rddsga基于indepvars中的协变量向量计算IPSW,这些协变量也被用作模型中的控制变量。可以通过balance(varlist)指定单独的一组变量来计算IPSW。可以使用pweight (newvar)生成具有IPSW的新变量。为了评估每个协变量均数差异的统计显著性,rddsga使用均数相等的t检验,并报告得到的p值以及(加权的)标准化均数差异。联合显著性采用f检验进行评估。结果的平衡表以矩阵的形式存储(参见下面的存储结果),也可以使用disbalance来显示。
关于rddsga实现的方法的更多细节可以在项目的存储库中找到。在Gerardino, Litschig, Olken和Pomeranz(2017)中可以找到一个应用。
rddsga depvar assignvar [indepvars] [if] [in] , options
sgroup (varname)指定分组指标变量。此变量必须为虚拟变量(值为0或1)。必须指定此选项。
Treatment (varname)为实际治疗状态的指示变量。如果没有指定,则假定是一个精确断点RDD。
Cutoff (real)指定assignvar中的断点值;默认值是0(假设规范化的assignvar)。
bwidth (real)指定在断点周围对称的带宽。必须指定此选项。
balance (varlist)指定进入倾向得分估计的变量。如果未指定,则使用indepvars中的变量。如果想要平衡一组不同的协变量,而不是模型中用作控制的协变量,那么这个选项是有用的。如果indepvars为空,则必须指定此选项。
firststage 表示用OLS估计断点回归。
Setup (click here for details on getting ancillary files)
. use rddsga_synth
Assess covariate imbalance using one covariate
. rddsga Y X, balance(W1) sgroup(G) bwidth(10) dibal
Silently store computed IPSW based on X1 and X2
. rddsga Y X, balance(W1 W2) sgroup(G) bwidth(10) ipsweight(ipsw)
Fit reduced form model
. rddsga Y X, balance(W1 W2) sgroup(G) bwidth(10) reduced
Estimate treatment effect in fuzzy RDD using instrumental variables regression and 200 bootstrap replications, comparing output without and with IPSW
. rddsga Y X W1 W2, sgroup(G) bwidth(6) ivreg bsreps(100) treatment(D) noipsw
. rddsga Y X W1 W2, sgroup(G) bwidth(6) ivreg bsreps(100) treatment(D)
. use "rddsga_synth.dta", clear
. ed
. desc
Contains data from rddsga_synth.dta
obs: 10,000
vars: 6 14 Sep 2017 11:28
size: 240,000
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
Y float %9.0g Outcome
X float %9.0g Running variable
D float %9.0g Dreatment
G float %9.0g Subgroup
W1 float %9.0g Covariate 1
W2 float %9.0g Covariate 2
Sorted by:
. summ
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
Y | 10,000 .4167268 1.782474 -6.109462 8.632755
X | 10,000 14.5016 24.98074 -100 100
D | 10,000 .7217 .4481843 0 1
G | 10,000 .499 .500024 0 1
W1 | 10,000 .367162 .9535774 -3.993898 3.60193
W2 | 10,000 .365721 .9578171 -3.977856 3.723975
. rdplot Y X,c(0) p(1)
RD Plot with evenly spaced mimicking variance number of bins using spacings estimators
> .
Cutoff c = 0 | Left of c Right of c Number of obs = 10000
----------------------+---------------------- Kernel = Uniform
Number of obs | 2775 7225
Eff. Number of obs | 2775 7225
Order poly. fit (p) | 1 1
BW poly. fit (h) | 100.000 100.000
Number of bins scale | 1.000 1.000
Outcome: Y. Running variable: X.
| Left of c Right of c
Bins selected | 164 121
Average bin length | 0.610 0.826
Median bin length | 0.610 0.826
IMSE-optimal bins | 6 7
Mimicking Var. bins | 164 121
Rel. to IMSE-optimal: |
Implied scale | 27.333 17.286
WIMSE var. weight | 0.000 0.000
WIMSE bias weight | 1.000 1.000
4.1 不加入协变量进行分析
rddsga Y X, balance(W1 W2) sgroup(G) bwidth(10) reduced
. rddsga Y X, balance(W1 W2) sgroup(G) bwidth(10) reduced
Bootstrap replications (50)
----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
.................................................. 50
Y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] (P)
Subgroup |
0 | -.2170053 .2377593 -0.91 0.361 -.6832169 .2492062
1 | .7522075 .2686415 2.80 0.005 .2254403 1.278975
Difference | .9692128 .4001881 2.42 0.015 .0463774 1.892048
rddsga Y X W1 W2, sgroup(G) bwidth(6) ivreg bsreps(100) treatment(D) noipsw
Bootstrap replications (100)
----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
.................................................. 50
.................................................. 100
Y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] (P)
Subgroup |
0 | .3267913 .2170299 1.51 0.160 -.1508882 .8044709
1 | .3162328 .3168818 1.00 0.340 -.3812195 1.013685
Difference | -.0105586 .315844 -0.03 0.973 -.6300733 .6089561
. . rddsga Y X W1 W2, sgroup(G) bwidth(6) ivreg bsreps(100) treatment(D)
Bootstrap replications (100)
----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
.................................................. 50
.................................................. 100
Y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] (P)
Subgroup |
0 | .0401956 .3342838 0.12 0.906 -.695558 .7759492
1 | 1.336952 .4279897 3.12 0.010 .3949536 2.278951
Difference | 1.296757 .5235606 2.48 0.013 .2698043 2.323709
不加入IPSW,相对于控制组而言,实验组的处理效应为-.0105586 ,并且不显著。加入IPSW,相对于控制组而言,处理效应为1.296757 ,在1%水平下显著