

2017-05-22 交哥 广东英语新闻








举例子,second 这个词大家都认识,第二的意思;我印象中在做亚运会的时候学习了这个词的另一个用法,原来可以是动词,重音还在第二个音节,指人员借调的意思,to move someone from their usual duties to a special duty, usually for a limited time. 例句有:I’ve been seconded to the accounts department while they’re short of staff. 会计部门人手不足,我被暂时借调过去帮忙。二来也可以通过阅读扩大我们的知识面和理解力。我还记得一开始做杂志的时候,总喜欢揪着中国人和外国人有什么区别,后来阅读多了以后就渐渐发现,其实中国人外国人差别也没那么大。一位我很尊敬的外专,也是一名传奇的美联社记者,就曾经和我分享过他周游世界后的最大发现,他说,it is amazing to know how much we are alike.

下面这篇文章就是我当初做出版时挑选的一篇文章,我到现在还记得第一次看时的震撼。现在也有越来越多的中国孩子到海外留学或者是移民。这是一封新移民子女写给她妈妈的信,代沟现象在中西文化的撞击下表现得特别尖锐。文章末尾的一句话“你把我整根拔起,然后扔在水泥地板上” 让我的心情久久不能平静。若无其事的第二封信将一切矛盾都掩饰了起来,却让人们更加深入地思考母女两代人的茫然和无助。



Dear mother, 

How are you?

I just finished dinner. Now I am in Benjamin's bed, lying on my stomach. I know, I know, I shouldn' 32 45521 32 14986 0 0 1517 0 0:00:30 0:00:09 0:00:21 2749 32 45521 32 14986 0 0 1353 0 0:00:33 0:00:11 0:00:22 2653t lie on my stomach right after dinner. I should take one hundred paces after each meal. But my physiological psychology professor says that the stomach needs energy to digest. But if you are walking, your legs take up the energy and that's how you get 1)cramps. Mother, who should I listen to? 

For dinner I had a turkey sandwich, with lettuce and tomato, but no cheese, mother. Americans all eat cheese, which keeps them healthy, which is why this country is so great, which is why we had to leave home and come here. But mother, I don't care, I hate cheese. Next time, I will try to cook something. There's a wok here in his room, we don't even have a wok at home, do we? I also had a glass of 100% orange juice, and two blueberry gummy sharks. 

Now mother, I am sure you are wondering about this boy Benjamin, whose bed I am lying on. This must worry you and your 2)overactive imagination. All those times that you volunteered to 3)vacuum my room, just so you could see that I was hiding underneath the bed. Then when you did the laundry, 4)sniffing my clothes. Did they smell of cigarettes? Alcohol? Men? And you searched my pockets, looking for a note, a phone number. Well mother, the cigarettes are in the guitar, the vodka in the Reebok shoe box. Remember that plant I had in my room, next to the window? Now sit down because mom, that was 5)weed. And thanks to your green thumb, I harvested almost an entire ounce every ninety days. Oh mother, now calm down. Think of all the money you've saved me. By the way, how often did you water it? Because the one here is just not growing. 

And the boys. Boys boys boys. You always called them boys. Did you think that somehow the name would 6)neutralize them, render them into little harmless creatures? Like puppies, running around, chasing after cars, without a clue as to what to do if they ever did catch one? You also always called me a little girl. 

You didn't even hold a boy's hand before my father, did you? So you tell me, my virtuous mother. Well, that's why we came here. So I can have more freedom, more choices than you had. 

I still have your last letter: 

"...Daughter, I think I am a pretty open minded parent. I don't like people telling me what to do, so I won't tell you what to do. You are old enough to make your own decisions. I have decided not to interfere, after all, this is your life. So go ahead, choose your own field, be any kind of doctor that you want. Even if you just want to be a general practitioner, I won't..." 

Any kind of doctor? 

I just popped a 7)yogurt covered 8)raisin in my mouth. Isn't yogurt made of milk? Is this what breast feeding tasted like? I am trying to remember, but I can't even picture your face. Are you still using Oil of Olay? Still dying your hair with Clairol? Still getting your hands dirty when you do it? Try not to get the sink black, your husband will scream. 

Now I am eating a sour gummy worm, chewing it up and swallowing like when I used to steal cookies before dinner, gobbling it down before anyone sees. But then you had those dry cookies and I almost choked on one. DO you remember? Of course you do. You are probably the one who told me about it. Mother, you are such a creator. Inside of you grey matter filled my head, long winding 9)intestines filled my body, along with other little soft organs. Then, once outside, you filled my stomach with food, all healthy no doubt. And filled my head with ideas, their quality I am not so sure of. And now, you give me my memories and my past. That's a lot of power, and a lot of potential for abuse. But if you can't trust your mother, who can you trust? 

