
扒一扒那些发现自我的经历吧:Take a moment to know yourself better丨Chitchat

2018-03-26 CD君 CHINADAILY

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Have you ever found yourself envious of a friend's talents? Perhaps you've tried to copy their accomplishments but were unable to, and failed?

Well don't worry. In actual fact, there's no need for you to feel this way, because you have so much intrinsic potential within you. Sometimes your inner qualities are not immediately visible, however, until serendipity or perseverance reveal them to you. Here are two examples:

Lily used to be a shy and unassuming student. She didn't like speaking in public or being the center of attention. Yet one day she was chosen to be the lead in a play. Despite her initial doubts, she rehearsed rigorously and had a successful debut. Only then did she realize that she actually enjoyed acting and playing to a crowd.

John likewise experienced something of a metamorphosis after being mocked by his peers for failing at physics. Embarrassed, he ran outside and didn't stop until he'd done 30 laps of the playground. Imbued with a newfound sense of confidence, born of the perseverance he had just exhibited, John redoubled his efforts and was soon getting the straight-A's that he desired.

Many of you must have had a similar experience at some point in your lives. Perhaps you've had more than one — there are many different facets of our personalities to discover, after all! 

Which leads us to this week's Chitchat topic:

- Chitchat topic -

When did you become aware of a new facet of yourself?

Share your ideas and stories with us, and we'll publish some of the best next Monday.

Editors: 张曦 Zhang Xi, 沈哲远 Shen Zheyuan (intern)

Click here for audio and translation of the story

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