备受争议的加州种族研究教材, 我们可以做什么?
2020年亚裔领袖论坛NCLF刚刚落下帷幕,笔者参与了部分论坛的组织, 其中一个论坛的主题是对备受争议的加州种族研究大纲的介绍和讨论。 有一种说法,If you are not at the table, you are on the menu. 笔者听了嘉宾们的介绍,惊讶于亚裔族裔在菜单上描述。庆幸的是得知我们还有机会参与到菜单的修改中。 欲知详情请阅读下文。 |
- 背景介绍 -
2016年加州立法委员会通过了一项立法,将种族研究课程从大学下放到K-12, 成为高中毕业的必修课程, 并开始这个课程教材的准备。美国其他的州都在观察,计划跟进这个做法。
2020年8月, 种族研究大纲的第二稿公布. 鉴于第一稿遭遇的广泛批评, 虽然一些议题的阐述在语气上有所减弱,一些历史事件的陈述被修改或者删除,但大纲所遵循的价值观和指导原则并没有改变。 它依然从种族主义和种族欺压的视角, 将白人与有色人种之间的对立作为研究的主调, 忽视各族裔的发展和贡献, 同时将种族间的差异完全归咎为白人在资本主义制度下的特权,忽视文化和社会行为造成的差异. 这种研究不但片面而且严重脱离了实际情况.
目前这个大纲在加州教育部网站上面向公众,征求意见. 如何参与,请继续阅读.
- 什么是种族研究 -
种族研究, Ethnic Study, 长久以来一直是美国大学的一个选修课程。一个均衡全面的种族研究课程应该让学生们学习各个族裔不同的文化和贡献, 增进对不同族裔文化的了解,这也是2016年加州立法者推出这个提案的初衷。当这个课程下放到K-12,并作为必修课,对课程性质的指导思想和要求需要做出必要的调整。
种族研究可以有很多不同的方式来进行, 比如, 可以从历史和社会科学的角度研究某几个在美国历史上被种族化的族裔的文化和历史; 也可以深度比较几个族裔在历史,政治,文化,族裔构成方面所面临的挑战和目前的状况; 还可以探讨这些族裔的构成, 经历在一些重要的历史阶段所面临的挑战, 等等. 这一切都可以帮助学生增进对多元化的美国的各个族裔的了解, 提高社会公正意识和社会责任感.
- 如何参与 -
当种族研究大纲第一稿公布时, 犹太裔组织是最早针对其中反犹太主义言论发出批评的声音的。 包括犹太公共事务委员会 ( AJC) 在内的组织组建了一个修改大纲的联盟。2020 亚裔领导力论坛的主要嘉宾之一, Elina Kaplan 就是其中一个非盈利组织,Alliances for Constructive Ethnic Study ( ACES)的联合创建者。
目前加州种族研究课程第二稿大纲在征集意见,ACES希望联系到这个大纲里所有展现的种族的社区组织,让他们参与到对大纲的审核和提出建议的程序中。 种族研究大纲虽然是在加州设计和贯彻, 其他州都在观察和跟进, 据说俄勒冈州已经开始实施。
亚裔是美国目前增长最快的少数族裔,随着美中冲突日益激化, 如何展现华裔在美国这个多元化国家的发展历史,尤其是正面贡献对我们的未来至关重要。非常希望大家能够积极参与, 提出自己对目前大纲的看法及愿景。 感兴趣的个人可以通过以下两个渠道表达自己的意见。( 虽然呈交意见的截至期是9月30号, 但是教育部的讨论将在10月中旬才进行,故而不要因为担心过了截止期而放弃参与)
点击左下角,进入Alliance for Creative Ethnic Study 的网站签名, 可以参考ACES提供的sample letter, 也根据个人情况调整内容。
登录加州教育局网站,根据上提供的邮件地址,ethnicstudies@cde.ca.gov. 直接与教育局联系。
观看2020NCLF论坛有关此议题的录像,可以通过下面链接观看: http://www.dingdingtv.com/?p=64713
NCLF Forum Updates:
Press Release on 9/17 5pm NCLF Panel Ethnic Studies in K-12 Schools Balanced or Politicized (in PDF): https://drive.google.com/file/d/15E2fleYatDiRsSaxiAOxQsNtwi9HnDQU/view?usp=sharing
Slides for NCLF Panel on 9/17 Ethnic Studies in K-12 Schools Balanced or Politicized: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13927PF_OThpmnx1TpdQrVWvldSutoA5k/view?usp=sharing
Slides for 9/25 Presentation for Joy's Friends: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yv7m1tbtQEBO3MjKJQTglc7IPBcZQmddE83RM3UGG24/edit?usp=sharing
Community News:
80 Organizations Request Safeguards in ESMC to Prohibit One-sided Partisan Advocacy or Activism (Sep. 2020): https://better-ethnic-studies.blogspot.com/2020/09/80-orgs-request-prohibit-one-sided.html
American Jewish Committee (AJC) is Disappointed at and Concerned with the Ethnic Studies Requirement and Process, Sep. 2020 (https://better-ethnic-studies.blogspot.com/2020/09/american-jewish-committee-ajc-is.html)
Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) Launches Campaign for Ethnic Studies to Inclusion Jews, Sep 2020 (https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/preview/7085919637503163025/3342418689377302588)
Media News:
“Editorial: California’s proposed new ethnic studies curriculum is jargon-filled and all-too-PC”, Aug 2019, LA Times (https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2019-08-09/ethnic-studies-curriculum-california-anti-semitism)
