

神外前沿 2022-04-16





1、     脑可以简单理解为灰质(包括大脑皮质和基底神经核)和白质(投射、联络、连合纤维)组成。所以先学习灰质结构、白质结构及灰白质与脑室系统的空间位置关系。

2、     大体解剖名词了解后再介绍皮层的显微解剖(细胞、皮质分层、在分层基础上的种类),了解大脑皮质的种系发生(新、中间、古、旧)。总体概况所有大脑解剖结构与这四类皮质的对应关系。

3、     分系统{感觉、运动、语言(视、听、感觉)、边缘系统(内脏活动、情感、记忆)}来全面理解脑的功能与解剖结构之间的关系。

4、     神经外科手术定位知识点总结:在了解解剖、功能基础上,进一步深化学习头皮、颅骨、脑表面、中央核区、脑室解剖结构的对应关系。

5、     断层解剖。



(一)脑表面解剖surface anatomy of brain:叶Lobe,沟/裂sulcus/fissure,回gyrus。






(二)大脑皮质功能分区functional area:大脑功能分区一些名词概念解析,brodmann分区介绍,概况出4种类型(新/中间/古/旧皮质)对应解剖结构的功能。






(一)表面解剖surface anatomy


  • 上内边superiormedial border:为半球弯曲的上方界限,从额极到枕极将大脑凸面与内面分开。

  • 上睫边superiorborder:从额极到侧裂sylvian fissure起始处,将额叶外侧面与眶面分开。

  • 下外边inferiorlateral border:沿脑底外面的轮廓线,从颞叶到枕叶,将颞、枕叶与其底面分开。该边界线前部的向下突出对应颞叶与中颅窝的接触界面,后部的向上突起标志枕叶与小脑幕的接触界面。

  • 眶内边medialorbitalborder:将额叶内面与其眶面分开,为上内边向底面的连续,在额极与终板之间形成一直线。

  • 枕内边medialoccipitalborder:只有在脑干的尾端及小脑切除以后才能看得见。如在冠状切面中显示,这条有点圆滑的边位于大脑镰与小脑幕的夹角处,将枕叶的内侧面与其倾斜的底面分开。


Named Sulci and Gyri Cover the Cerebral Surface

Each Cerebral Hemisphere Includes a Frontal, Parietal,Occipital, Temporal, and Limbic Lobe
The Frontal Lobe Contains Motor Areas
The Parietal Lobe Contains Somatosensory Areas
The Temporal Lobe Contains Auditory Areas
The Occipital Lobe Contains Visual Areas
The Limbic Lobe Is Interconnected with Other Limbic Structures, Some Buried inthe Temporal Lobe


3.1额叶frontal lobe的脑回和脑沟


  • 背外侧面:Superior\middle\inferior(orbital\triangular\opercular)frontal gyrus额上\中\下(眶、三角、盖)回、precentralgyrus中央前回。

  • 内侧及底面:anteriorparacentral gyrus旁中央小叶前半部、medial Superior frontal gyrus额上回内侧面;Rectus gyrus直回、orbital gyrus眶回。


  • 背外侧面:Central sulcus中央沟、precentral sulcus中央前沟、superior\inferiorfrontal sulcus 额上\中\下沟、sylvian fissure侧裂。

  • 内及底面:cingulatesulcus扣带沟、anterior\posterior parolfactory sulcus前\后旁嗅沟、superior\inferior rostral sulcus嘴上\下沟、olfactory groove嗅沟、orbital sulcus眶沟。

3.2、   顶叶parietal lobule的脑回和脑沟:

Ø  gyrus:

  • 外面:post central gyrus中央后回、superior parietal lobule顶上小叶、inferior parietal lobule(supramarginal gyrus and angular gyrus)顶下小叶(缘上回和角回)。

  • 内面:precuneus楔前叶、posterior paracentral lobule旁中央小叶后半部。

Ø  sulcus:

  • 沟裂:Central sulcus中央沟、postcentral sulcus中央后沟、intraparietal sulcus 顶内沟、intermediate sulcus 中间沟、sylvian fissure侧裂、parietooccipital sulcus顶枕沟、anterior calcarinesulcus前距状沟、cingulate sulcus(marginal branch)扣带沟缘支、subparietalsulcus顶下沟。

  • 假象线:Temporooccipitalline颞枕线、lateralparieto-temporal line外侧颞顶线。

3.3颞叶temporal lobule的脑回和脑沟:

Ø gyrus

  • 外面:superior\middle\inferior temporal gyrus颞上\中\下回{The inferior temporal gyrus occupies the lateral and basal surfaces of the cerebrum.颞下回占据大脑的外侧面和基底面}

  • 侧裂面:polar plane(real temporal operculum)极平面(真颞盖)、temporalplane颞平面——transverse temporal gyrus颞横回(Heschl gyrus is the most anterior of the transverse temporal gyri)(Heschl回是最前的颞横回){Heschl gyrus divides the superior surface of thetemporal lobe in an anterior oblique one, what is called the polar plane, and a flatplane posterior to it that is called temporal plane.Heschl回将颞叶上表面分成前部的极平面和后部的颞平面};

  • 下面:temporal pole颞极、occipito temporal (fusiform) gyrus枕颞回(梭状回){the middle temporal gyrus is generally shorter; when this occurs, the superior and inferior gyri cometogether to form the temporal pole(颞中回通常很短,颞中回很短时,颞上回与颞下回在前端汇合成颞极)}、anterior lingual gyrus舌回前部.

