
【海外讲堂】中国城中村:城市化的产物及未来发展之路 —— 厦门曾厝垵

2014-11-11 SYSU城市化研究院

今天所推荐的内容来自香港理工大学陈汉云教授于11月5号在剑桥大学的讲座:“Urban village in China: a unique legacy of urbanization and itsfuture”


来自中山大学城市化研究院研究团队的香港理工大学可持续城市实验室负责人陈汉云教授,于2014年11月5日在剑桥大学建筑系受邀演讲了以“Urban village in China: a unique legacy of urbanization and itsfuture”为题的中国城中村问题。中国城中村是中国城市应对城市衰退独特的景观还是典型的平民窟?如果他们会有一个好的发展前途,他们在城市中应扮演着什么角色?应如何与城市发展看齐?


Urban village in China: a unique legacy of urbanizationand its future

Professor EdwinH. W. Chan

Professor and Associate Head, Building and Real Estate Department, Hong Kong Poly technic University, HongKong

In the process of economic reform in China over the last 30 years, concomitantly there are urbanization issues of uncoordinated development, economic migrants, household registration (hukou), urban-rural conflicts, land ownership system, relocation for urban renewal, local people’s livelihood, aspiration of citizen rights, identity of local history/culture and internationalized city etc. During the urbanization construction, pockets of land have either been preserved for existing vibrant villages or left behind due to fierce local opposition or out-of-phase land development. They are “Urban villages” (literary means villages within city) surrounded by high-rise buildings in city as the legacies of fast urbanization and economic reform in China. Are they the unique urban components in China or just typical urban slumps serving many prosperous cities around the world? If they do have a future, what role will they play in the city? How to bring them in line with the city development? The speaker will examine the urban villages with them ulti-face tedlenses associated with the economic reform and fast urbanization in China. Case study will be presented to show the overall approach of revitalizing these urban villages through community participation.


