

HHHso 看雪学院 2021-03-07







上图中,提示使用的是CAN协议,协议参考标准为【ISO 15765-2】和【ISO 14229-1】



文件内容胜利如下,是CAN bus汽车通讯协议的标准通讯帧。

date Thu Apr 2 10:37:15.950 am 2020base hex timestamps absoluteinternal events logged// version 8.2.1 0.005921 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 1.005921 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 2.005922 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 3.005922 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 4.000621 1 7DF Tx d 8 02 3E 80 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 124 ID = 2015 // 1 OTP(01) Atom 7DF->7DF : SF Length: 02 [ 3E 80 ] 4.005922 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 5.005922 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 6.005923 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 7.005923 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 8.000537 1 7DF Tx d 8 02 3E 80 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 124 ID = 2015 // 1 OTP(02) Atom 7DF->7DF : SF Length: 02 [ 3E 80 ] 8.005923 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 9.005924 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 9.498709 1 7DF Tx d 8 02 10 02 AA AA AA AA AA Length = 0 BitCount = 116 ID = 2015 // 1 OTP(03) Atom 7DF->7DF : SF Length: 02 [ 10 02 ] 9.499693 1 7B0 Rx d 8 06 50 02 00 32 01 F4 00 Length = 235910 BitCount = 122 ID = 1968...略... 10.314499 1 730 Tx d 8 02 37 01 AA AA AA AA AA Length = 222259 BitCount = 114 ID = 1840 10.315695 1 7B0 Rx d 8 06 77 01 C6 B6 5E 10 00 Length = 225910 BitCount = 117 ID = 1968 10.318529 1 730 Tx d 8 04 31 01 DF FF AA AA AA Length = 226244 BitCount = 116 ID = 1840 10.319707 1 7B0 Rx d 8 03 7F 31 78 00 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968 10.320695 1 7B0 Rx d 8 05 71 01 DF FF 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968 10.322633 1 730 Tx d 8 04 31 01 FF 01 AA AA AA Length = 226244 BitCount = 116 ID = 1840 10.323695 1 7B0 Rx d 8 05 71 01 FF 01 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968 10.325697 1 7DF Tx d 8 02 11 01 AA AA AA AA AA Length = 0 BitCount = 115 ID = 2015 // 1 OTP(04) Atom 7DF->7DF : SF Length: 02 [ 11 01 ] 10.326689 1 7B0 Rx d 8 03 7F 11 78 00 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968 11.005924 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 11.326752 1 7B0 Rx d 8 02 51 01 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 235910 BitCount = 122 ID = 1968 12.000742 1 7DF Tx d 8 02 3E 80 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 124 ID = 2015 // 1 OTP(05) Atom 7DF->7DF : SF Length: 02 [ 3E 80 ] 12.005925 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 13.005925 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 14.005925 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 15.005926 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 16.000532 1 7DF Tx d 8 02 3E 80 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 124 ID = 2015 // 1 OTP(06) Atom 7DF->7DF : SF Length: 02 [ 3E 80 ] 16.005926 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active


在CAN协议的网络层,结点之间通讯的基本网络协议数据单元构为 N_PDU(Protoco Data Unit)。


N_PDU : N_AI,N_PCI,N_Data //The protocol data unit (N_PDU)N_AI : N_SA,N_TA,N_TAtype[,N_AE] //Address information (N_AI)N_PCI : //Protocol control information (N_PCI)N_Data : //Data Field (N_Data)







(A)CAN的标准帧固定为11个字节,我们依次定义为 Byte1,...,Byte11。

(B)每个字节8位从高到低,依次定义位 ByteN.bit7,...,ByteN.bit0;其中N为1到11。

Byte2.bit7~0                           //as CanID.10~3
Byte3.bit7~6,x,x,x,x,x                 // as CanID.2~0
Byte4~Byte11                           // as N_PCI,N_Data
Byte1.bit7=0 指示通讯帧为CAN标准帧
Byte1,bit6=0 指示通讯帧为数据帧,此时 N_PCI 部分才有效
Byte1.bit3~0 指示 N_PCI 和 N_Data 的长度
Byte2.bit7~0和Byte3.bit7~6 构成11位的报文ID

