

CD君 CHINADAILY 2021-09-25

9月25日下午,孟晚舟律师发表声明称,孟晚舟女士与美国司法部达成了暂缓起诉协议,且该协议已获得纽约东区法院法官的批准。“根据该协议条款,她不会被美国进一步起诉,加拿大的引渡程序将会终止。孟女士没有认罪,我们十分期待14个月后对她的指控将被完全撤销。” 华为公司也发表了最新声明:华为将继续在美国纽约东区联邦地区法院的公司诉讼中维护自己的权利。

Huawei said it looked forward to CFO Meng Wanzhou's safe return to China as soon as possible.

The telecommunications conglomerate said in a statement on Saturday that it looked forward to seeing Meng returning home and reuniting with her family.

▲ Photo/Reuters

The company will continue to defend its rights against the allegations in the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

Meng was detained in Canada on fraud charges in 2018 at the request of the US. On Friday, the US Department of Justice dropped the extradition request for her after it reached a deferred prosecution agreement with Meng.

As part of the agreement, Meng pleaded not guilty to bank and wire fraud charges. She boarded the plane back to China after being released on Friday.

William Taylor, a lawyer representing Meng, said he was pleased to see Meng and US prosecutors reach a deferred prosecution agreement that has been approved by a US district judge. Meng will not be prosecuted further in the US and the extradition proceedings in Canada will be terminated.

"She has not pleaded guilty and we fully expect the indictment will be dismissed with prejudice after 14 months. Now she will be free to return home to be with her family," he added.

Meng told reporters after being freed from detention in Vancouver on Friday that she was grateful for having received consistent support from the Chinese embassy to Canada.

"Over the past three years, my life has been turned upside down. It was a disruptive time for me as a mother and wife," she said.

"I would like to thank my country and the people of my country for their support and help. They have been the biggest pillar for me to get to where I am today," she added.

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