Ø sulcus:

  • 外侧面:sylvian fissure侧裂、lateral temporooccipital line外侧颞枕线、lateralparieto-temporal line外侧颞顶线、medial temporooccipital line内侧颞枕线、superior\ inferior temporal sulci颞上\下沟、middle temporal sulcus(有时会有很短的颞中沟将颞中回分为上部和下部)。

  • 内底:occipitotemporalsulcus枕颞沟、collateral sulcus侧副沟、rhinalsulcus鼻沟。

PPO:planumpolare(极平面);heg:Heschl gyrus;【冠状位片上看侧裂,在极平面处侧裂呈弧形,可见明显的岛盖;在出现颞横回的颞平面处侧裂呈水平状。所以极平面可以说是真正的岛盖,颞平面以及不构成岛盖。】


Ø gyrus:

  • 外面:superior\middle\inferior(lateral)occipital gyri枕上、中、下(外侧)回;

  • 内、底面:cuneus楔叶、lingual gyrus舌回、posterior occipito temporal (fusiform) gyrus枕颞回(梭状回)后部.

Ø sulcus:

  • parietooccipital sulcus顶枕沟、calcarine sulcus距状沟、occipitotemporal sulcus枕颞沟;【顶枕沟上端与枕前切迹的假象连线为枕叶外侧面的前界;内侧面的前界为顶枕沟最前端与枕前切迹的假象连线。】【距状沟起自枕极,一直向前,距状沟在胼胝体压部后方以锐角加入到顶枕沟,继续向前,跨过半球下内缘,构成峡的下外侧缘,其连接扣带回与海马旁回】——摘自《格氏解剖学39版》

3.5、   边缘叶limbic lobule的脑回与脑沟:

Ø  gyrus:

  • subcallosal area胼胝体下区又称为paraolfactoryarea旁嗅区:(anterior paraolfactory sulcus前嗅旁沟与posteriorparaolfactory sulcus后嗅旁沟之间的区域);cingulate pole扣带极;cingulate gyrus扣带回、isthmusofthecingulategyrus扣带回峡部、parahippocampalgyrus海马旁回、uncus、piriform梨形叶;

  • diagonal gyrus斜角回(胼胝体下回向下移行于斜带或斜角回,此回紧位于视束的前方,向外后方连于钩回)、paraterminal gyrus终板旁回又称为infracallosalgyrus胼胝体下回;supracallosal gyrus胼胝体上回又称为indusium griseum灰被;fasciolar gyrus束状回;dentate gyrus齿状回;hippocampal海马;fonix穹窿;mamillary eminence乳头体。septal area隔区:(anterior paraolfactory sulcus前旁嗅沟与laminaterminalis终板之间的区域。)

Ø  sulcus:

  • 外围:cingulate sulcus扣带沟、subparietal sulcus顶下沟、anterior calcarine sulcus距状沟前段、collateral sulcus侧副沟、rhinalsulcus鼻沟(嗅脑沟)。

  • 内外环分界:corpus callosum sulcus胼胝体沟、hippocampal sulcus海马沟、fimbrio-dentate sulcus伞齿沟、uncal notch钩切迹。

3.6岛叶insula lobule的脑回与脑沟:

The insula forms the base of the Sylvian cistern and liesbetween thefrontal and temporal lobes脑岛位于侧裂池的底部,在额叶和颞叶之间。


  • anterior\middle\postshort insula gyrus前\中\后岛短回;

  • anterior\post long insulagyrus前\后岛长回;

  • transverse insular gyrus岛横回


  • central insula sulcus岛中央沟

  • anterior\superior\inferiorlimiting sulcus岛环沟(前\上\下界沟)



  • 沟是蛛网膜下隙的扩展和延伸,当其在脑表面加深并连续时构成沟。主要的沟深度达1-3cm,其壁上包含彼此相连的小沟回(横向回)。分隔回的沟长度和深度不同,通常连续的沟包括外侧沟lateral fissure、胼胝体沟callosal sulcus、距状沟calcarine sulcus、顶枕沟parieto-occipital sulcus、侧副沟collateralsulcus、中央沟centralsulcus。

  • 大脑外伤面和下侧面的沟通常朝向最近的脑室腔隙。

  • 大脑半球上外侧面:




  • 下面:



  • 内侧面:呈C形内环,通常有两条连续的回(cingulategyrusandparahippocampusgyrus),周围有尚未准确定义的外环回(直回和额上回内侧面、旁中央小叶、楔前叶、楔叶和舌叶内侧面)。

Ø侧裂sylvian fissure:是在大脑底面和外侧面的一条深裂,将上方的额叶和顶叶与下方的颞叶分隔开,分为浅部和深部,浅部在脑表面可见,深部通常称为侧裂池,岛叶是外侧裂池的底。

  • 侧裂浅部包括1短干和3分支。

    🌂短干:开始于下方的前穿质(anteriorperforated substance),在额叶眶面和颞叶前极之间向外延伸,内含蝶顶静脉窦。

    🌂3分支:到达外侧面后,它分为前水平支(anteriorhorizontal ramus)、前升支(anterior ascending ramus)和后支(posterior ramus)。

