海洋之殇装置艺术展 | 当艺术遇上环保,在这里重新发现海洋之蓝!
The Ocean's Blues
海洋之殇装置艺术展 The Ocean's Blues 活动日期:2019年6月18日-9月10日 活动地点:深圳外国语学校国际部·瀚美术馆 届时,欢迎大家带上孩子前来参观、欣赏与品鉴。 | |||
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The Ocean's Blues Introduction
展览中的三件装置艺术作品分别名为“幽灵捕鱼”、“海龟的困惑”和“微塑料”,是由深外国际部的三十余名学生,从概念探究到材料试验,再到作品创作,总共历时十八周完成。今年三月至四月,深外国际部在校门口设置了“upcycle 回收站”, 向全校师生回收塑料,作为本次装置作品的主要材料。创作过程中,学生们需要理解作品的空间尺度,掌握综合材料的运用,以及尝试声音、灯光、影像等创作手段,并在反复实验的过程中对创作主题有了更深的解读。
环境保护是IB倡导的全人教育理念中的一个要素,IB六大学科主题之一“共享地球” 便是引导学生探究人类与自然,人类与其它地球生物之间共存关系的学科单元。在“海洋之殇”艺术展中,学生们以作品发声,表达自己的所思所想,向公众传达了改善海洋塑料污染的紧迫性和重要性。
幽灵渔网 #1
被丢弃在海洋中的渔具在海洋中漂浮着,沿途“捕获”海洋生物使其无法挣脱,直到尸体腐坏,渔网又重新漂回海里进行新一轮的“捕杀”。这一循环现象被称做“Ghost Net Fishing”,即幽灵捕鱼。幽灵捕鱼造成了诸多毁灭性影响,如杀害濒危大型海洋生物,传播病菌危害珊瑚群落,破坏海洋生态环境等等。
在展厅中间列阵悬挂的透明流刺网是从深圳大鹏沿海回收的废弃渔网。在渔网的下方,是一片了无生气的海底,布满了白化的珊瑚和动物的骸骨。海底地形是用蜂窝纸板、鸡网,以及回收的塑料和泡沫等材料搭建的。”幽灵渔网” 犹如一记警钟:像墓地一般的海底世界,是否会让你感到一丝悲凉和愧疚?
作者 Artist:
陈烨坤 Connor Chen, 陈靖诺 Stella Chen , 徐宇嫻 Maggie Hsu, 徐宇婕 Melody Hsu, 李知行 Kingsley Li, 林诗颖 Chrissie Lin, 陆曦瑶 Gillian Lu , 陆怡霏 Queenie Lu, 许乐琳 Alison Xu, 许乐天 Arthur Xu, 余思远 Alex Yu
幽灵渔网 #2
在学生决定要以 “幽灵捕鱼” 为创作主题之后,我们就开始想办法收集废弃渔网。我们必须使用真实的废弃渔网,因为真实,才会有触动。因此我们也需要承担回收材料在种类和数量上的不确定性。在幽灵渔网的创作过程中,我们在前中后期分别搜集了三批废弃的渔网:第一批是“笼网”, 第二批是“流刺网”, 第三批是“深海网兜”。所以最终形成了两组作品。
幽灵渔网#2 是一个真实伤害事件的重现:大型海洋生物被废弃渔网缠绕其中,无法挣脱,等待它们的只有饥饿和死亡。作品中使用了深海网兜,铁丝,外卖餐盒和蔬菜包装盒。
作者 Artist
陈烨坤 Connor Chen, 陈靖诺 Stella Chen , 徐宇嫻 Maggie Hsu, 徐宇婕 Melody Hsu, 李知行 Kingsley Li, 林诗颖 Chrissie Lin, 陆曦瑶 Gillian Lu , 陆怡霏 Queenie Lu, 许乐琳 Alison Xu, 许乐天 Arthur Xu, 余思远 Alex Yu
海洋中除了有堆积成山的 “垃圾岛”, 还有更多肉眼看不见的“微塑料”。粒径小于5毫米的塑料纤维、颗粒或者薄膜即为微塑料,实际上很多微塑料可达微米乃至纳米级,因此也被形象地比作海洋中的“PM2.5” 。微塑料无法被打捞起来,更糟糕的是它已经进入了海洋食物链。
作者 Artist
黄梓淇 Kelly Huang,黄梓豪 Mike Huang,林瑞熙 Jesse Lam,厉美辰 Linda Li,林子皓 Carson Lin,林浩然 Oscar Lin,林思羽 Tracy Lin,薛兆涵 Brian Xue,叶卓纯 Emma Ye,郑安旎 Anne Zheng
人类的塑料垃圾大规模侵入海洋,每年因误食塑料而死亡的动物不计其数。海鸟、海龟、鲸鱼… 它们没有能力分辨,最后被塑料塞满了消化道,因脱水和饥饿而死。学生在观看资料视频的时候,有的惊呼不可思议,有的默默地红了眼眶。
“ You can tell the difference, a turtle can’t!”是WWF世界自然基金会的一张海报上的标语。在“海龟的困惑”中,学生们描绘了一个暗藏杀机的美丽海洋,一只面临生死选择却不自知的海龟。希望观众能透过海龟的视角去看海洋,对这些与我们共享地球的物种,我们该有一份同理心。
作者 Artist
陈璟妍 Mia Chen,戴一真 Maria Dai,关易 Archer Guan,李承谦 Austin Li,秦桥语 Isabella Qin,师佳莹 Alexandra Shi,魏旭威 Cartman Wei ,谢芊依 Amber Xie,许馨瑶 Avril Xu,张楚涵 Cathy Zhang,朱悦诚 Yoyo Zhu
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The Ocean's Blues Introduction