N_PCI 的格式参考上面截图。

N_Data 的的定义参考【ISO-14229-1】



 9.498709 1  7DF             Tx   d 8 02 10 02 AA AA AA AA AA  Length = 0 BitCount = 116 ID = 2015   9.499693 1  7B0             Rx   d 8 06 50 02 00 32 01 F4 00  Length = 235910 BitCount = 122 ID = 1968


(A)其中的 ID = 2015 即 7DF就是11位的报文ID,所以有
Byte2=0x7DF>>3     = 0xFB
Byte3=(0x7DF&7)<<5 = 0xE0

(B)即上述【7DF             Tx   d 8 02 10 02 AA AA AA AA AA】在CAN通讯线路上监控得到的CAN标准帧是
【08 FB E0 02 10 02 AA AA AA AA AA】

其中08指示 Byte1.bit7=0,Byte1,bit6=0,Byte1.bit3~0=8即N_PCI 和 N_Data的总长度,CAN标准数据帧的N_PCI 和 N_Data长度固定为8字节,有效字节由帧内指定,冗余字节收发双方自动截断丢弃。

(3.3)N_PCI 和 N_Data


(A)N_PCI高四位 N_PCIType 指示了N_PCI的类型:






7DF             Tx   d 8 02 10 02 AA AA AA AA AA

7B0             Rx   d 8 06 50 02 00 32 01 F4 00

表示给汽车ECU单元发送Tx单帧0x02&0xF0=0=SF,单帧中的有效内容为0x02&0x0F=2字节 10 02;后面的AA AA AA AA AA为多余被丢弃的数据

而接收Tx到来自汽车ECU单元反馈的单帧0x06&0xF0=0=SF,单帧中有效内容为0x06&0x0F=6字节 50 02 00 32 01 F4;后面的00为多余被丢弃的数据。




(1)【7DF             Tx   d 8 02 3E 80 00 00 00 00 00】


TesterPresent (0x3E) service



【02 7E 80】

(2)【10 02】开启编程会话

这里通知ECU开启编程会话,得到了服务器的正响应【50 02】并返回了部分编程会话参数。

正响应都是请求的服务ID(这里SID=0x10)与0x40或运算为0x50;会话出错或拒绝的否定响应都是7F SID +错误代码等内容。

| |programmingSession enables all diagnostic services required to support the memory programming of a server. |DiagnosticSessionControl (10 hex) service:used to enable different diagnostic sessions in the server(s).
9.499693 1 7B0 Rx d 8 06 50 02 00 32 01 F4 00 Length = 235910 BitCount = 122 ID = 1968 | | | | | | | |P2*Server_max = 0x01F4*10ms = 5000ms | | |P2Server_max = 0x0032*1ms = 50ms | | | | | |sessionParameterRecord[] | |diagnosticSessionType |DiagnosticSessionControl Response Service Id

(3)【27 05】【07 06】安全校验



(A) Tester 发送[27 05]请求安全验证,汽车ECU正响应返回 seed=0x11223344
(B) Tester 根据接收的seed=0x11223344,使用双方协定的安全算法函数algo_op,计算得到 key = algo_op(seed)
(C) Tester 发送[27 06 key]给汽车ECU,若与汽车ECU使用algo_op计算的结果匹配,则通过验证,返回正响应【67 06】




   9.740585 1  730             Tx   d 8 02 27 05 AA AA AA AA AA  Length = 222015 BitCount = 114 ID = 1840

   9.741697 1  7B0             Rx   d 8 06 67 05 11 22 33 44 00  Length = 223910 BitCount = 116 ID = 1968

