Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR): Model(gwr) - Run(xtmle)
* MLE Random-Effects Panel Data Regression
w1y_y = w1x_x1 w1x_x2
Sample Size = 49 | Cross Sections Number = 7
Wald Test = 18.9340 | P-Value > Chi2(2) = 0.0001
F-Test = 9.4670 | P-Value > F(2 , 40) = 0.0004
R2 (R-Squared) = 0.3055 | Raw Moments R2 = 0.7518
R2a (Adjusted R2) = 0.1666 | Raw Moments R2 Adj = 0.7022
Root MSE (Sigma) = 59.2296 | Log Likelihood Function = -215.7765
- R2h= 0.3055 R2h Adj= 0.1666 F-Test = 10.12 P-Value > F(2 , 40) 0.0003
- R2r= 0.7518 R2r Adj= 0.7022 F-Test = 46.45 P-Value > F(3 , 40) 0.0000
w1y_y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
w1y_y |
w1x_x1 | -.2111652 .0783551 -2.69 0.010 -.3695267 -.0528036
w1x_x2 | -.7026954 .2917514 -2.41 0.021 -1.292347 -.1130438
_cons | 153.0434 23.27066 6.58 0.000 106.0116 200.0751
在Matlab软件中,可以调用gwr.m来实现地理加权回归模型的参数过程,下面介绍 GWR 在Matlab中的实现过程:
#%% 地理加权回归模型MATLAB程序代码如下
>> help gwr
PURPOSE: compute geographically weighted regression
USAGE: results = gwr(y,x,east,north,info)
where: y = dependent variable vector
x = explanatory variable matrix
east = x-coordinates in space
north = y-coordinates in space
info = a structure variable with fields:
info.bwidth = scalar bandwidth to use or zero
for cross-validation estimation (default)
info.bmin = minimum bandwidth to use in CV search
info.bmax = maximum bandwidth to use in CV search
defaults: bmin = 0.1, bmax = 20
info.dtype = 'gaussian' for Gaussian weighting (default)
= 'exponential' for exponential weighting
= 'tricube' for tri-cube weighting
info.q = q-nearest neighbors to use for tri-cube weights
(default: CV estimated)
info.qmin = minimum # of neighbors to use in CV search
info.qmax = maximum # of neighbors to use in CV search
defaults: qmin = nvar+2, qmax = 4*nvar
NOTE: res = gwr(y,x,east,north) does CV estimation of bandwidth
RETURNS: a results structure
results.meth = 'gwr'
results.beta = bhat matrix (nobs x nvar)
results.tstat = t-stats matrix (nobs x nvar)
results.yhat = yhat
results.resid = residuals
results.sige = e'e/(n-dof) (nobs x 1)
results.nobs = nobs
results.nvar = nvars
results.bwidth = bandwidth if gaussian or exponential
results.q = q nearest neighbors if tri-cube
results.dtype = input string for Gaussian, exponential weights
results.iter = # of simplex iterations for cv
results.north = north (y-coordinates)
results.east = east (x-coordinates)
results.y = y data vector
See also: prt,plt, prt_gwr, plt_gwr to print and plot results
References: Brunsdon, Fotheringham, Charlton (1996)
Geographical analysis, pp. 281-298
NOTES: uses auxiliary function scoref for cross-validation
% load the Anselin data set
% 导入数据
load anselin.dat;
y = anselin(:,1);
nobs = length(y);
x = [ones(nobs,1) anselin(:,2:3)];
[nobs nvar] = size(x);
north = anselin(:,4);
east = anselin(:,5);
vnames = strvcat('crime','constant','income','hvalue');
% Gaussian distance weighting
info.dtype = 'gaussian';
tic; result1 = gwr(y,x,east,north,info); toc;
% plot results for comparison (see also plt)
ylabel('Constant term');
ylabel('Household income');
ylabel('House value');
Vname =
Geometrically weighted regression estimates
Dependent Variable = crime
R-squared = 0.9418
Rbar-squared = 0.9393
Bandwidth = 0.6518
# iterations = 17
Decay type = gaussian
Nobs, Nvars = 49, 3