  • 侧裂池:分为蝶部sphenoidalpart和岛盖部operculoinsularcompartment。




    ③外侧缘:岛阈limen insular,为钩束uncinate fasciculus(连接额叶和颞叶之间的纤维束)表面的隆起。

    🌂侧裂谷sylvian vallecula:有几种说法,个人理解为岛前沟,向外开口于岛阈。

    ①《Rhoton-thecerebrum,P91》:The sylvian vallecula is the openingbetween the lips of the sylvian at the limen insula where the MCA turnsposteriorly to form the M2 segment.侧裂谷是侧裂唇之间在岛阈处的开口MCA在此向后转形成M2段。

    ②《Advances andTechnical Standards in Neurosurgery,P191》:The floor of the sylvian stem constitutes the preinsular sulcus(sylvian vallecula) which corresponds to the anterior perforated substance(APS).侧裂干底构成岛前沟侧裂谷),侧裂谷正对着前穿质。

    ③《Advances andTechnical Standards in Neurosurgery,P192》: The limen insulae is the entranceway into the Insula and forms thelateral limit of the sylvian vallecula.岛阈是进入岛叶的入口和侧裂谷的外侧界。

    ④《youmansneurological surgery,P38》Thesphenoidal compartment, which arises in the region of the limeninsulae lateralto the anterior perforated substance (APS), is anarrow space posterior to thesphenoid ridge between the frontaland temporal lobes that communicates mediallywith the carotidcistern, also called sylvian vallecula.侧裂蝶部为岛阈外侧到前穿质(APS)之间的区域,是蝶骨嵴后方额叶和颞叶之间的狭窄空间,向内与颈动脉池相通,也称为侧裂谷




  • The sylvian point:the site at whichthe last insular branch of middle cerebral artery turns laterally from theinsula, is located lateral to the posterior isthmus and the posterior part ofthe circular sulcus.侧裂点:大脑中动脉最后一个岛支从岛叶向外侧转出的部位,位于后峡部和环沟的后部。


  • 迂曲向下向前行约8-10cm,止于外侧裂后支稍上方,与后支之间往往有一弓形的回相隔,其走向与正中面之间形成70°角,它区分分别位于中央前回和中央后回的皮质初级运动核躯体感觉区。

  • 在CT或MRI上可通过以下5种方法辨认中央沟:


  • 起自枕极附近,虽然通常局限于内侧面,其后端却达外侧面;

  • 一直向前,距状沟在胼胝体压部后方以锐角加入到顶枕沟;

  • 继续向前,跨过半球下内缘,构成峡的下外侧缘,其连接扣带回与海马旁回。

距状沟很深,并产生一个隆起,即:禽距(calcaravis),位于侧脑室后角posteriorhornof lateral ventruicle壁。

  • The calcarine sulcus starts anteriorlyunderneath the splenium of the corpus callosum, delineating the inferior aspectof the isthmus of the cingulate gyrus, and runs posteriorly just above theinferomedial margin of the hemisphere.距状沟始于胼胝体压部的前下方,沿着扣带回下部的下面先后走行,并绕过大脑半球内下缘先后走行。

  • The anterior part of the calcarine sulcus isclassifed as a complete sulcus because its depth creates an elevation (calcaravis) in the medial wall of the occipital horn of the lateral ventricle. 距状沟前部被认为是完整沟,因为其很深,在侧脑室枕角的内壁产生一个隆起,即:禽距。

  • The posterior part of the calcarine sulcus isconsidered an axial sulcus, given that its axis runs along the visual cortex.Only the posterior part includes the primary visual cortical areas, which arelocated on its superior (cuneal) and inferior (lingual) surfaces. This part ofthe calcarine sulcus frequently harbours the cuneolingual gyrus that links bothgyri.距状沟后部被认为是轴向沟,因为它的轴线沿着视觉皮层。只有后部包括主要的视觉皮质区,位于其上(楔叶)和下(舌叶)表面。距状沟后部经常隐藏着连接两个脑回的楔舌回。

  • 距状沟前、后部之间为舌回,距状沟前部与枕钳之间为扣带回峡。距状沟后部后方为楔叶。


  • 侧副沟起自枕极附近,向前与距状沟平行,两者间以舌回lingualgyrus分隔,侧副沟后方分开舌回和枕颞回,前方位于海马旁回和枕颞回之间。向前可与鼻沟rhinalsulcus相延续,但通常是分开的。


  • 鼻沟向前与侧副沟一起分隔颞极temporalpole和后内方的钩状结构——钩uncus。鼻沟为沿钩回外侧缘走行的一个短脑沟。嗅脑沟是梨形叶piriformlobe的外侧界。

  • 在后方,侧副沟也向深部嵌入,在三角形的房部底壁形成一个隆起称为侧副三角。可通过打开侧副沟的深部从下方暴露颞角。

  • 枕颞沟平行且位于侧副沟的外侧,将枕颞回和颞下回的基底面分开。

Ø嘴上沟superior rostralsulcus与嘴下沟inferior rostral sulcus:

  • 嘴上沟:位于大脑半球内侧面,为额上回内侧面和直回内侧面的分界。

  • 嘴下沟:是直回内侧面中的一条短沟,有时缺如。



颞上中下回(T1、2、3)枕颞沟枕颞回(T4)侧副沟和鼻沟海马旁回和钩(T5),延伸至下托海马(T6)齿状回(T7)伞。齿状回和海马伞分别位于海马的内侧面和上面,覆盖着海马。 确切的说海马沟是下托与齿状回之间的沟。


