
社畜→卖桃的精神小伙→“抖音网红”丨Business peachy for farmers selling on Douyin

CD君 CHINADAILY 2020-08-17







Beijing's Pinggu district, located in the northeastern suburbs less than two hours by car from downtown, boasts a number of large peach farms, which have become a weekend destination for city dwellers who are into outdoor peach-picking over the years. 
If you visit the place during harvest season, you'll probably run into quite a few roadside stalls, where local villagers are selling a variety of fresh peaches with fancy names that most people have never heard of. 

"Take a bite. It's freshly picked from my farm," said Yang Xiaohuan, 32, while packaging a batch. It's barely 8 am as Yang sits below his tent with a red banner while putting peaches into boxes, 12 for a set, to prepare an order from Douyin, a trending short-video social media platform. 

▲ 该抖音账号部分内容截图

小欢发型干练,说话嗓门高,有点“精神小伙”的气质,是自家抖音号上的短视频“男主角”。今年6月份, 他和35岁的发小贾海涛(桃哥)为自家的桃园注册了抖音号,加入电商大军,开始学习怎么做线上营销,两个人一个台前一个幕后。小欢的表弟也时常出现在抖音号里,他每天下午4点开始直播,瘦削腼腆,让人不禁直呼 “软萌”“可爱”。
A typical cool guy with a clean crew cut and loud voice, Yang created his first Douyin account in June to promote the produce from his peach farm with his friend Jia Haitao, who takes care of the logistics behind the scene while Yang appears on camera. Yang's cute cousin sometimes helps do the livestream at 4 pm. 

▲ 杨小欢(左一)和贾海涛(右一)在拍摄短视频

"This video looks blurry on the app. Why is that?" Jia asked. Before June, they had absolutely no idea about the social media landscape and only came to know the importance of online marketing after coming across several internet marketers when browsing the short videos. "As farmers, we don't know too much. But we want to start from scratch and learn step by step," he said. 

The outcome has been rewarding. Within a month, they garnered more than 30,000 fans on the video platform. 




▲ 图片来自新京报

Their village, home to many good quality peach farms, has grown peach trees for over 20 years. But for Jia Haitao, being a full-time farmer is a new experience. Like many of his peers, he used to work in the nearby town. He earned a salary of 3,000-4,000 yuan ($430-575) per month as a driver, but decided to go back to take care of the land after one of his family members passed away at the beginning of this year.

According to him, his dedication to the farm could be more profitable than just being a rural worker, and he estimates he can earn more than 100,000 yuan per year. 

▲ 贾海涛(桃哥)在桃园里挑选桃子

The two friends rented over 1.34 hectares of land from nearby villagers. Besides peaches, they have also grown vegetables and fruits, which are given as gifts to customers who come to buy peaches. Many people have discovered the farm from online platforms.

Working the farm is a demanding job, and on top of that, Jia and his friend need to regularly update the video platform. "I basically get up at four in the morning every day," Jia said. Farmers prefer to finish the field labor before the temperature gets too hot. It's usually noon after they deliver the peaches to merchants or wholesalers. 

"Sometimes, I really want a quick nap," Jia said. "But I have to start brainstorming and shooting the short videos for Douyin in the early afternoon. The livestreaming is at 4 pm and we need to sort out the orders and their shipment details in a spreadsheet at night." Their regular bedtime is after midnight. 

Hard as it is, Jia enjoys his daily life as a farmer because the experience brings him a sense of accomplishment. "I can sell dozens of orders during one livestream," he said, explaining that he also helps neighbors and relatives sell peaches online. "Being able to sell peaches for my family is a great honor."

进入7月下旬后,北京出现连续阴雨天气,这对桃农来说不是好消息,因为过多的雨水会让桃子烂在果园里。7月的最后一周里,他们选择下架抖音号上的货品, “我怕影响我家桃子的品质,等天气好了,我会继续为大家挑选”,小欢在一条抖音视频里告诉自己的粉丝。