Obs = 1, x-coordinate= 42.3800, y-coordinate= 35.6200, sige= 3.4125
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 51.197363 9.212794 0.000000
income -0.461038 -1.678857 0.099547
hvalue -0.434237 -3.693955 0.000556
Obs = 2, x-coordinate= 40.5200, y-coordinate= 36.5000, sige= 6.7847
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 63.564308 9.955778 0.000000
income -0.369902 -0.991321 0.326399
hvalue -0.683553 -4.656428 0.000025
Obs = 3, x-coordinate= 38.7100, y-coordinate= 36.7100, sige= 8.6457
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 72.673672 9.395151 0.000000
income -0.161106 -0.269269 0.788853
hvalue -0.826921 -5.367996 0.000002
Obs = 4, x-coordinate= 38.4100, y-coordinate= 33.3600, sige= 5.2400
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 81.381328 7.772343 0.000000
income 0.149437 0.194405 0.846662
hvalue -1.073198 -9.228621 0.000000
Obs = 5, x-coordinate= 44.0700, y-coordinate= 38.8000, sige= 0.6985
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 46.737222 13.309854 0.000000
income -0.689933 -2.949392 0.004869
hvalue -0.223718 -4.843363 0.000013
Obs = 6, x-coordinate= 41.1800, y-coordinate= 39.8200, sige= 2.7853
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 57.351504 10.979281 0.000000
income -0.971958 -2.506024 0.015580
hvalue -0.310679 -3.233765 0.002189
Obs = 7, x-coordinate= 38.0000, y-coordinate= 40.0100, sige= 2.2903
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 79.683414 14.237667 0.000000
income -1.990153 -3.856516 0.000336
hvalue -0.402011 -2.423975 0.019088
Obs = 8, x-coordinate= 39.2800, y-coordinate= 43.7500, sige= 0.6613
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 79.374676 10.227137 0.000000
income -3.294825 -6.536725 0.000000
hvalue 0.059876 0.936349 0.353686
Obs = 9, x-coordinate= 34.9100, y-coordinate= 39.6100, sige= 2.8503
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 72.218154 10.454632 0.000000
income -1.988247 -2.094491 0.041410
hvalue -0.063618 -0.350051 0.727801
Obs = 10, x-coordinate= 36.4200, y-coordinate= 47.6100, sige= 0.3660
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 54.058540 23.753628 0.000000
income -1.719995 -13.667469 0.000000
hvalue 0.033105 1.405730 0.166114
Obs = 11, x-coordinate= 34.4600, y-coordinate= 48.5800, sige= 0.6241
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 55.363293 25.304369 0.000000
income -1.767205 -17.192082 0.000000
hvalue 0.019889 0.631315 0.530769
Obs = 12, x-coordinate= 32.6500, y-coordinate= 49.6100, sige= 1.1183
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 54.800116 18.118969 0.000000
income -1.673002 -11.485387 0.000000
hvalue 0.000544 0.009703 0.992298
Obs = 13, x-coordinate= 29.9100, y-coordinate= 50.1100, sige= 1.8016
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 49.090996 11.226397 0.000000
income -1.206984 -4.006017 0.000209
hvalue -0.061675 -0.484850 0.629943
Obs = 14, x-coordinate= 27.8000, y-coordinate= 51.2400, sige= 1.1740
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 42.025898 8.693270 0.000000
income -1.049190 -2.353344 0.022662
hvalue 0.034076 0.168603 0.866803
Obs = 15, x-coordinate= 25.2400, y-coordinate= 50.8900, sige= 0.5074
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 42.023487 9.931361 0.000000
income -2.035189 -4.285382 0.000085
hvalue 0.541132 2.264220 0.028021
