
听说你也有社交恐惧症?| Social anxiety disorder in China

CD君 CHINADAILY 2018-06-29

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Even though the 12-month prevalence rate of social anxiety disorder (SAD) in China is 0.2 percent lower than in America (7.1–7.9 percent), there are nearly three million adults in need of mental illness treatment. 


The figure might be underestimated because for thousands of years the traditional medicine lacked the systematic methods to diagnose and to treat psychological disorder. 


Also, because Chinese were reluctant to seek treatment for mental health problems. Therefore, people weren't aware of the symptoms of SAD and used to consider it "shyness" of one's personality. 


However, the situation has changed in recent years, people are aware of the risk and danger of mental health issues. 


In today's culture, visiting a psychologist in China is not considered unpleasant or that the person having a consultation is "insane".


Considering the cultural background, China's social anxiety expression is slightly different from western countries. 



According to Verywellmind, a website providing information about mental health, people from individualistic cultures will express social anxiety in terms of self-blame, while those from cultures of collectivism will highly experience shame. 


A study, "Social Anxiety Among Chinese People", also indicated a unique symptom: other concerned anxiety — fear of making others uncomfortable or influencing them in an undesired way.

一项名为《中国人的社交焦虑》的研究报告指出了一种独特症状:“他人相关焦虑”—— 害怕自己让别人不舒服或对别人产生不好的影响。

China is known as a country where social activities and interpersonal relationships are emphasized, especially in the workplace.


However, not everyone is comfortable enough to drink with unfamiliar co-workers, to chat with senior managers or to consciously acquaint with big shots and develop strong "connections". 


People who are not used to such social pattern or who simply prefer hanging out with intimate friends may overstate what they are going through. 


It is common to feel anxious when giving a speech in front of a crowd, but for the majority of people, the degree of anxiety is helpful. 


It is also natural to feel uneasy when meeting plenty of new faces at once, but the feeling tends to fade away as time passes by. 


People suffering from SAD, however, would become terribly anxious, dizzy and even feel like throwing up. They will not take a step forward to face the audience or to contact new friends.


If you get sick of noisy parties or if you avoid saying hi to anyone you know when you come across them — you might have SAD. 


However, if you like to spend time with close friends and if you are ignoring someone you don't have a good relationship with — then you should not label yourself as a patient of social phobia. 


Chinese are more likely to experience GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) compared to SAD. 



GAD is a common disorder in highly competitive societies, where individuals can be stressed out by many external factors, such as study burden, workplace stress, housing price and so on. 


Generalized anxiety disorder does not necessarily lead to SAD, even though the two disorders share some characteristics — such as a tendency to worry and anticipate the worst, unable to control anxiety and trouble sleeping. 


The difference between the two disorders is that the anxiety in GAD is broad and not limited to particular situations or circumstances, but SAD is always triggered by social and performance situations.


Both conditions involve a high degree of avoidance, but the underlying reason is likely to be different. 


Let's say that a man calls in sick on the day of a presentation at work. 


If this man has GAD, he might avoid the meeting, for fear that he has not put enough effort into the presentation and that he will never finish it in time. 


If this man experiences SAD, he might avoid the meeting out of the concern that no one will like his ideas or that others might notice that he sweats and shiver — while he talks.


It is not wise to assume at will that you have SAD or GAD; the diagnosis entails sophisticated evaluation on the basis of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). 


If you are worried about your mental health conditions, talk with the professional doctor about the symptoms you are having and receive treatment as soon as possible.



实习:林语琴,Caroline Pimentel

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