“The Ocean’s Blues” exhibits artworks from students of all seven Shenzhen Foreign Language Schools.The exhibition consists of three installation art pieces and over 170 drawings、photographs and sculptures. It is also part of the “2019 International Children’s Marine Festival” organized by SZBOCA, a Shenzhen based NGO dedicated to marine conservation.
The three installation art pieces are collaborative endeavors of over 30 students from SWIS. They are named “Ghost Nets”, “Confusion” and “Microplastics”. During March and April, an “Upcycle Station” is set up at the SWIS front gate to collect plastic waste from the whole community. The art project timeframe spans over 18 weeks, starting from research and concept development, progressing to material experimentation, and finally the making of the art piece. The students have to comprehend the scale of their work and its spatial relationships, master plastic reconstruction techniques, and experiment with various methods such as sound、 lighting、 and motion pictures. Through this creative process, they gain more insights about the problem and develop a stronger stance.
Shenzhen Foreign Language School has in total over 10,000 students, and over 170 art pieces are received for this exhibition. The students come from different ethnic groups, different age groups,and different educational systems. “The Ocean’s Blues” serves as a dialogue between them, whereby they express themselves and exchange ideas.
Environmental awareness is an inherent part of the IB philosophy. In the PYP program, one of the six “Units of Inquiry” is called “Sharing the Planet” , which leads students to contemplate our co-existence with other living creatures on Earth, and to reflect on the implications of our behavior. “The Ocean’s Blues” voices the students’ opinions about marine conservation, and urges the public to act positively against the pollution of our oceans.
The Ocean’s Blues - Documentary
This documentary reveals the “behind the scene” actions of the three installation art pieces. It consists of three sections: “the Creative Process”, “Plastic Reconstruction”, and “Project Portfolios”. Through the sketches, photographs, video footages, and artifacts, we hope to provide you with a glimpse of how the art works are conceived, developed, and materialized.