Obs = 16, x-coordinate= 27.9300, y-coordinate= 48.4400, sige= 1.8858
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 50.858338 11.840157 0.000000
income -0.970544 -2.036648 0.047108
hvalue -0.163386 -0.772214 0.443696
Obs = 17, x-coordinate= 31.9100, y-coordinate= 46.7300, sige= 1.9074
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 63.935965 23.149085 0.000000
income -1.851883 -8.000266 0.000000
hvalue -0.065988 -0.739344 0.463225
Obs = 18, x-coordinate= 35.9200, y-coordinate= 43.4400, sige= 1.0826
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 61.515865 14.934047 0.000000
income -1.892916 -5.019187 0.000007
hvalue 0.013062 0.157654 0.875377
Obs = 19, x-coordinate= 33.4600, y-coordinate= 43.3700, sige= 2.7225
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 65.413374 17.271159 0.000000
income -2.860764 -4.125718 0.000143
hvalue 0.275876 1.222495 0.227368
Obs = 20, x-coordinate= 33.1400, y-coordinate= 41.1300, sige= 5.0673
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 66.620907 8.186391 0.000000
income -1.619154 -1.246106 0.218651
hvalue -0.110761 -0.311593 0.756672
Obs = 21, x-coordinate= 31.6100, y-coordinate= 43.9500, sige= 2.6677
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 68.176378 23.711500 0.000000
income -3.351877 -5.596394 0.000001
hvalue 0.449873 2.009607 0.049996
Obs = 22, x-coordinate= 30.4000, y-coordinate= 44.1000, sige= 2.6080
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 68.744965 23.673393 0.000000
income -3.282837 -5.969185 0.000000
hvalue 0.438989 2.053138 0.045418
Obs = 23, x-coordinate= 29.1800, y-coordinate= 43.7000, sige= 2.8861
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 69.068145 17.943117 0.000000
income -3.326136 -5.847206 0.000000
hvalue 0.468812 1.914810 0.061364
Obs = 24, x-coordinate= 28.7800, y-coordinate= 41.0400, sige= 8.1087
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 77.271200 7.416531 0.000000
income -3.000189 -3.431018 0.001230
hvalue 0.167212 0.398976 0.691645
Obs = 25, x-coordinate= 27.3100, y-coordinate= 43.2300, sige= 4.0434
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 67.368725 9.525528 0.000000
income -3.069044 -3.468780 0.001099
hvalue 0.363366 0.754567 0.454120
Obs = 26, x-coordinate= 24.9600, y-coordinate= 42.6700, sige= 2.5678
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 61.306231 5.851086 0.000000
income 0.006368 0.004423 0.996489
hvalue -1.071954 -1.162870 0.250514
Obs = 27, x-coordinate= 25.9000, y-coordinate= 41.2100, sige= 6.2344
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 59.819535 4.913992 0.000010
income -1.697764 -1.212751 0.231040
hvalue -0.138505 -0.170688 0.865172
Obs = 28, x-coordinate= 25.8500, y-coordinate= 39.3200, sige= 5.2496
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 45.265068 2.954417 0.004803
income -2.135825 -1.284057 0.205161
hvalue 0.591982 0.883602 0.381226
Obs = 29, x-coordinate= 27.4900, y-coordinate= 41.0900, sige= 8.3927
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 72.899979 6.290465 0.000000
income -3.258441 -2.970188 0.004599
hvalue 0.307426 0.555503 0.581078
Obs = 30, x-coordinate= 28.8200, y-coordinate= 38.3200, sige= 6.0199
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 80.285094 7.449344 0.000000
income -0.676605 -0.717337 0.476572
hvalue -0.618717 -2.097025 0.041175
