
UIA-霍普杯2017冠军作品解读 | 隐于市 Always an Escape

2017-10-10 UED UED城市环境设计

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Architecture in Transformation



最终“隐于市 Always an Escape”在三千余组参赛作品中脱颖而出,获得众多嘉宾青睐 !







【问题 | Problem】


“The metropolis of the 21st century takes up too much room... It sprawls... It must not keep evolving simply by expanding.” 


The expansion of cities never stops. Twenty years ago, “nature” was something with reach, and the so-called “city” was just an area surrounded by nature. Nowadays, as cities expend all around, fields and forests have already been replaced by high buildings and large mansions, sometimes the edge of a city is just another city. “Nature” becomes unreachable destinations, taking us hours to arrive.


To solve this problem, we want to change the current situation by setting up some “non-urban” things in cities. They will allow people who can’t leave cities to escape from cities temporarily, and arouse the cognition of nature.

【概念 | Concept】


In this huge city, it is impractical to change the relationship between the city and nature by changing the boundaries of the city. 


There's a fable discussing the boundary. “ A farmer wanted to cover the area as large as possible with the least fence, so he asked both mathematician and philosopher for help. The mathematician encircles all the fences into a precise circle and told him that no shape will produce a larger area than the circle. The philosopher, however, fumbled himself with little fence, he said: I'm just standing outside the fence right now.” 


Inspired of this story, we found another way to define the boundary between the city and nature: Border is not the edge of the city, it can exist within the city, so there can be countless nature in this city. We hope that the interface will not interfere with the city, while its shape was determined by the environment to ensure that people will not be intruded by the city. 



So we need to express the city's borders as entities. In fact, the ancients had used “Garden” to separate nature from the city. However, the traditional garden has been unable to isolate the city and nature while surrounded by tall buildings, so we need to find a purer form while preserving the idea of isolation.


In traditional Chinese context, "mountain" is the most primitive and natural element. It represents all things in the world and is the origin of the worship of Heaven and Earth. The mountain is regarded as a dwelling place for the immortals, and is totally different from the secular and spiritual existence. 



From this perspective, some factors such as "shade, water, flower, bird"—which are essential for Chinese traditional gardens—are no longer applicable. So we get rid of the traditional expressions of "nature",and use the ancestral and truest symbols— Heaven and Mountain—to replace them.The inside of our design is isolated from the outside, keep the invasion of cities from "natural".It will be a pure or even sacred space.

【空间 | Space】



The site of our case is located in Tianjin. In recent decades,Tianjin has entered a period of rapid expansion. The urban fringe has developed rapidly into a bustling zone.This area was once connected with nature, but now it is surrounded by buildings, one side is crowded residential areas, another is rigid high-rise buildings.In this land, residential, commercial, office and other functions are integrated in a high-density manner, people in the‘concrete forest’ repeat an efficient and monotonous life, far away from nature and get lost.



We give the building two distinct faces. Towards the city, we involve a pure square concrete box into the city filled with ‘box building’, making it unlike the building deliberately in a natural-form pursuit.While inside the building, the facade is covered with rough rock, forming an original ‘mountain’ texture by combining them irregularly. At the same time, the white boxes are embedded in the rock, implying the existence of exterior cities.






The path hidden inside the rock was divided into three progressive sequences, describing a dream about escaping from the city. This three stage represents three different psychological feelings from the city to the architecture. 

The first sequence represents ‘forgetting’, people escape from the city to enter the building. the city and nature alternately appear while people advance in the process of building.

The second one represents‘meditation’, consisting of a series of inaccessible abstract elements and pure spatial factors.

The last sequences represent ‘liberal’, which is the core part of building space, the integration of human and natural environment.


● 从一个长长的坡道步入,周围的城市渐渐隐在柱廊之下;

● As you step onto a long ramp, the city gradually hides under the colonnades. 


● 第二个空间象征着遗忘,在一个与外界隔绝的空间逐步上升,忘记了对城市的印象,自此真正进入了建筑中;

● The second space represent oblivion. People rise gradually through the isolated space and forget the impression of the city. Since then, we start entering the building.


● 第三个空间以水为核心,允许水中游泳的人同岸上经过的人互相对视,借此消除对未知的恐惧;

● The third space centers in water. Swimmers and passersby look at each other across the shore, therefore, their fear of the unknown disappears.


