来源:SYNTH2: Stata module to implement synthetic control method (SCM) with placebo tests, robustness test and visualization
synth2 depvar indepvars, trunit(#) trperiod(#) [options]
ctrlunit(numlist)用于捐助池的Ctrlunit (numlist)控制单元
preperiod(numlist) 干预发生前的预处理阶段
postperiod(numlist) 干预发生时及之后的治疗后时期
Xperiod (numlist) indepvar中指定的预测器的平均周期
nested 在所有(对角)正半定v矩阵和w权集之间进行搜索的嵌套全嵌套优化过程
allopt 如果指定了嵌套,将获得完全健壮的结果
placebo([{unit|unit(numlist)} period(numlist) cutoff(#_c)]) 使用假治疗单位的空间安慰剂试验和/或使用假治疗时间的时间安慰剂试验
. use "C:\Users\Metrics\Desktop\smoking.dta"
(Tobacco Sales in 39 US States)
. xtset state year
Panel variable: state (strongly balanced)
Time variable: year, 1970 to 2000
Delta: 1 unit
. synth2 cigsale lnincome age15to24 retprice beer cigsale(1980) cigs
> ale(1975), trunit(3) trperiod(1989) xperiod(1980(1)1984) nested pla
> cebo(period(1985))
Fitting results in the pre-treatment periods:
Treated Unit : California Treatment Time : 1989
Mean Absolute Error = 1.51510 Number of Control Units = 38
Mean Squared Error = 4.86334 Number of Covariates = 6
Root Mean Squared Error = 2.20530 R-squared = 0.95253
Predictor balance in the pre-treatment periods:
Covariate | V.weight Treated Synthetic Control Average Control
| Value Bias Value Bias
lnincome | 0.0000 10.0372 9.8639 -1.73% 9.7892 -2.47%
age15to24 | 0.0000 0.1815 0.1825 0.55% 0.1814 -0.06%
retprice | 0.0384 76.2200 76.1523 -0.09% 71.8353 -5.75%
beer | 0.0000 25.0000 23.0089 -7.96% 23.6947 -5.22%
cigsale(1980) | 0.9597 120.2000 120.0846 -0.10% 138.0895 14.88%
cigsale(1975) | 0.0019 127.1000 126.8324 -0.21% 136.9316 7.74%
Note: "V.weight" is the optimal covariate weight in the diagonal of V matrix.
"Synthetic Control" is the weighted average of control units in the donor pool with
optimal weights.
"Average Control" is the simple average of control units in the donor pool with equal
Optimal Unit Weights:
Unit | U.weight
Utah | 0.3600
Nevada | 0.2880
Connecticut | 0.1990
Colorado | 0.1020
NewMexico | 0.0500
Note: The unit Alabama Arkansas Delaware Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky
Louisiana Maine Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska NewHampshire
NorthCarolina NorthDakota Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania RhodeIsland SouthCarolina
SouthDakota Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia WestVirginia Wisconsin Wyoming in the
donor pool get a weight of 0.
Prediction results in the post-treatment periods:
Time | Actual Outcome Predicted Outcome Treatment Effect
1989 | 82.4000 93.0322 -10.6322
1990 | 77.8000 89.4297 -11.6297
1991 | 68.7000 82.4727 -13.7727
1992 | 67.5000 80.6731 -13.1731
1993 | 63.4000 79.5929 -16.1929
1994 | 58.6000 78.1272 -19.5272
1995 | 56.4000 75.6207 -19.2207
1996 | 54.5000 74.8372 -20.3372
1997 | 53.8000 74.5395 -20.7395
1998 | 52.3000 71.1561 -18.8561
1999 | 47.2000 71.4380 -24.2380
2000 | 41.6000 65.8382 -24.2382
Mean | 60.3500 78.0631 -17.7131
Note: The average treatment effect over the post-treatment periods is -17.7131.
Implementing placebo test using fake treatment time 1985...
Placebo test results using fake treatment time 1985:
Time | Actual Outcome Predicted Outcome Treatment Effect
1985 | 102.8000 106.1262 -3.3262
1986 | 99.7000 103.2850 -3.5850
1987 | 97.5000 106.1524 -8.6524
1988 | 90.1000 98.4873 -8.3873
1989 | 82.4000 96.5237 -14.1237
1990 | 77.8000 91.9127 -14.1127
1991 | 68.7000 83.7156 -15.0156
1992 | 67.5000 81.4730 -13.9730
1993 | 63.4000 79.7911 -16.3911
1994 | 58.6000 77.9078 -19.3078
1995 | 56.4000 76.2193 -19.8193
1996 | 54.5000 75.2010 -20.7010
1997 | 53.8000 75.1958 -21.3958
1998 | 52.3000 71.9437 -19.6437
1999 | 47.2000 72.2260 -25.0260
2000 | 41.6000 67.1861 -25.5861
Mean | 69.6437 85.2092 -15.5654
Note: The average treatment effect over the post-treatment periods is -15.5654.