Obs = 31, x-coordinate= 30.9000, y-coordinate= 41.3100, sige= 5.9421
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 68.118651 7.883805 0.000000
income -1.803631 -2.133632 0.037905
hvalue 0.059481 0.178766 0.858859
Obs = 32, x-coordinate= 32.8800, y-coordinate= 39.3600, sige= 4.5678
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 58.637810 7.764366 0.000000
income 0.495270 0.487439 0.628121
hvalue -0.388646 -1.896549 0.063791
Obs = 33, x-coordinate= 30.6400, y-coordinate= 39.7200, sige= 5.1218
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 70.568456 9.798923 0.000000
income -0.218856 -0.335471 0.738702
hvalue -0.448133 -1.933095 0.059014
Obs = 34, x-coordinate= 30.3500, y-coordinate= 38.2900, sige= 3.1096
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 80.030552 12.784499 0.000000
income 0.036213 0.068159 0.945936
hvalue -0.786849 -5.179351 0.000004
Obs = 35, x-coordinate= 32.0900, y-coordinate= 36.6000, sige= 3.5543
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 63.967857 8.009308 0.000000
income 0.337987 0.382854 0.703484
hvalue -0.492099 -3.556112 0.000846
Obs = 36, x-coordinate= 34.0800, y-coordinate= 37.6000, sige= 2.7764
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 67.746908 11.590897 0.000000
income -0.755463 -0.934476 0.354641
hvalue -0.243619 -2.063643 0.044369
Obs = 37, x-coordinate= 36.1200, y-coordinate= 37.1300, sige= 5.2909
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 65.979447 8.493093 0.000000
income -0.082415 -0.089905 0.928729
hvalue -0.420816 -3.386697 0.001402
Obs = 38, x-coordinate= 36.3000, y-coordinate= 37.8500, sige= 4.1933
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 70.241135 9.853816 0.000000
income -0.851484 -1.007494 0.318647
hvalue -0.331039 -2.669386 0.010278
Obs = 39, x-coordinate= 36.4000, y-coordinate= 35.9500, sige= 7.5290
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 60.058183 6.254403 0.000000
income 1.346573 1.335110 0.188010
hvalue -0.676333 -5.334379 0.000002
Obs = 40, x-coordinate= 35.6000, y-coordinate= 35.7200, sige= 6.1315
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 59.441973 6.623725 0.000000
income 1.197840 1.197762 0.236772
hvalue -0.582346 -4.668150 0.000024
Obs = 41, x-coordinate= 34.6600, y-coordinate= 35.7600, sige= 4.4315
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 64.924831 8.369141 0.000000
income 0.077997 0.082850 0.934308
hvalue -0.395195 -3.149189 0.002788
Obs = 42, x-coordinate= 33.9200, y-coordinate= 36.1500, sige= 2.7971
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 68.995022 11.150905 0.000000
income -0.721014 -0.903935 0.370452
hvalue -0.276558 -2.460420 0.017450
Obs = 43, x-coordinate= 30.4200, y-coordinate= 34.0800, sige= 1.6449
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 42.987174 3.069301 0.003493
income -0.130118 -0.085542 0.932179
hvalue -0.015665 -0.079318 0.937103
Obs = 44, x-coordinate= 28.2600, y-coordinate= 30.3200, sige= 1.5262
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 38.427625 7.366893 0.000000
income -0.618892 -1.442734 0.155458
hvalue -0.192297 -0.847771 0.400688
Obs = 45, x-coordinate= 29.8500, y-coordinate= 27.9400, sige= 1.2787
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 31.201319 5.045446 0.000007
income -0.603071 -1.601338 0.115730
hvalue -0.061387 -0.506869 0.614520