(二)大脑核心区cerebral central core神经核团解剖:


The interiorof each cerebral hemisphere consists of a core of white matter, which iscomposed of myelinated nerve fibres. The fibres of white matter are classifiedinto three types每侧大脑半球包含一个白质核心,它由有髓鞘神经纤维组成,这些白质纤维可以分为三种类型:Association fibres联络纤维Commissural fibres连合纤维Projectionfibres投射纤维


The association fibres connect different parts of the cerebralcortex of the same hemisphere to each other. These are of two types.联络纤维是把同一半球的大脑皮层的不同部分连接起来。它们有两种类型

ØShort-association fibres,which connect the adjacent gyri to each other.短联络纤维,它们联络相邻的脑回

ØLong-association fibres,which connect the gyri located at a distance from each other.长联络纤维,它们联络彼此相距很远的脑回

  • 扣带The cingulum (girdle-shaped) is located within the cingulate gyrus. Itextends from the paraterminal gyrus to the uncus. The cingulum is part of thePapez circuit of the limbic system.扣带(束带状)位于扣带回中。它从终板旁回延伸到钩。扣带是边缘系统的PAPEZ环路的一部分

  • 钩束The uncinate fasciculus is a curved fibre bundle. It connects the inferior frontal gyrusand the orbital gyri of the frontal lobe to the hippocampus and amygdaloidnucleus of the temporal lobe. Thus, it connects the limbic areas of thecerebral hemispheres.钩束是一个弯曲的纤维束。它连接额叶的额下回和眶回与颞叶的海马和杏仁核。因而,它连接大脑半球的边缘区域

  • 上纵束The superior longitudinalfasciculus is a long bundle that begins in thefrontal lobe and arches back via the parietal lobe to the occipital lobe, fromwhere it turns into the temporal lobe. Thus, it connects the occipital lobe tothe frontal eye field. (The arcuate fasciculus is a bundle of axons that forms part of the superiorlongitudinal fasciculus that connects temporal lobe and the frontal lobe. Thus,it connects the sensory and motor speech areas to each other in the dominanthemisphere).上纵束是从额叶开始经顶叶弓背向后到枕叶和从顶叶弓背向后到颞叶的长束。因此,它连接枕叶与额眼动区。(弓形束是连接颞叶与额叶的一束轴突,是上纵束的一部分。因此,它在优势半球中使感觉性语言区和运动性语言区互相联络)

  • 下纵束The inferior longitudinalfasciculus connects the occipital lobe to the temporallobe.下纵束连接着枕叶与颞叶

  • 额枕束The fronto-occipital fasciculus connects frontal to occipital and temporal lobes. It is lateralto caudate nucleus, lies medial to the superior longitudinalfasciculus and is separated from it by corona radiata.额枕束连接着额叶与枕叶和颞叶。额枕束位于尾状核的外侧上纵束的内侧,并由放射冠将额枕束与上纵束分开

  • 垂直束The perpendicular fasciculus connects the parietal lobe to the occipital lobe and theposterior part of temporal lobe.垂直束连接着顶叶与枕叶和颞叶后部


ØThe commissural fibrescross the midline and connect functionally identical parts of the twohemispheres. Note: All fibres crossing from one side of the brain or spinalcord to the opposite side are not commissural fibres. When fibres originatingin a mass of grey matter in one-half of the central nervous system (CNS) end insome other mass of grey matter in the opposite half, they are referred to asdecussating fibres, and the sites where such crossings take place are referredto as decussations.连合纤维穿过中线并连接两个半球的功能上相同的部分。注意:所有从大脑或脊髓一侧向相反侧交叉的纤维不是连合纤维。当起源于中枢神经系统(CNS)的一半的灰质团中的纤维束终止于另一半的灰质团时,它们被称为交叉纤维束,并且发生这种交叉的部位称为纤维束交叉

ØImportant Commissures重要的连合纤维

  • 胼胝体The corpus callosum is the largest commissure of the brain connecting various partsof neocortex of both the hemispheres.胼胝体是连接两侧大脑半球新皮质不同部位的最大的连合纤维

  • 前连合The anterior commissure connects the right and left temporal lobes. It is in the shapeof a cupid’s bow. It crosses the midline in the upper part of the laminaterminalis anterior to the columns of fornix.前连合连接着左右颞叶。其状如“丘比特弓”。它在穹窿柱的前方穿过终板上部的中线

  • 缰连合The habenular commissure is located in the superior lamella of the pineal stalk and is apart of epithalamus. It connects the habenular nuclei of both sides.缰核连合位于松果体的上板层,是上丘脑的一部分。它连接着两侧的缰核

  • 后连合The posterior commissure is located in the inferior lamella of the pineal stalk and is apart of brainstem. It connects the nuclei of III, IV, VI and VIII cranialnerves.后连合位于松果体的下板层,是脑干的一部分。它连接了III、IV、VI和VIII颅神经的神经核

  • 海马连合或穹窿连合The hippocampal commissure or commissure of fornix connects the hippocampus of the two sides to each other.海马连合/穹窿连合连接着两侧的海马



ØThe projection fibres connect the cerebral cortex to other regionsof CNS below it by corticopetal or ascending and corticofugal or descending fibres.投射纤维通过到达皮质的上行纤维和离开皮质的下行纤维来连接大脑皮质与中枢神经系统的其他区域