Be patient Mom, I will eventually get to Benjamin. You are always so 10)nosy, so reluctant to let me go. Even at my birth, I had to force you to let me out. Okay, granted that I left you two weeks too early. I am sorry, that must have been painful. I didn't know any better, I thought I was ready. I wasn't. For the next two weeks, (according to your story) you watched my blue face through a pane of glass, as I kicked in a little tank, protesting the price for my 11)stubbornness. You covered me with your gaze, trying to 12)shield me, like the eight months before. Mother, I never wanted you to pay for my mistakes. 

When I was four, we got separated at a very crowded store. People pushed each other and inched along as one entity. Amidst this crawling giant, I walked under its legs and all the way home. By nightfall you finally came home. You stood in front of my family, your in'laws, a woman on the verge of 13)hysteria. My grandmother pointed to my small figure playing in the backyard and said, "Thank God my granddaughter had enough sense to come back by herself." And I 14)waddled up to you, a perfectly innocent child, calling, "Mama mama, I came home all by myself." Was that enough to melt the icy look grandma give you? You held me and whispered, "Never leave me again." How often did you wish that I was back inside your body?  

For the next few days, our game of hide and seek took new urgency. You, a grown woman, exhibited such poor sportsmanship, nearly burst in tears every time that you couldn't find me, so that I had to come out of my hiding place. And one day, being distracted by a butterfly, I went chasing after it. Forgetting all about you, until you found me later in Grandma's lap. Shaking, your hair loose, you grabbed me and demanded, "Didn't I tell you never to leave me?" Hurt by your tight grip, I cried out, and immediately Grandma 15)snatched me away from you, like the time she snatched me out of the way before an overly friendly dog and its dripping tongue could get to me. 

"You want to scare her to death? What kind of a mother are you?" Stroking my back, "Hush, hush, there, there, don't worry, nana's here." As she took me back inside the house, I turned around, and saw your frozen smile glued to your lips. How many millions of women before you stood like that, letting their obedience as daughter-in-laws drown their roles as mothers? Confucius taught you to honor your elderly. What did he say about protecting your child? Yourself? 

Soon after that I stopped playing with you and found the company of my peers. I started to come home with dirt under my nails, showing off my bruises. 

"Look mama, I got this from climbing the oak tree, it was tall and I fell but I didn't cry." 

And you would shake your head, with pride and anxiety mixed. "Such a brave little person" and "Be a good girl, good girls don't climb trees," You always remembered to lower my voice so grandma wouldn't find out. You said it's because old people shouldn't be worried. But to me, you always seemed older than grandma. 

Monkeys and tigers don't get along. Grandma the tigress would mutter under her breath. Twelve 16)zodiac signs, you could have been a dog, or a horse, both compatible with the tiger, but you had to be a monkey. 

Grandpa was a tiger too, wasn't he? One mountain can't hold two tigers. A fearless cub, I insisted on challenging him. Instead of waiting for the punishment, I actually ran away. And the old 17)patriarch would chase me up the stairs. That mush have been quite a sight, Grandpa with his respectable beard flying, his authoritative walking stick waving, huffing and puffing after a little girl. What must the neighbors have thought. What did you think? You must've had an image of this sweet gentle girl, ribbon in her hair, fat little legs in white stockings dangling in front of a piano, a shy blushing smile. Then me, grass in my hair, skinny brown legs kicking from the highest tree, laughing with all my teeth showing. But how could I be anything less than a tiger? And sometimes, I even had to put in that little extra 18)mischief for your monkey, they are supposed to be curious and restless. But instead, you were this little 19)timid thing, trying to hold onto its tail midst a cage full of prowling tigers. 

I didn't realize until we left for America how 20)edgy your voice was. And how your back was always straight, even when sitting on a high back chair. On the plane you finally leaned back. Almost overnight, laugh line appeared around your eyes and mouth. As if your skin, being stretched flat all this time, finally relaxed into these natural 21)creases. 

But you didn't escape completely, you brought a little cub with you. One night, as always, you watched with love as your husband read bedtime stories to your daughter. By the end of the second story, you said, "It's bedtime." And so it was, but I said, "Papa, read me another one." 

"No. It's bedtime, your father has to get up early for work tomorrow." 

"Papa papa one more." 

"You've already heard two." You said. 

"Papa papa please please." Holding onto his sleeve I looked up and smiled, a perfect little girl adoring her father.  

Father laughed, "All right all right, one more." Seeing your cloudy face, he added comfortingly, only half joking, "Wife, don't worry, haven't you heard the saying when the tiger leaves, the monkey becomes the king of the jungle?" 

But you never wanted me to leave. 

