
交织与融合 | 皖赣旭辉·南昌经开中央公园一期

为生活而设计 山水比德 2022-11-14


Under the rapid development of urbanization, the mode of land development and construction is changing over time, and urban parks may also bring new experiences to urban living with more novel development modes.


Nanchang ETDZ Central Park is located in the central area of Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone, northern suburb of Nanchang City, and adjacent to Ganjiang New Area, a national-level new district, in the north. As an important area for opening up in Jiangxi Province, it enjoys some major transport hubs such as Nanchang Changbei International Airport and international terminal. In recent years, with the concept of “Park City”, Nanchang has formed an urban planning system of “a green space every 300 meters and a garden every 500 meters”, in which buildings and landscapes are constructed and grown together.

△项目区位 Project Location


The strip-shape Central Park covers four blocks, stretching across Qinglan Canal, with a total landscape area of 190,000 square meters. There are residences within one kilometer and six university campuses and research institutes within two kilometers, and industrial parks are dotted around, absorbing and transforming a large number of talents regionally.

△用地性质 Land Usage

△经开公园总平面图 ETDZ Park General Layout

Connection between Future Life and Social Benefits


The development of general commercial design project is one-way development of “designer →developer →consumer”, while the construction and development of Nanchang ETDZ Central Park is built by CIFI Group as a whole, to connect with surrounding plots through integrated development. The central park is built in the city, with landscape as the center and configured with buildings with service functions. We hope to link estate development with urban construction, creating a real usable space and realizing a win-win situation.


It's both a sales space and a park


As the first space to open in the park, Phase I is not only a concentrated presentation of the park as a whole, but also a preview of the colorful life of the neighborhood in the future while attracting the attention.


Demonstration Area Effect Picture Aerial View 

Demonstration Area Real Scene Aerial View

△ 设计概念 Design Concept


Forest Elf


In the deep of the oldest primeval forest, the “forest elves” are the god of trees, guarding the whole forest and protecting the surrounding land.They symbolize love, peace, and reverence for nature. 

△ 功能分区 Function Division


The constant speed spiral road spread out from a point, while extending the overall circular composition, guides people back to the ground from the clouds. Among people’s participation and interpretation, “civilization” and “human traces” form an intimate relationship with nature.

△ 效果图 Effect Picture


Arouse the nature of the inner natural environment: The organic integration of terrain, plants and site creates a unique sense of land art,the seasonal changes of Muhlenbergia capillaries and the different elevations of the road guide people to feel nature more deeply, arousing the inner nature of longing for nature in the art of minimalist affinity and land.


The natural terrain is the best place to create a variety of activities. Provide people with a comfortable space, let laughter gallop on this land.


Consumption Analysis of Park Earthwork 


By organizing the original plot, the excavated space and mountain space are balanced reasonably, the earthwork is digested locally, and the process of moving earth is reduced, so as to create a natural space with more ecological significance.

△活动布置 Activity Arrangement


The utilization and arrangement of circulating height difference: By getting through space between the spiral road, sites with different heights are connected, and children can shuttle among them. Interactive facilities interspersed within add casual fun to the adventure.

△ 效果图 Effect Picture


Waterscape restore geomorphic features Simulated water: Digital modeling simulates the flume formed by water flow, and the integrated construction creates a natural and vivid waterscape space.


Practice of interactive space: Instead of being concentrated in a particular space, interactive devices are scattered throughout the park. This practical attempt wants to create a space full of infinite charm for children.

△意外的游戏活动 Unexpected Game Activity


Unexpected activity space Design that inspires children to play spontaneously: Park logo can be touched by hand, color cards that can be flipped to watch the color change, the occasional trampolines on the ramp, wind chimes under the suspended plank road…these unique and unexpected designs inspire children to think and try in play.

△门头结构示意 Sign of Door Head Structure


For the design of the entrance space, in addition to the ritual sense and indication of traditional demonstration area gatehouse, we want to explore an open solution that can not only balance the public attributes of the park space, but also provide necessary functional support for the sales space.

△ 效果图 Effect Picture

△人行栈桥示意 Pedestrian Trestle 


The pedestrian trestle, as the only route going to the sales office, carries the extension and buffer function of the architectural space. The composition of the broken line greatly extends the viewing surface of the line of sight, and also makes a good emotional cushion for entering the interior of the building.


Some construction stories

The constructed space under the corridor forms the shaded area naturally, becoming a good place for workers to take a rest during the construction.


The Children’s playground is in its infancy in the process of construction.



With the progress and rapid development of the times, the mode of land development and construction is changing day by day. It is hoped that Nanchang citizens would like the park and create more beautiful memories with it after it is completed. The design of the park is also hoped to bring more solutions to the construction of new urban park, so as to change the inherent urban life from the landscape dimension. 

| 项目信息



业主团队:孟广超 周炳玥 母莉娜 黄立涛 邹翔 陈琪 魏春华










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作为系统化景观服务专家,山水比德拥有“国家风景园林工程设计专项甲级”资质,自成立以来专注于研究山水,并提出“新山水设计方法论”,在社区环境、商业综合体、文化旅游、特色小镇、城市设计、区域规划等领域定制系统化、一体化的专业解决方案。获得“全国十佳园林设计企业”“中国建筑规划设计最佳创意品牌机构”等荣誉称号。荣获IFLA国际大奖、风景园林奖、勘察设计奖、CREDAWARD地产设计大奖、金盘奖、亚洲设计大奖、意大利A’Design Award设计奖、美国IDA国际设计大奖等多项国内外设计大奖,连续3年蝉联时代楼盘中国地产景观设计竞争力第一,多次荣获ARCHINA行业新媒体影响力全国第一。

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