ØProjection Fibre Bundles投射纤维束

  • 辐射冠The corona radiata (Figure 11.7) is a mass of white matter composed of theprojection fibres, which converge from the cerebral cortex to the internalcapsule and fan out from the internal capsule toward the cortex.辐射冠(图11.7)是由投射纤维组成的白质团,从大脑皮层向内囊汇聚,从内囊向皮质扇出

  • 内囊The internal capsule (Figures 11.6 and 11.7) transmits the corticofugal projectionfibres like corticospinal, corticonuclear and corticopontine fibres. Thesefibres arise in the cerebral cortex and terminate on the lower neurons (likeanterior horn cells, cranial nerve nuclei in brainstem and pontine nuclei). Theinternal capsule also gives passage to corticopetal thalamic radiations(comprising of connections between cerebral cortex and thalamic nuclei).内囊(图11.6和11.7)传递离皮质投射纤维,如皮质脊髓、皮质核和皮质桥脑神经纤维。这些纤维产生于大脑皮层,终止于下层神经元(如前角细胞、脑干的颅神经核和脑桥核)。内囊还有向皮质的丘脑辐射(包括大脑皮层和丘脑核之间的连接)通过

These fibres fan-out cranially to form corona radiata andcondense caudally to form the crus cerebri of the midbrain. Most of these fibrespass through the interval between the thalamus and caudate nucleus medially andthe lentiform nucleus laterally to form a thick sheet of fibres called the internal capsule.这些纤维呈扇形扇出,形成放射冠,尾部致密形成中脑的大脑脚。这些纤维大部分通过内侧的丘脑和尾状核与外侧的豆状核之间的间隙,形成一个称为内囊的厚纤维片

🌂ASCENDING FIBRES 上行纤维(CORTICOPETAL FIBRES向皮质纤维)These arepredominantly thalamocorticalfibres, which go from the thalamus to all parts of the cerebral cortex(Figures 11.10 and 11.11).这些主要是丘脑皮质纤维,从丘脑到大脑皮质的所有部分(图11.10和11.11):

  • Anterior thalamic radiation:Fibres to the frontal lobe constitute the anterior thalamic radiation. They passthrough the anterior limb of the internal capsule. The fibres arise mainly fromthe medial and anterior nuclei of the thalamus. The anterior thalamic radiationalso carries fibres from the hypothalamus and limbic structures to the frontalcortex.丘脑前辐射:到额叶的纤维构成丘脑前辐射。它们穿过内囊的前肢。这些纤维主要来自丘脑的内侧核和前核。丘脑前辐射还携带下丘脑和边缘结构的纤维到额叶皮质

  • Superior thalamic radiation:Fibres travelling from the ventral group of nuclei (ventral anterior, ventrallateral, ventral posteromedial and ventral posterolateral) of the thalamus tothe somatomotor and somatosensory areas constitute the superior thalamicradiation. These fibres occupy the genu and posterior limb of the capsule. Itshould be noted that these fibres are third-order sensory neurons responsiblefor conveying somaesthetic sensations to the cerebral cortex.丘脑上部辐射:从丘脑腹侧核群(腹前部、腹外侧、腹后内侧和腹后外侧)到躯体运动区和躯体感觉区的纤维构成丘脑上部辐射。这些纤维占据内囊的膝部和后肢。应当指出,这些纤维是负责将躯体感觉传送到大脑皮层的三级感觉神经元

  • Posterior thalamic radiation:Fibres from the thalamus to the occipital lobe constitute the posterior thalamicradiation. This includes the optic radiation from the lateral geniculate body to the visual cortex. Theseradiations lie in the retrolentiform part of the internal capsule. Theretrolentiform part also contains some fibres passing from the thalamus to theposterior part of the parietal lobe. Figure 11.11: Fibres and tracts that pass through the various parts ofinternal capsule (Abbreviations: H- Head and neck; U - Upper limb; T - Trunk; L - Lower limb).丘脑后辐射:丘脑至枕叶的纤维构成丘脑后辐射。这包括从外侧膝状体到视觉皮层的视辐射。这些辐射位于内囊的豆状核后部。内囊的豆状核后部还含有从丘脑到顶叶后部的一些纤维。图11.11:穿过内囊各个部分的纤维和束(缩写:H-头和颈;U-上肢;T-躯干;L-下肢)

  • Inferior thalamic radiation:Fibres from the thalamus to the temporal lobe constitute the inferior thalamic radiation.It includes the auditory radiation from the medial geniculate body to the auditory area of thecerebral cortex. These fibres pass through the sublentiform part of theinternal capsule.丘脑下辐射:从丘脑到颞叶的纤维构成丘脑下丘脑辐射。它包括从内侧膝状体到大脑皮层听觉区的听觉辐射。这些纤维穿过内囊的豆状核下部


  • Corticopontine fibres:They originate from all four lobes of cerebral cortex and are named accordingto the lobe from which they arise:皮质脑桥纤维:它们起源于大脑皮层的所有四个叶,根据发出它们的脑叶来命名

    ①Frontopontine fibres accountfor 55% of corticopontine fibres. Therefore, they pass through the anteriorlimb, genu and posterior limb of the internal capsule.额脑桥纤维占皮质脑桥纤维的55%。因此,它们通过内囊的前肢、膝部和后肢