OK, back to Benjamin. I'm sure you're dying to know about him. He has blond hair and blue eyes, and speaks only English, but he knows how to use chopsticks. He also drinks tea. He would like to meet you. I have been with him since this Christmas. We are very close. And yes, mother, we have sex. He is also international relations major. Yes mom, that's still my major, so stop telling everyone that I am pre-med. I am not trying to be difficult, I know you don't like the major. I can still hear your voice, an 22)octave higher than usual. 

"International Relations? What kind of job would you get with that? Foreign Service? Where would you go? Are you crazy? Your father and I slaved to bring you to America just so you can finish college and work in a place without indoor plumbing? I am calm, go on, explain, how much more can you destroy my hopes for you? Go back to China? Your father has go to hear this. Husband, husband, come here, listen to what your daughter has to say. She wants to go back and work in China! Yes, the same China that we took her away from. No, I don't want to listen to you. I've heard enough. Now you listen to me little girl. . . Little girl, little girl, why must you be so stubborn? You think that just because you speak perfect English and have high 23)SATs you know everything? Well I've crossed more bridges than you've passed roads. I've had more pepper than you've salt. Trust us, your father and I have a lot of experience. We know what's best for you. You may think this is what you want, but you are too young and idealistic. Who didn't want to save the world when they are in college, but you are an adult now you've got to be responsible and realistic. I am not saying money is the most important thing but... 

But mother mother mother, I don't want to be responsible and realistic, I don't want to make money. Mother let go. I am going to do what I can do. I don't want to stay here. I know you came here for my benefit, my future. So I can drive sixteen, choose my college and major, date boys, talk about politics. Yet I am just a little girl, homesick. I can pretend all I want, talk about 24)Kurt Cobain's suicide and what that says about my generation, as if this is my generation. Worry about Bill and Hill and the Whitegate, as if they are my leaders. You pulled me up by the root and threw me on cement, it's more adaptation that I am capable of. I am tired of listening to myself, making sure I sound American. I am tired of hunting behind every word or hidden racist agendas. I am tired of being a guest. All I want is to go home. But mother damn it you know I can't. Mother, we shouldn't have left.


Dear Mother, 

How are you? 

I just had dinner. I had a turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomato and cheese, one glass of 100% orange juice and two blueberry gummy sharks. The food here is good but I still miss your cooking. 

The weather here is great, winter is finally over. How's our garden? School is going well, I enjoy all my classes. I am still an international relations major, but I am keeping my options open. My advisor says medical schools prefer students with a broad liberal arts background, so if I do decide to become a doctor, I can. Exams are coming so I've got to go to the library and study. Talk to you soon. 


Your daughter 















在接下来的几天里,我们的捉迷藏游戏又有了新问题。您做为一个成年妇女,却没有体现出任何的体育精神,每次在没能找到我的时候都伤心流泪,以至我不得不自己跑出来。有一天,因为追逐一只花蝴蝶,我完全把您给忘记了,直到最后您在奶奶的膝盖上发现了我。只见您披头散发,走路颤颤悠悠的,您一把抓住我,说,“难道我没告诉你不要离开我吗?” 您都把我给抓疼了,我不禁哭了起来。奶奶这时马上把我从您身边抢了过来,就像那次她抢救我一样,当时一只过分亲热的狗要来舔我,它耷拉着口水的舌头都差点要够着我了。




您总会摇着头,又是骄傲又是害怕,“真是个小勇士”或者“要做个好女孩,好女孩不爬树,” 您总是提醒我要我降低音调,别让奶奶知道。您告诉我说,我们晚辈不应该让老人担心。但在我看来,您看上去比奶奶还老。
















1)cramp n. 腹部绞痛

2)overactive adj. 活跃得不正常的

3)vacuum  v. 用吸尘器打扫

4)sniff  v. 用力闻

5)weed  n. 大麻,大麻属植物,晒干的花簇和叶子可制成毒品制剂,一般通过吸食来获取快感

6)neutralize v. 使中和,中性化

7)yogurt  n. 酸奶酪

8)raisin  n. 葡萄干

9)intestine  n. 肠子

10)nosy adj. 多管闲事的

11)stubbornness  n. 顽固

12)shield  v. 保护

13)hysteria n. 歇斯底里

14)waddle  v. 蹒跚而行

15)snatch v. 攥取

16)zodiac signs  n. 黄道十二宫

17)patriarch  n. 家长,族长

18)mischief  n. 恶作剧

19)timid  adj. 胆小羞怯的

20)edgy  adj. 急躁的

21)crease  n. 褶皱

22)octave  n. 八度音阶

23)SAT学术智能测验Scholastic Aptitude Test

24)Kurt Cobain 柯特·柯本,90年代美国最重要的摇滚歌手,后自杀。




推荐阅读 ➤➤➤

➤ 今天来聊聊“穷”到底是怎么一回事

➤ 好的翻译就得眼中有活




