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2015-05-23 随手传福音



作者:Jared Moore





2. “我有淫念,因为其他人穿衣不端庄。”不,你有淫念,因为你邪恶的内心享受其他人的不端庄。

3. “我有淫念,因为我还没有结婚。”不,你有淫念,因为你爱性关系过于爱神。

4. “我有淫念,因为我渴望结婚。”不,你有淫念,因为你渴望淫乱的性关系。渴望淫乱的性关系,这与渴望结婚相反。渴望结婚,是渴望在婚姻关系中有道德的性关系。

5. “我有淫念,因为我无法控制。”不,你有淫念,因为你故意选择罪而不选择圣洁。你已经养成一种生发淫念的习惯。你要习惯性地悔改和归向基督。活出祂要求的圣洁,直到新的圣洁的习惯形成为止。

6. “我有淫念,因为我的配偶不像我一样对性生活感兴趣。”不,你有淫念,因为你渴望有性关系过于渴慕神。

7. “我有淫念,因为我的配偶不欣赏我。”不,你有淫念,因为你认为神太渺小,不能丰丰富富满足你的需要。

8. “我有淫念,因为我相信有神形象样式的人是美好的。”不,你有淫念,因为你拒绝神的创造(创1:26-27)。淫乱的人把背负神形象样式的人物化,把具有祂神形象的人变为不讲道德的、不讲双方认同、单边性满足的仅仅物化的对象。

9. “我有淫念,因为性在我身处的这不敬虔文化中到处都是。”不,你有淫念,因为你要效法你身处的这不敬虔文化。

10. “如果我满足了我的淫念,它们就会消失。”不,解决充满淫念愿望的方法,就是舍己(饿死你的淫念),背起你的十字架来跟从基督(路9:23)。


10 Myths about Lust

By Jared Moore

If you embrace these 10 myths about lust, then you will find no remedy for your lust. Instead, you will dive into a “black hole” of sin. Embrace Truth; reject these 10 myths:

1. “I lust because I’m human.” No, you lust because you’re a sinner.

2. “I lust because others dress immodestly.” No, you lust because your wicked heart enjoys the immodesty of others.

3. “I lust because I’m not married.” No, you lust because you love sex more than God.

4. “I lust because I desire marriage.” No, you lust because you desire sexual immorality. Desiring sexual immorality is the opposite of desiring marriage. A desire for marriage is a desire for sexual morality within marriage.

5. “I lust because I cannot help it.” No, you lust because you willfully choose sin over holiness. You’ve developed a lustful habit. Repent and turn to Christ habitually. Live out the holiness He requires until new holy habits are formed.

6. “I lust because my spouse is not as interested in sex as I am.” No, you lust because you desire sex more than you desire God.

7. “I lust because my spouse does not appreciate me.” No, you lust because you believe God is too small to meet your needs abundantly.

8. “I lust because I believe God’s image-bearers are beautiful.” No, you lust because you reject God’s creation (Gen. 1:26-27). Those who lust objectify God’s image bearers, reducing His divine image to a mere object of immoral non-consensual one-sided sexual gratification.

9. “I lust because sexuality is pervasive in my godless culture.” No, you lust because you want to be like your godless culture.

10. “If I fulfill my lusts, they will go away.” No, the remedy for lustful desires is for you to deny yourself (starve your lust), pick up your cross, and follow Christ (Luke 9:23).

The only answer for a lustful heart is constant repentance and faith in Christ. God is more beautiful and more valuable than fulfilling our lustful desires. If you embrace and meditate on His beauty, all sin will appear ugly and detestable.