    ②Parietopontine fibres passmainly through the retrolentiform part. Some fibres pass through the sublentiformpart.顶脑桥纤维主要通过内囊的豆状核后部。一些纤维穿过内囊豆状核下部

    Temporopontine fibres passthrough the sublentiform part (Figure 11.12).颞脑桥纤维穿过内囊的豆状核下部(图11.12)

    ④Occipitopontine fibres passthrough the retrolentiform part.枕脑桥纤维穿过内囊的豆状核后部

  • Pyramidal fibres锥体纤维 (corticospinal andcorticonuclear fibres皮质脊髓和皮质核纤维):

    ①Corticonuclear fibres (formotor cranial nerve nuclei) pass through the genu of the internal capsule.皮质核纤维(到运动性颅神经核)穿过内囊的膝部

    ②Corticospinal fibres formseveral discrete bundles in the posterior limb of the capsule. The fibres for theupper limb are most anterior followed (in that order) by fibres for the trunkand lower limb.皮质脊髓纤维在内囊的后肢形成若干离散束。支配上肢的纤维在最前部,随后为支配躯干和下肢的纤维(按顺序排列)

  • Corticothalamic fibres:Tese pass from various parts of the cerebral cortex to the thalamus. They formpart of the thalamic radiations described above.皮质丘脑纤维:皮质从大脑皮层的各个部分传递到丘脑。它们形成了上述丘脑辐射的各个部分

  • Extrapyramidal fibres锥体外系纤维:

    ①Corticostriate fibres originatingfrom all parts of cerebral cortex and terminating in caudate nucleus andputamen.皮质纹状体纤维发自于大脑皮质的所有部分,终止于尾状核和壳核

    Corticorubral fibres originatingfrom the motor areas of the frontal lobe and terminating in the red nucleus.皮质红核纤维发自于额叶运动区并终止于红核

    ③Corticoreticular fibres beginningfrom the motor cortex and the parietal lobe and terminating in reticularnuclei. A summary of the various ascending and descending fibres passingthrough different parts of internal capsule are given in Table 11.1.皮质网状纤维发自于运动皮质和顶叶,终止于网状核。表11.1给出了通过内囊不同部分的各种上行和下行纤维的概要

  • 外囊The external capsule is a bundle of fibres, which lies lateral to putamen oflentiform nucleus and contains corticostriate fibres.外囊是一束纤维,位于豆状核的壳核外侧并含有皮质纹状体纤维

  • 穹窿The fornix is composed of projection fibres,commissural fibres andassociation fibres, which take originfrom the hippocampus. The projection fibres in the fornix are connected to theneurons of the mamillary body of hypothalamus. The commissural fibres of fornixcross beneath the splenium to the opposite side fornix and end in the hippocampusof opposite side. The association fibres in the fornix connect the hippocampuswith the neighboring parahippocampal gyrus and septal areas.穹窿由投射纤维、连合纤维和联络纤维组成,起自海马。穹窿中的投射纤维连接到下丘脑的乳头体的神经元。穹窿连合纤维在胼胝体压部的下方与对侧穹窿交叉,终止于对侧海马。穹窿内的联络纤维连接海马与邻近的海马旁回和隔区





1、大脑皮质结构cerebral cortex structure:

ØCell types:人类皮质的神经细胞约140亿,主要有三种类型:

  • 锥体细胞pyramidalcells:是皮质细胞中最典型的,依胞体大小分为大、中、小三类。

  • 星形细胞(颗粒细胞):多为小型细胞,呈多角形或三角形。

  • 梭形细胞(多形细胞):主要见于皮质深层。

ØLaminar organisation层状组织:

  • 从大脑皮质的任何部位切片均可见神经元的层层排列结构,皮质细胞构筑的显著特征是分层。由于皮层各部的功能不同,每层神经细胞的形态、大小和排列的密度也有差别。大部分皮质都可分为六个基本层次:


    🌂外颗粒层(小锥体细胞层)externalgranular layer:颗粒细胞排列密集而得名。

    🌂外椎体细胞层externalgranular layer:中小锥体细胞组成。占皮质厚度的1/3。

    🌂内颗粒层internal granularlayer:大量星形细胞和散在小锥体细胞。

    🌂节细胞层(内锥体细胞层)ganglioniclayer(internal pyramidal layer):以大型锥体细胞为主。

    🌂多形层(多形细胞层)multiformlayer(layer of polymorphic cells):因含有多种类型的细胞而得名。



The cerebral hemispherescan be divided into phylogenetically ancient (“paleo”), old (“archi”) and new(“neo”) parts (see D). the cerebral cortex together with associatedareas of underlying white matter is called the pallium, a term sometimes usedinterchangeably with “cortex”. 大脑半球在种系发生上可分为古(“paleo”)、旧(“archi”)和新(“neo”)部分(见D)。大脑皮层和底面白质相关区域被称为pallium,这个术语有时可以与“cortex”互换使用。

Paleopallium (oldestpart); archipallium (old part); neopallium (newest part).

           ——摘自《Thieme atlas ofanatomy head and neuroanatomy 2010,P198\199》

——摘自《Duus’s topical diagnosis in neurology,5th ed, P225》




The allocortex consists of archicortex and paleocortex.