Exhibition of works
Ghost Nets #1
Ghost nets are commercial fishing nets that have been lost, abandoned, or discarded at sea. Every year they are responsible for trapping and killing millions of marine animals. Ghost nets cause further damage by entangling live coral, smothering reefs and introducing parasites and invasive species into reef environments.
The fishing nets used in this piece of work are real “trammel nets” collected from the Dapeng coastlines of Shenzhen. Underneath the nets is a piece of lifeless seabed, covered by bleached coral reefs and fish bones. The seabed is made with honeycomb cardboard, chicken wire, recycled plastics and foam wraps etc,. “Ghost nets” turn natural habitats into graveyards, and how does that make you feel?
作者 Artist
陈烨坤 Connor Chen, 陈靖诺 Stella Chen , 徐宇嫻 Maggie Hsu, 徐宇婕 Melody Hsu, 李知行 Kingsley Li, 林诗颖 Chrissie Lin, 陆曦瑶 Gillian Lu , 陆怡霏 Queenie Lu, 许乐琳 Alison Xu, 许乐天 Arthur Xu, 余思远 Alex Yu
Ghost Nets #2
The students wanted to explore the concept of “ghost net fishing”, so we set out to collect discarded fish nets for their work. We had to use “real” materials, because they carry sentimental values. But it also meant that we had to deal with uncertainty: three types of fishing nets were collected at different times, they were cage-traps, trammel-nets, and purse-nets. We ended up with two pieces of work for “Ghost Nets”.
This work is a recount of an actual murder: large sea animals are trapped by discarded fishing nets, only hunger and death await them. Purse-nets are used in Ghost Nets #2, they are retrieved from the deep sea by divers. Plastic take-away boxes and supermarket vegetable-boxes are also used to cover the animals’ bodies.
作者 Artist
陈烨坤 Connor Chen, 陈靖诺 Stella Chen , 徐宇嫻 Maggie Hsu, 徐宇婕 Melody Hsu, 李知行 Kingsley Li, 林诗颖 Chrissie Lin, 陆曦瑶 Gillian Lu , 陆怡霏 Queenie Lu, 许乐琳 Alison Xu, 许乐天 Arthur Xu, 余思远 Alex Yu
Sadly, an overwhelming amount of plastic pollution isn’t even visible to the human eye, with much of the pollution occurring on a microscopic level. Plastic debris that are less than five millimeters in length are called “microplastics.” As an emerging field of study, a lot of research is currently underway to uncover the impact of microplastics on the marine food chain.
During the research phase of this project, we came across a video footage recorded under a microscope, that showed us how microplastics entered the body of a zooplankton. This important piece of “evidence” inspired us to unveil the process of microplastics being carried up the food chain, and ultimately entered the human body.
作者 Artist
黄梓淇 Kelly Huang,黄梓豪 Mike Huang,林瑞熙 Jesse Lam,厉美辰 Linda Li,林子皓 Carson Lin,林浩然 Oscar Lin,林思羽 Tracy Lin,薛兆涵 Brian Xue,叶卓纯 Emma Ye,郑安旎 Anne Zheng
Like many other marine animals, sea turtles mistake plastic waste for a viable food source, which causes blockages in their digestive system. Students are shocked to see the reality of sea turtles, sea birds and whales etc., dying because of plastic ingestion.
“Confusion” is a narrative about how the little sea turtle is unable to distinguish between jelly fish and floating plastic bags, and is utterly unaware of the deadly decision he is about to make. The moral of the story is: if we try to see the ocean from the turtle’s perspective, maybe we’d have more empathy towards other living creatures with whom we share the planet.
作者 Artist
陈璟妍 Mia Chen,戴一真 Maria Dai,关易 Archer Guan,李承谦 Austin Li,秦桥语 Isabella Qin,师佳莹 Alexandra Shi,魏旭威 Cartman Wei ,谢芊依 Amber Xie,许馨瑶 Avril Xu,张楚涵 Cathy Zhang,朱悦诚 Yoyo Zhu
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