如果这里Tester发送的key=EE DD CC BB AA不是使用与汽车ECU相同的algo_op计算的,汽车ECU将匹配失败,拒绝后续会话。

   9.782739 1  730             Tx   d 8 06 27 06 EE DD CC BB AA  Length = 226244 BitCount = 116 ID = 1840

   9.783703 1  7B0             Rx   d 8 02 67 06 00 00 00 00 00  Length = 235910 BitCount = 122 ID = 1968

(4)【31 01 FF 00 44 08 00 00 00 00 00 20 00】


其中44分别标记后面的地址和大小的字宽都是4字节,即要擦除 0x08000000 处 大小 0x00002000 的存储。

9.788131 1 730 Tx d 8 10 0D 31 01 FF 00 44 08 Length = 232000 BitCount = 119 ID = 1840 9.788431 1 7B0 Rx d 8 30 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 239910 BitCount = 124 ID = 1968 9.788947 1 730 Tx d 8 21 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 Length = 244244 BitCount = 125 ID = 1840 9.789707 1 7B0 Rx d 8 05 71 01 FF 00 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968

31 01 FF 00 44 08 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 | | | | | | | | | | | |routineControlOptionRecord[] // defined by the vehicle manufacturer. | | |routineIdentifier:=0xFF00 eraseMemory >> used to start the server's memory erase routine | |routineControlType RoutineControl Request SID := startRoutine |RoutineControl (0x31) service:used by the client to execute a defined sequence of steps and obtain any relevant results.
71 01 FF 00 00 |routineInfo //is vehicle manufacuter specific and provides a mechanism

(5)【34 00 44 08 00 00 00 00 00 20 00】


这里的44与上面的意思相同,指示后面参数字宽;下载数据到汽车ECU的0x08000000位置,数据大小为 0x00002000。

这里的正响应告诉Tester,每次接收的数据大小最大可为 maxNumberOfBlockLength:=0x0102字节。

9.791765 1  730             Tx   d 8 10 0B 34 00 44 08 00 00  Length = 236244 BitCount = 121 ID = 1840 9.792061 1 7B0 Rx d 8 30 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 239910 BitCount = 124 ID = 1968 9.792625 1 730 Tx d 8 21 00 00 00 20 00 AA AA Length = 234244 BitCount = 120 ID = 1840 9.793715 1 7B0 Rx d 8 04 74 20 01 02 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968
34 00 44 08 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 | | | | | | | | | |memorySize:=0x00002000 | | | |memoryAddress:=0x08000000 is the starting address of the server memory where the data is to be written to | | |addressAndLengthFormatIdentifier | | |bit 7 - 4: Length (number of bytes) of the memorySize parameter | | |bit 3 - 0: Length (number of bytes) of the memoryAddress parameter | |dataFormatIdentifier:0x00 compressionMethod-encryptingMethod | |0x00 specifies that neither compressionMethod nor encryptingMethod is used |RequestDownload (34 hex) service:used by the client to initiate a data transfer from the client to the server (download)
74 20 01 02 | | | | | |maxNumberOfBlockLength:=0x0102 | |bit 3 - 0: reserved by document, to be set to '0'. | |bit 7 - 4: Length (number of bytes) of the maxNumberOfBlockLength parameter. | |lengthFormatIdentifier |RequestDownload Response SID

(6)【36 xx data】

Tester 开始给汽车ECU传送刷写的数据,如上所提。

maxNumberOfBlockLength为0x0102,除去[36 xx],有效的数据每次最多可以发送0x102-2=256个字节。


(A)其中【7F 36 78】是错误响应,错误代码为78,厂家自定义,这里没影响,因为最终有个肯定响应(B)
(B)【76 xx】,表明汽车ECU已经正确接收这部分发送的数据并存储处理
(C) 其中 xx 为数据块编号,从1开始自动加1,一直到【36 40】,即总共成功发送了0x80*0x40=0x2000大小的数据,这些就是刷写到0x08000000地址的内容。