“California Still Struggling to Get Ethnic Studies Right - Ideological indoctrination remains in revised curriculum guidelines” by Dan Walters, CalMatters, Aug 2020 - also published on Mercury News (https://calmatters.org/commentary/dan-walters/2020/08/california-schools-ethnic-studies/)
‘Critical’ Ethnic Studies Returns to California - The State’s New Curriculum Prefers Victimization to Minority Achievement, and Marxism to Liberal Values,” by Williamson M. Evers, Ph.D., Aug 2020 - also published on Wall Street Journal (https://www.independent.org/news/article.asp?id=13235)
Video: Ethnic Studies: Education or Indoctrination? By America Uncovered (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSE12suK5lM)
“California to require ethnic studies to graduate high school under bill headed to Gov. Newsom”, Sep. 1, 2020, by John Fensterwald, EdSource (https://edsource.org/2020/california-to-require-ethnic-studies-to-graduate-high-school-under-bill-headed-to-gov-newsom/639432)
KQED Forum: “California's Ethnic Studies Curriculum to Be Revised After Draft Critiqued as 'Too PC' and Anti-Semitic” with guests Natalia Deeb Sossa, associate professor, Chicana/o Studies Department at UC Davis, and Thomas Dee, professor, Stanford University Graduate School of Education
EdWeek: “Ethnic Studies Classes in S.F. Surprisingly Successful: A study by Thomas Dee and a postdoctoral fellow compared educational performance of students who took a course in ethnic studies with similar students who did not" , Jan. 2016, also published in San Francisco Chronicle.
Department of Education
The 2020 draft Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) is open for comment until Sep 30, 2020 : https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/cf/esmc2ndfieldreview.asp
The 2019 draft Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) from the May 16, 2019 IQC Meeting Agenda: https://better-ethnic-studies.blogspot.com/2020/09/ref-2019-draft-ethnic-studies-model.html
Guidelines for Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, approved by the State Board of Education in July 2018: https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/cc/cd/esmcguidelines.asp
Ethnic Studies, as described in the "HISTORY, SOCIAL SCIENCE, FRAMEWORK FOR CALIFORNIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS," adopted 2016: https://better-ethnic-studies.blogspot.com/2020/09/ethnic-studies-as-described-in-history.html
Comment: A wide range of topics could be covered in Ethnic Studies. Covering it from the Historic Perspective is only one of many. Focusing on the oppression of one ethnic group is one narrow perspectives of many.
Assembly Bill (AB) 1460 (Weber), requiring an ethnic studies course as a graduation requirement for undergraduate students at California State University (CSU)
AB 311
AB-2016, adopted in the year 2016 - the bill mandating the creation of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum defines its: “objective of preparing pupils to be global citizens with an appreciation for the contributions of multiple cultures” (Bill text: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB2016)
Finding Joy in the Journey