

2017-09-11 律商视点


LexisNexis and MWE China Law Offices successfully held the PRC Data Protection Annual Review (2017)  Launching Ceremony and Roundtable Discussion- Webinar


September 7, 2017, LexisNexis and MWE China Law Offices successfully held the PRC Data Protection Annual Review (2017) Launching Ceremony and Roundtable Discussion- Webinar at MWE Shanghai Office.


律商联讯 和元达律师所事务所在会上宣布,将在全球首发专注于中国数据安全与保护法律与实践的年度报告。这份综合性报告将基于中国市场数据安全现状的调研,结合中国本土的数据规制和监管以及中国企业走出去的全球重点区域如美国和欧盟地区的相关规定,并辅以真实的案例和争议,对中国数据安全进行全景式透视和分析。这份报告将为市场提供以下价值:

LexisNexis and MWE China Law Offices will jointly launch an annual review on data protection law and practice in China. Given the interest and pace of development of data protection law in China, the annual review will be comprehensive report and analysis of data protection laws, cases, and disputes in China, and include important provisions from key target regions for outbound investment by Chinese enterprises, particularly the US and EU.  This review will cover the following topics:


-    中国数据安全和保护合规现状—现实与问题;

 Data security and protection compliance in China—status and issues;

-     最新法律法规;

Update for laws and regulations;

-   监管部门总览;

Overview for supervision departments;

-    新近案例与争议事件;

-    Update for relevant cases and controversial issues;

-    数据合规指引;

Data compliance roadmap;    

-    行业调查分析;

Industry survey analysis;    

-    全球数据保护视角。

Global data protection perspectives.

律商联讯中国区总经理冯宝真和元达律师事务所高级合伙人刘晨光律师作共同启动签约仪式并致辞。冯宝真女士提到:中国法制的变化速度非常快,其中关于数据安全和保护的法规出台尤其令人印象深刻。LexisNexis一直在关注中国法律市场的发展和变化,我们也看到了数据安全和保护的快速发展。 数据安全和保护这个领域,在中国,法律制度还很新,但经营实践却因与国际日益紧密的经济联系早已有之。继去年11月份《网络安全法》出台后,仅今年这几个月,中国即出台了一系列相关政策规定及意见稿,包括《关键信息基础设施安全保护条例(征求意见稿)》等,引起市场的强烈关注。LexisNexis作为法律信息行业的先行者,希望能帮助市场从多个维度对这个行业有更全面更深入的了解,为法律和市场实践提供借鉴。MWE作为数据安全和保护领域的先行实践者,拥有敏锐的洞察力和丰富的经验,这也是我们决定和MWE一起合作这份报告的重要基础。MWE和LexisNexis合作的这份报告,将是宽度和深度的完美结合。在宽度上,报告将展现目前中国数据安全和保护的现状;在深度上,报告将提供具体的法律实践指引和行业建议。

With the beginning of the Launching Ceremony, Ms. Margaret Fung , General Manager China of LexisNexis, and Mr. Leon Liu , Partner of MWE China Law office gave the opening speech. Ms. Margaret Fung said: China’s legal system is going through very rapid changes, and an impressive example is the introduction of the law on data security and protection. LexisNexis has always kept close tabs on the developments and changes in China’s legal market, so we’ve also been following the rapid development in the realm of data security and protection. Data security and protection is new to China as a legal regime, but there have long been business practices in this respect as China developed increasingly close economic ties to the rest of the world. As LexisNexis a frontrunner in the legal information industry and MWE is a forerunner in the area of data security and protection, this report we will be working on will be a perfect combination of depth and range. In terms of range, it’ll cover the current developments of data security and protection in China; and as for depth, it’ll offer specific legal practical guidance and industry advice. 

刘晨光律师则为大家进一步阐述了报告的相关情况。这份“全球首发专注于中国数据安全与保护的年度报告”预计会在2018年3月至4月间发布。本报告将以《网络安全法》为主线和出发点 ,结合网安法配套行政法规与国家标准,构建数据保护的体系。在充分了解网络安全法所涉行政部门职权的基础上,配合有关诉讼及行政执法的案例,了解相关部门的执法尺度。另外,还将结合不同行业的实际特点与面临的现实问题,力求为企业的数据合规带来具有实用性的操作指引。

Mr. Leon Liu introduced the details of the annual review. LexisNexis and MWE China Law Offices will jointly launch annual review on data protection in China by March or April 2018.

The annual review chose Network Security Law as the mainstream and starting point, combined with the corresponding administrative regulations and national standards, to establish the data protection system.  Upon the understanding of all the relevant enforcement agencies, combined with concerned civil disputes and administrative enforcement cases, the readers could better understand the yardstick of the enforcement.  In addition, they would try to identify the issues faced by corporations in different industries, to provide more practical guidance on data protection and compliance.

在接下来的圆桌讨论环节,刘晨光律师和元达律师事务所的另一位合伙人Jared T. Nelson为现场和线上的参会嘉宾带来了精彩的分享。讨论从近期中国数据保护发展及遇到的主要挑战展开,阐述了目前中国数据保护的现状;列举了近两年来我国新颁布发网络安全法;并结合实践经验和国外相关规定,提出了企业数据安全的实际合规要点。现场的观众被两位律师幽默风趣的演讲和丰富的内容所吸引,问答环节积极踊跃参与。来自微软和飞利浦的法务部负责人就实际工作中所遇到的问题与演讲嘉宾进行了问答互动。

During the Roundtable session Mr. Leon Liu and Mr. Jared T. Nelson together gave an exciting and impressive discussion for the audience both onsite and online. The discussion included, key recent developments and challenges in China such as China Data protection Overview and Recent regulatory environment and development of China Data Protection, listed significant laws and regulations covering major Data Protection areas and combined with practical cases and overseas regulations to put forward the key compliance points of companies  data protection . The audiences were impressed by humorous and profound content provided by the Two Lawyers and were very active at Q&A part. Delegates from Microsoft and Philip also raised the dilemma and issues encountered at work.


The event was ended in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. We are looking forward the announcement of the Annual Review next year.