  9.795987 1  7B0             Rx   d 8 30 08 00 00 00 00 00 00  Length = 239910 BitCount = 124 ID = 1968 9.796548 1 730 Tx d 8 21 45 01 00 08 21 03 00 Length = 236244 BitCount = 121 ID = 1840 9.796790 1 730 Tx d 8 22 08 23 03 00 08 27 03 Length = 236244 BitCount = 121 ID = 1840 9.797030 1 730 Tx d 8 23 00 08 2B 03 00 08 2F Length = 234000 BitCount = 120 ID = 1840 9.797278 1 730 Tx d 8 24 03 00 08 00 00 00 00 Length = 242000 BitCount = 124 ID = 1840 9.797526 1 730 Tx d 8 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 242000 BitCount = 124 ID = 1840 9.797770 1 730 Tx d 8 26 00 00 00 00 00 33 03 Length = 238000 BitCount = 122 ID = 1840 9.798012 1 730 Tx d 8 27 00 08 35 03 00 08 00 Length = 236000 BitCount = 121 ID = 1840 9.798256 1 730 Tx d 8 28 00 00 00 37 03 00 08 Length = 238000 BitCount = 122 ID = 1840 9.798556 1 7B0 Rx d 8 30 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 239910 BitCount = 124 ID = 1968 9.799088 1 730 Tx d 8 29 39 03 00 08 5F 01 00 Length = 232259 BitCount = 119 ID = 1840 9.799329 1 730 Tx d 8 2A 08 5F 01 00 08 5F 01 Length = 234259 BitCount = 120 ID = 1840 9.799569 1 730 Tx d 8 2B 00 08 5F 01 00 08 5F Length = 234015 BitCount = 120 ID = 1840 9.799809 1 730 Tx d 8 2C 01 00 08 5F 01 00 08 Length = 234015 BitCount = 120 ID = 1840 9.800049 1 730 Tx d 8 2D 5F 01 00 08 5F 01 00 Length = 234015 BitCount = 120 ID = 1840 9.800291 1 730 Tx d 8 2E 08 5F 01 00 08 5F 01 Length = 236015 BitCount = 121 ID = 1840 9.800531 1 730 Tx d 8 2F 00 08 5F 01 00 08 5F Length = 234015 BitCount = 120 ID = 1840 9.800773 1 730 Tx d 8 20 01 00 08 5F 01 00 08 Length = 236015 BitCount = 121 ID = 1840 9.801077 1 7B0 Rx d 8 30 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 239910 BitCount = 124 ID = 1968 9.801509 1 730 Tx d 8 21 5F 01 00 08 5F 01 00 Length = 234244 BitCount = 120 ID = 1840 9.801745 1 730 Tx d 8 22 08 5F 01 00 08 AA AA Length = 230244 BitCount = 118 ID = 1840 |TransferData (36 hex) service
36 01 28 04 00 20 45 01 00 08 21 03 00 .. 08 5F 01 00 08 | | |transferRequestParameterRecord[] //For a download, the transferRequestParameterRecord include the data to be transferred | |blockSequenceCounter |TransferData (0x36) service 9.802687 1 7B0 Rx d 8 03 7F 36 78 00 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968 9.802931 1 7B0 Rx d 8 02 76 01 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 235910 BitCount = 122 ID = 1968

(7)【37 01】下载完成,退出下载环节

10.314499 1 730 Tx d 8 02 37 01 AA AA AA AA AA Length = 222259 BitCount = 114 ID = 1840 | |RequestTransferExit (0x37) service 10.315695 1 7B0 Rx d 8 06 77 01 C6 B6 5E 10 00 Length = 225910 BitCount = 117 ID = 1968