Obs = 46, x-coordinate= 28.2100, y-coordinate= 27.2700, sige= 1.5429
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 27.113505 4.535402 0.000037
income -0.413367 -1.327768 0.190407
hvalue -0.043317 -0.586370 0.560318
Obs = 47, x-coordinate= 26.6900, y-coordinate= 24.2500, sige= 0.5555
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 24.205091 3.701915 0.000542
income -0.278691 -0.853556 0.397505
hvalue -0.032273 -0.812649 0.420350
Obs = 48, x-coordinate= 25.7100, y-coordinate= 25.4700, sige= 0.6629
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 24.211353 4.173486 0.000122
income -0.271872 -0.991422 0.326350
hvalue -0.034801 -0.854272 0.397112
Obs = 49, x-coordinate= 26.5800, y-coordinate= 29.0200, sige= 1.4185
Variable Coefficient t-statistic t-probability
constant 30.052990 5.675101 0.000001
income -0.431664 -1.644271 0.106522
hvalue -0.081504 -0.934733 0.354510
gwr.sel(formula, data=list(), coords, adapt=FALSE, gweight=gwr.Gauss,
method = "cv", verbose = TRUE, longlat=NULL, RMSE=FALSE, weights,
tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, show.error.messages = FALSE)
formula:regression model formula as in lm,表示R语言里面进行回归的方程式
data:model data frame as in lm, or may be a SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object as defined in package sp 指定数据
coords: matrix of coordinates of points representing the spatial positions of the observations指定坐标(主要是经纬度,x对应经度,y对应纬度
gweight: 指定空间权重函数(代码中使用的gauss函数,以前默认的是gwr.bisquare()函数。
GW 回归是探索因变量和自变量之间的空间变化关系,基本的GW回归是将通常的回归方法用于空间当中,最重要的是所有回归系数的估计都要加权,加权用到前面提到的核函数。
# 计量经济学服务中心
data(columbus, package="spData")
col.lm <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus)
# 计量经济学服务中心
#5、带宽选择 <- gwr.sel(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,
coords=cbind(columbus$X, columbus$Y))
> #5、带宽选择
> <- gwr.sel(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,
+ coords=cbind(columbus$X, columbus$Y))
Bandwidth: 12.65221 CV score: 7432.209
Bandwidth: 20.45127 CV score: 7462.704
Bandwidth: 7.83213 CV score: 7323.545
Bandwidth: 4.853154 CV score: 7307.57
Bandwidth: 5.125504 CV score: 7322.796
Bandwidth: 3.012046 CV score: 6461.764
Bandwidth: 1.874179 CV score: 6473.378
Bandwidth: 2.475485 CV score: 6109.995
Bandwidth: 2.447721 CV score: 6098.372
Bandwidth: 2.228647 CV score: 6064.1
Bandwidth: 2.264538 CV score: 6060.774
Bandwidth: 2.280666 CV score: 6060.649
Bandwidth: 2.274969 CV score: 6060.601
Bandwidth: 2.2751 CV score: 6060.601
Bandwidth: 2.27506 CV score: 6060.601
Bandwidth: 2.275019 CV score: 6060.601
Bandwidth: 2.27506 CV score: 6060.601
col.gauss <- gwr(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,
coords=cbind(columbus$X, columbus$Y),, hatmatrix=TRUE)
> #6、地理加权回归操作(高斯函数)
> col.gauss <- gwr(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,
+ coords=cbind(columbus$X, columbus$Y),
+, hatmatrix=TRUE)
> col.gauss
gwr(formula = CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data = columbus, coords = cbind(columbus$X,
columbus$Y), bandwidth =, hatmatrix = TRUE)
Kernel function: gwr.Gauss
Fixed bandwidth: 2.27506
Summary of GWR coefficient estimates at data points:
Min. 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max. Global
X.Intercept. 23.233234 54.124872 63.902588 68.756460 80.900619 68.6190
INC -3.130714 -1.912908 -0.984380 -0.368564 1.291075 -1.5973
