
牧羊地儿童村的故事| The Shepherd Orpahange Village

2015-12-24 王儒 CHINADAILY
Their Wishes他们的愿望

The Shepherd Orphanage needs infant goods such as baby formula and diapers.他们需要一些婴儿用品:比如奶粉、纸尿裤

In 2003, Tim Baker and his wife Pam founded the Shepherd's Field Children's Village, which has cared for more than 4,000 orphans. More than 3,000 operations and medical procedures have been carried out and 900 children have been adopted.

All the children receive education and are under the care of 100 workers, including teachers, Chinese nannies, Western doctors, volunteers and interns.

2003年,来自美国的Tim Baker(贝天牧)和Pam Baker成立了牧羊地儿童村,收养被父母遗弃的先天缺陷儿童。十几年间,牧羊地儿童村为超过3000名孤儿进行了手术和治疗,先后收养4000多孤儿,其中900个孩子被爱心家庭收养。


The village, in Dawangguzhuang town inTianjin's Wuqing district, is a compound of 11 buildings, including five dormitories, a school, a workshop and a clinic.

It receives children from orphanages around country. The majority of them come from impoverished rural areas.

About 40 children are adopted annually,with most joining overseas families.



The village has a long wall covered with the handprints of orphans who were adopted.

"I want the children to remember where they come from, even though they will live abroad with their new families, speaking different languages," Tim says.


“我想让这些孩子们记住他们来自哪里,即使今后他们和新的家庭生活在国外,说着不同的语言,” 贝天牧说。

The 58-year-old from Wisconsin and his wife first arrived in China to teach English in Liaoning province's Fushun in1988. They moved to Beijing to teach at a university in 1991. They volunteered at orphanages in their spare time.

An orphanage in Guizhou's provincial capital Guiyang cared for a 5-month-old girl who was born with serious congenital heart disease and always waved at the couple.

In 1992, the couple took the 50-hour train ride to Guiyang and adopted the girl.

"We changed the lives of our adopted children, and they also have huge impacts on our lives," Tim says.

"We just realized there are still many orphans who need help and an opportunity to change their lives."

今年58岁的贝天牧来自美国威斯康星州。他和妻子1988年到辽宁抚顺教英语。 1991年他们搬到北京,平时利用空余时间在各地的孤儿院做义工。






In 1995, the couple founded the Philip Hayden Foundation to raise money for China's orphans. The foundation commemorates the US teacher Philip Hayden, who worked with them in Chinese orphanages and died of a heart attack at age 28.

The undertaking was a huge challenge, especially at first. Most of the children had life-threatening problems and needed surgeries. The first orphan they received was a newborn with complicated heart defects.

"The most difficult thing at first was to believe that we could do something for the children with special needs," Tim says.

"To be honest, my wife and I were a little fearful at the beginning. Even in China, the surgeries still cost a lot of money then."





The Bakers asked for help from friends,family and supporters, who responded quickly and raised money for the baby, who was later adopted.

"Now, we still have problems and challenges," Tim says.

"But we take any child coming through our gate, because we are experienced, and, importantly, more people are joining with us to help the children."



The local government also supports their work. In 2002, it sold the orphanage land at the unbelievably low price of 1yuan ($0.15) per mu (0.06 hectares). Shepherd's Field Children's Village received its first child in 2006.

"Compared to the early 1990s, I saw a big improvement in Chinese society to help the orphans, who need group work from society," he says.

"Now, I am happy to see more people and organizations join. China has the best adoption system - clear, straightforward and without corruption."

Supporters include international companies, local enterprises, hospitals, schools and individuals.


“和90年代相比,这十几年来我看到中国社会在孤儿福利事业的很多改善。孤儿需要全体社会的关心,“ 贝天牧说。



Most of the orphans are between 1 month and 6 years old. The Bakers are working to find solutions for the older children, who are less likely to be adopted.

Hou Tong, who suffers from a congenital spine curvature, has never left bed in all of his 17 years. He recently received surgery and is expected to walk in the future. Hou is also learning English from a US college intern.

The center's workshop provides a place for older orphans to learn such skills as handicraft making.

After six years in the Shepherd's Village, 22-year-old Huang Zhongyu, who lost his fingers to a fire, will work in a local bakery.




"The happiest moment for me is when I see the kids leaving with their new families," Tim, who the children call "Papa Tim", says. "But it's a little sad, too, since in my heart, they are always my kids. But I wish they can have a normal family and anew life."

“对我来说,最幸福的时刻就是看着孩子们和新的家庭离开这里,”贝天牧说。这里的孩子们都叫他“Papa Tim”。


We now have three projects: the Shepherd Orphanage needs infant goods such as baby formula and diapers, Duan’s dogs and pets need warmers, and the children suffering from autism need a surveillance system and an electric tricycle to carry their paintings to exhibitions. If you have idle luxury, you could donate it to the charity sale platform and we'll donate the money to them. Or you could show your support by share their stories to your friends.
How could we help with them?我们如何可以帮到他们?
1扫描下面二维码,下载胖虎app并上传自己不需要的奢侈品到“慈善义卖”版块Scan the QR code below and download Panghu app to select an item you would like to donate.

Deliver it to Panghu’s office before January 20. After their authenticate, the luxuries will go to the Charity sale column.1月20日之前,把义捐的奢侈品寄送到胖虎店铺,经胖虎权威鉴定,有效商品会推送至义卖专区。
32月1日前我们会完成全部拍卖。We’ll auction all the donations before Feb. 1.
4We'll have more follow up reports on the issue after they get our supports.我们会把他们需要的物资亲自送达,而后会在微信上提供更多报道。
1请读完今天推送的三个故事。Please read the three stories of today's posts.
选择你最喜欢的一条或多条,转发到您的朋友圈。Choose your favorite story/stories and share it/them in moments of wechat.
All the income from the auction will be given to the three organizations to help them carry out their work. The amount of money generated depends on how many times their stories are shared on WeChat moments. So if you'd like to help the orphans in the story please share it to your friends.


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