(8)【31 01 DF FF】请求执行0xDFFF标志的过程,这里为厂家定义,估计是自校验或正式写入flash一类过程。

10.318529 1 730 Tx d 8 04 31 01 DF FF AA AA AA Length = 226244 BitCount = 116 ID = 1840 10.319707 1 7B0 Rx d 8 03 7F 31 78 00 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968 10.320695 1 7B0 Rx d 8 05 71 01 DF FF 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968 |startRoutine | 0xDFFF This range of values is reserved for vehicle manufacturer specific use

(9)【31 01 FF 01】请求执行0xFF01标志的过程,过程名称为checkProgrammingDependencies,检查编程相关项。

10.322633 1 730 Tx d 8 04 31 01 FF 01 AA AA AA Length = 226244 BitCount = 116 ID = 1840 10.323695 1 7B0 Rx d 8 05 71 01 FF 01 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968 | 0xFF01 checkProgrammingDependencies

(10)【11 01】请求重启汽车ECU

10.325697 1 7DF Tx d 8 02 11 01 AA AA AA AA AA Length = 0 BitCount = 115 ID = 2015 // 1 OTP(04) Atom 7DF->7DF : SF Length: 02 [ 11 01 ] 10.326689 1 7B0 Rx d 8 03 7F 11 78 00 00 00 00 Length = 233910 BitCount = 121 ID = 1968 11.005924 CAN 1 Status:chip status error active 11.326752 1 7B0 Rx d 8 02 51 01 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 235910 BitCount = 122 ID = 1968 | ECUReset (0x11) service







我们通过编辑器正则替换,删除与下载数据【36 xx】无关的通讯帧,得到附件中的0x08000000_0x2000.binstr。


with open(r'.0x08000000_0x2000.binstr','rb') as fin: fs = fin.read()
lns = fs.split('\n')import refp = re.compile(r'(?sm)730 Tx d 8 10 82 36 (.. .. .. .. ..)')dp = re.compile(r'(?sm)730 Tx d 8 2. (.. .. .. .. .. .. ..)')hexstr = ''for i in range(64): sl = i*19 ff = [fp.match(lns[sl]).groups()[0][3:]] for j in range(1,18): ff.append(dp.match(lns[sl+j]).groups()[0]) ff.append(dp.match(lns[sl+18]).groups()[0][:-6]) hexstr+=' '.join(ff).replace(' ','').decode('hex')

with open(r'.\0x08000000_0x2000.bin','wb') as fout: fout.write(hexstr)




(2.2) 由start函数到Hi_to_main_8001268函数

(2.3)由to_main函数进入主函数 Hi_main_8000138





from unicorn import *from unicorn.arm_const import *import sarkimport idc
segs = list(sark.segments())elf_base = segs[0].eaelf_size = segs[-1].ea+segs[-1].sizeelf_size = 0x1000*((elf_size+0x0FFF)/0x1000)stack_size = 4*1024*1024mem_size = 4*1024*1024mem_ptr = elf_base + elf_size + stack_sizeall_size = elf_size + stack_size + mem_sizestack_init = elf_base + elf_size + stack_size/2mu = Uc(UC_ARCH_ARM, UC_MODE_ARM)mu.mem_map(elf_base, all_size)print("Init Module: base:= {:06X} size:= {:04X}".format(elf_base,all_size))for seg in segs: segdata = idc.get_bytes(seg.ea,seg.size) mu.mem_write(seg.ea, segdata) print("Init Seg: base:= {:06X} size:= {:04X}".format(seg.ea,seg.size))
mu.reg_write(UC_ARM_REG_SP,stack_init)mu.reg_write(UC_ARM_REG_R4, 0x80002C8)mu.emu_start(0x08000180+1, 0x800028C)mu.mem_read(0x080002C8,0x2c)


-End -



*这里由看雪论坛 HHHso 原创,转载请注明来自看雪社区。


*   D-Link DIR-645路由器栈溢出漏洞分析

*   TP-Link Archer路由器LAN RCE

*   记一次基于Soket通信的app的分析

*   开源一个Linux进程内存内核管理模块源码

*   由一道CTF对10种反调试的探究



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