HOVAL -1.052811 -0.376735 -0.097394 0.030049 0.794577 -0.2739
Number of data points: 49
Effective number of parameters (residual: 2traceS - traceS'S): 29.6163
Effective degrees of freedom (residual: 2traceS - traceS'S): 19.3837
Sigma (residual: 2traceS - traceS'S): 8.027502
Effective number of parameters (model: traceS): 23.92796
Effective degrees of freedom (model: traceS): 25.07204
Sigma (model: traceS): 7.058361
Sigma (ML): 5.048946
AICc (GWR p. 61, eq 2.33; p. 96, eq. 4.21): 403.6187
AIC (GWR p. 96, eq. 4.22): 321.6635
Residual sum of squares: 1249.101
Quasi-global R2: 0.9070486
> #7、gwr.bisquare进行地理加权回归操作
> col.d <- gwr.sel(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,
+ coords=cbind(columbus$X, columbus$Y),
+ gweight=gwr.bisquare)
Bandwidth: 12.65221 CV score: 8180.619
Bandwidth: 20.45127 CV score: 7552.85
Bandwidth: 25.27136 CV score: 7508.227
Bandwidth: 23.68132 CV score: 7519.864
Bandwidth: 28.25033 CV score: 7491.85
Bandwidth: 30.09144 CV score: 7486.673
Bandwidth: 31.69353 CV score: 7483.663
Bandwidth: 31.08159 CV score: 7484.706
Bandwidth: 32.21945 CV score: 7482.846
Bandwidth: 32.54449 CV score: 7482.371
Bandwidth: 32.74538 CV score: 7482.088
Bandwidth: 32.86953 CV score: 7481.916
Bandwidth: 32.94626 CV score: 7481.812
Bandwidth: 32.99368 CV score: 7481.748
Bandwidth: 33.02299 CV score: 7481.708
Bandwidth: 33.04111 CV score: 7481.684
Bandwidth: 33.0523 CV score: 7481.669
Bandwidth: 33.05922 CV score: 7481.659
Bandwidth: 33.0635 CV score: 7481.654
Bandwidth: 33.06614 CV score: 7481.65
Bandwidth: 33.06777 CV score: 7481.648
Bandwidth: 33.06878 CV score: 7481.647
Bandwidth: 33.06941 CV score: 7481.646
Bandwidth: 33.06979 CV score: 7481.645
Bandwidth: 33.07003 CV score: 7481.645
Bandwidth: 33.07018 CV score: 7481.645
Bandwidth: 33.07027 CV score: 7481.645
Bandwidth: 33.07032 CV score: 7481.645
Bandwidth: 33.07037 CV score: 7481.645
Bandwidth: 33.07037 CV score: 7481.645
Warning message:
In gwr.sel(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data = columbus, coords = cbind(columbus$X, :
Bandwidth converged to upper bound:33.0704149683672
> col.bisq <- gwr(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,
+ coords=cbind(columbus$X, columbus$Y),
+ bandwidth=col.d,gweight=gwr.bisquare, hatmatrix=TRUE)
> col.bisq
gwr(formula = CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data = columbus, coords = cbind(columbus$X,
columbus$Y), bandwidth = col.d, gweight = gwr.bisquare, hatmatrix = TRUE)
Kernel function: gwr.bisquare
Fixed bandwidth: 33.07037
Summary of GWR coefficient estimates at data points:
Min. 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max. Global
X.Intercept. 68.30731 68.96074 69.26155 69.57103 71.64487 68.6190
INC -1.72665 -1.64754 -1.61378 -1.56908 -1.46759 -1.5973
HOVAL -0.33314 -0.30522 -0.28063 -0.25355 -0.18834 -0.2739
Number of data points: 49
Effective number of parameters (residual: 2traceS - traceS'S): 4.604881
Effective degrees of freedom (residual: 2traceS - traceS'S): 44.39512
Sigma (residual: 2traceS - traceS'S): 11.3765
Effective number of parameters (model: traceS): 3.917653
Effective degrees of freedom (model: traceS): 45.08235
Sigma (model: traceS): 11.28946
Sigma (ML): 10.82875
AICc (GWR p. 61, eq 2.33; p. 96, eq. 4.21): 383.6983
AIC (GWR p. 96, eq. 4.22): 376.4297
Residual sum of squares: 5745.83
Quasi-global R2: 0.5724262