
Hump Day Cute | Find the cats!

2016-10-26 CHINADAILY

When Dutch photographer Marcel Heijnen moved to Hong Kong, he noticed something quite interesting about the traditional shops there - most of them have their own cats living inside!

So fascinated with this culture of shop cats, Heijnen couldn't resist photographing the feline fellows. He even created an Instagram account featuring the Chinese kitties and uploads new photos of them regularly. Shop cats, market cats, alley cats - he's captured them all! 

Now try to find them in the following photos, be carefully, some of these cuties really hide themselves well!  

About Hump Day Cute

Want something refreshing to counteract the tough midpoint of your working week and get over the 'hump'?

Every Wednesday evening 'Hump Day Cute' will deliver enchanting images and stories to you. Embrace the cute stuff and have a wonderful week!

You are also welcome to send us lovely things you notice online or in your daily life.

More 'Cute' Stories

Perfectly-timed photos of 'adorkable' animals

Weird animal-shaped buildings in the world

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