● 第四个空间里人们只能抬头观瞧,视野里只有纯粹的天空。

● In the fourth space, people can only look up and see. There is only sky in their vision.


● 第五个空间是一级级的台阶,将人们引向对面的山体却无法触摸。

● The fifth space consists of steps moving forward, leading people to the opposite mountain which they cannot touch.


● 第六个空间是一个幽暗的长长的过道,只有尽头有光线;

● The sixth space is a long, dark corridor with only light in the end.


● 第七个空间是凝固的光,通过数千根导光管将阳光从外界引入室内,在室内形成一个穹顶,而人通过上升的廊桥穿过其中;

● The seventh space represents the solidification of the light. Thousands of light pipes lead sunlight into the exteriors. People walk into the dome-like space through a rising corridor.


● 第八个空间象征着梦里的城市,人们经过一系列的空间再一次看到明晃晃的城市会产生一种恍惚的感觉,好像城市反倒不是真实的;

● The eighth space represents the cities in dream. People feel at a loss as they come across the bright city again after a series of spaces. Cities becomes somewhat unreal.


● 最后一个空间是狭缝,人们最终下到地面要通过狭长的缝隙才能真正走进建筑内部,从明亮的光缝到开阔的山体和草地,象征着最终脱离了城市而走入了自然。

● The last space is a slit. People can truly enter into the building only through the narrow gap and down to the ground. From the bright light gap to the open view of mountain and grassland, we finally break away from the city to nature.

【结语 | Conclusion】


During this time, maybe we're not able to stop the expansion of cities, but we shouldn't let them become huge prisons which we can never escape from. In our design,we redefine a boundary through discussing on artificial and natural to response urban expansion. It's not only a Utopian dream, but also a posibility to rebuild the relationship betwen cities and nature.



陈译民 | 天津大学

张诗瑶 | 天津大学

毕雪皎 | 天津大学


UIA-霍普杯 2017国际大学生建筑设计竞赛

 “UIA- 霍普杯国际大学生建筑设计竞赛”始于 2012 年,国际建筑师协会(UIA)为国际主办单位,天津大学建筑学院、《城市·环境·设计》(UED)杂志社为主办单位,由全国高等学校建筑学专业指导委员会、全国高等学校建筑学专业教育评估委员会、中国美术家协会建筑艺术委员会进行指导,由上海霍普建筑设计事务所股份有限公司独家冠名,是面向国际建筑高校大学生的年度建筑设计竞赛,已成功举办五届。2017年霍普杯由华南理工大学建筑学院联合主办。

“UIA-霍普杯国际大学生建筑设计竞赛”经过五年的推行实践,已经成为全球范围内规模最大、最具影响力与公信力的大学生建筑设计竞赛之一;这一竞赛在我国建筑学教育体系中促进了设计理念与扎实建筑学功底地有效结合, 在国内外建筑教育界的影响力持续增强。



让·努维尔  法国当代著名建筑师,2008 年普利兹克奖得主


崔   愷  中国工程院院士,全国工程勘察设计大师,中国建筑设计院有限公司名誉院长、总建筑师


庄惟敏  清华大学建筑学院院长、教授、博士生导师

伊拉里亚·瓦伦特(Ilaria Valente)  米兰理工大学建筑城市规划与建设工程学院院长

李振宇  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院院长、教授、博士生导师

彼得·罗素(Peter Russell)  代尔夫特理工大学建筑与环境学院院长

韩冬青  东南大学建筑学院院长、教授、博士生导师

千叶学(Manabu Chiba)  东京大学副校长、工程学院建筑系教授

张   颀  天津大学建筑学院院长、教授、博士生导师

欧尔·古斯特文(Ole Gustavsen)  挪威奥斯陆建筑与设计学院校长

孙一民  华南理工大学建筑学院院长,长江学者特聘教授,国家教学名师

齐   欣  齐欣建筑总建筑师

彭礼孝  《城市·环境·设计》(UED)杂志社主编,天津大学建筑学院特聘教授,CBC建筑中心主任

赵   恺  上海霍普建筑设计事务所股份有限公司董事、总经理、首席设计总监


主席:孔宇航  天津大学建筑学院副院长、教授、博士生导师



柳   青  《城市·环境·设计》(UED)  杂志社执行主编

成   立   上海霍普建筑设计事务所股份有限公司董事、副总经理、董事会秘书








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