The archicortexconsists of phylogenetically the most ancientcerebral cortex古皮层为种系发生学上最古老的大脑皮层。Thearchicortex consists of phylogenetically the most ancient cerebral cortex. Itconsists of only three cell layers: a polymorphic layer, a pyramidal layer, anda molecular layer. The archicortex is located only in the hippocampalformation. This type of cortex is associated with the limbic system, which isinvolved in memory processes and the expression of emotions.古皮质为种系发生学上最古老的大脑皮质。它由三个细胞层组成:多形细胞层,锥体层和分子层。古皮质仅位于海马结构。这种皮质与边缘系统有关,它涉及记忆过程和情绪表达。Paleocortex(旧皮质) 

Phylogenetically, thepaleocortex formed after the archicortex在种系发生学上,旧皮质形成于古皮质之后。Phylogenetically, thepaleocortex formed after the archicortex, and consists of three to five cell layers.It is found in the primary olfactory cortex (the piriform cortex, consisting ofthe lateral olfactory gyrus, anterior half of the uncus, and periamygdaloidcortex) and the secondary olfactory cortex, which includes the entorhinalcortex of the parahippocampal gyrus. It mediates the sense of smell, and mayalso be involved in the processing of emotions.在系统发育上,旧皮质形成于古皮质之后,它由35个细胞层组成。它存在于初级嗅皮质(梨状皮质,由外侧嗅回、钩前部和杏仁核皮质组成)和次级嗅皮质,其中包括海马旁回的内嗅皮质。它可以调节嗅觉,也可以参与情感的处理。

Mesocortex(中间皮质)The mesocortex is a transitionalcortex between the older allocortexand newer isocortex中皮质是旧的异生皮层和新的同生皮质之间的过渡皮质。

The mesocortex (juxtallocortex) is a transitional cortex between theallocortex and isocortex. It consists of three to six layers, and is found inthe cingulate gyrus and the insula.中皮质是旧的异生皮层和新的同生皮质之间的过渡皮质。它由36层组成,存在于扣带回和脑岛。

Isocortex (neocortex)(同生皮层或同形皮层或新皮层)In general, the first four layers (I–IV) of the cerebral cortex serveas input stations (receiving corticopetal fibers), whereas the remaining layers(V and VI) are a major source of output (corticofugal) projection fibers一般来说,大脑皮层的前四层(I-IV)充当输入站(接收向皮质的纤维),而其余的层(VVI)是输出(离来皮质的)投射纤维的主要来源。The neocortex consistsof six cell layers. In addition to being named, its cell layers are numberedsequentially with Roman numerals (I–VI) in the order that they appear from superfcialto deep, that is, from immediately deep to the pia mater to the subcorticalwhite matter (Fig. 25.3).新皮质由六个细胞层组成。除了命名之外,它的细胞层还按罗马数字(I-VI)顺序编号,顺序是从表层到深层,即直接从软脑膜深入到皮层下白质。
Although the neocortex consists of six layers, each of these layers is noteasily distinguishable in all cortical areas. In the
motor cortex, layers II–V contain avast number of large pyramidal cells whose axons leave the cortex, and in theirdescent to lower centers course in the corona radiata, internal capsule,cerebral peduncle, basis pontis, and pyramids of the medulla to terminate inthe brainstem and spinal cord. Nonpyramidal (granule) cells, on the other hand,are not as numerous in these layers of the motor cortex. Due to this morphologicalcharacteristic, the motor cortex is referred to as agranularcortex. Agranular cortex is typical of the cortical motor areas that areheavily populated by pyramidal cells.虽然新皮质由六层组成,但在所有皮质区都不易区分每一层。在运动皮层,II-V层包含大量的大型锥体细胞,其轴突离开皮层,并下降到辐射冠、内囊、大脑脚、桥脑基底部和延髓锥体中的下位中枢,终止于脑干和脊髓。另一方面,非锥体细胞(颗粒)细胞在运动皮质的这些层中并不多。由于这种形态学特征,运动皮质被称为无颗粒皮质。粒细胞皮质是典型的皮质运动区,由锥体细胞大量填充。
Unlike the motor cortex, the primary 
sensorycortex contains small pyramidal cells, and is heavily populated bynonpyramidal (granule) cells. These cells give the cortex of the primarysensory areas a granular appearance, so it is referred to as granular cortex.与运动皮质不同的是,初级感觉皮质包含小的锥体细胞,并由大量的非锥体(颗粒)细胞组成。这些细胞使初级感觉区域的皮层呈现颗粒状外观,因此被称为颗粒状皮质。
In general, the first four layers (I–IV) of the cerebral cortex serve as inputstations, receiving 
corticopetal fibers, whereas the remaining layers (V and VI) are a major source ofoutput corticofugal projection fibers.一般来说,大脑皮层的前四层(I-IV)充当输入站(接收向皮质的纤维),而其余的层(VVI)是输出(离来皮质的)投射纤维的主要来源。

Ø传入传出纤维Afferents andEfferents:在皮质细胞构筑中,有皮质神经元间构成局部回路的皮质-皮质纤维,还有垂直走行于大脑皮质的传出与传入纤维。

  • 皮质传出纤维:第VVI层锥体细胞和梭形细胞的轴突组成的皮质下各种纤维束。

  • 皮质传入纤维:

①  特异性传入纤维:来自丘脑腹后核(至感觉皮质)或腹外侧核(至运动皮质)。

②  非特异性传入纤维:来自丘脑中线核、板内核群。

③  皮质-皮质纤维:包括联络纤维和连合纤维两种。

a)      联络纤维association:同侧皮质第III层浅部和部分第Ⅱ层的神经元之间。

b)     连合纤维commissural:对侧同型皮质第III层的锥体细胞之间。

(二)大脑皮层功能分区functional areasof cerebral cortex:




  • 额叶的联络区:功能与躯体运动、发音、语言及高级思维运动有关。

  • 顶叶的联络区:功能与躯体感觉、味觉、语言等有关。

  • 枕叶的联络区:功能与视觉信息的整合有关。

  • 颞叶的联络区:功能与听觉、语言和记忆功能有关。

  • 边缘叶与内脏活动有关。





  • 一级区(初级功能区):包括初级感觉和初级运动皮质

  • 初级感觉:

  • 第一躯体感觉区:Brodmann3、1、2区

  • 第一视区:Brodmann17区

  • 第一听区:Brodmann41、42区

  • 初级运动:第一运动区:Brodmann4区

  • 二级区(较高级的功能区):包括较高级的感觉皮质区和较高级的运动皮质区:

  • 较高级的感觉皮质区:

  • 第二躯体感觉区:Brodmann2区。

  • 第二视区:Brodmann18区。

  • IIIIIIaIVV视区:枕叶和颞上沟附近,Brodmann19区和19区前方。

  • 视下颞区:颞叶前部和下部,Brodmann21、20区。

  • 顶后皮质区(躯体感觉和视觉):顶上小叶,Brodmann20区。

  • 较高级的运动皮质区:

  • 运动前区:Brodmann6区

  • 辅助运动区:Brodmann8区

  • 三级区(高级的功能区):既往称为哑区或静区,现代称为联络(联合)区或联合皮质。现在知道这些区域正是皮质功能最高级的部位。它们分别主理一个以上的感觉活动的综合和运动前的策划,人类思维即起源于此。它们的功能不是孤立的,有赖于初级、较高级部位的联系,但它们在人类思维活动过程中的主导地位是毋庸置疑的。因为它们似乎无特定的基本功能,在脑外科中早年甚至现在常被忽视,常遭不必要的损毁,这实在是不应有的。——《临床神经解剖学第2版,P449》。

  • 顶-颞-枕联合区:此区综合多种感觉功能,其中包括躯体感觉、视觉、听觉,并在此上升为意识。此区与语言、记忆关系尤为密切,本区为人类所特有,近7岁才渐趋成熟。

  • 前额联合区:占额叶背外侧面的前部,6区之前的广大区域。参与多种高级心理活动(注意力调控、空间记忆、性格、情感、社会行为调控等)。人类左侧前额联合区(45区)还与运动性语言功能有关。

  • 边缘联合区:位于额叶腹内侧面、顶叶内侧面和颞叶前端(颞极)。相当于23、24、38、28区和11区。又可分为眶额皮质、扣带回和海马旁回三个亚区。边缘联合区接受其他广大感觉皮质区的投射,并转而投射到其他皮质区。

  • 眶额皮质(额叶眶部)和扣带回前部与情感行为有关。

  • 颞叶前部,特别是海马和海马旁回与记忆有关。左侧偏向于词语记忆,如事物的名称;右侧偏向于非词语性记忆,如不规则的线条图形,特别是人的面部辨认和记忆。海马与记忆相关是十分肯定的,尤其是近期记忆。





2、Brodmann area:












  • 外界是扣带沟、顶下沟、距状沟的前部和侧副沟;内界胼胝体的上面脉络膜裂

  • 边缘叶又以胼胝体沟和海马沟分为内、外二带形区。胼胝体沟始自胼胝体嘴的腹侧,沿胼胝体背侧后进,最后绕到胼胝体压部的下方,移行于海马沟。海马沟始自胼胝体压部的下方,然后向颞极前进,终于海马回钩。




    ③在胼胝体下区前部,有一个折叠连接着直回和扣带回的基底部,并围绕嘴上沟后端,此折叠称为扣带极cingulate pole





  • 钩:是海马旁回的前端,在小脑幕缘的上方突向内侧,为前穿质的后外缘,是嗅觉系统梨形叶的一部分,后者在系统发育上为大脑皮质最古老的部分之一。






  •  海马结构:包括齿状回、海马、下托复合体和内嗅皮质。

  • 海马:

  • 海马的由来与定义:最初(1587)有人因为从侧脑室颞角观看时发现有这么一条突起样结构,起名为“seahorse”(中文“海马”,拉丁文“hippocampus”),后来又有人发挥想象力将其比喻成一种神话传说中的号角(cornuAmmonis,中文“Ammon's 角”)。期间又有人将其命名为“pes hippocampi major”(中文“大海马足”),而将侧脑室后方另一突起结构命名为“pes hippocampi minor'”(中文“小海马足”)。而随着“pes hippocampi minor'”在1895年时被废除即成为现在所说的“calcar avis”(中文“禽距”,即距状沟向枕角内的突出,也称“距状隆起”),“pes hippocampi major”也被更名为“pes hippocampi”且更改了涵义。现在,“hippocampus”或“hippocampus proper”(海马,proper是本身的意思)仍是指侧脑室颞角内的隆起,其位于齿状回(dentategyrus)外侧。“hippocampal formation”(HF,海马结构)则等于hippocampus+dentate gyrus。“pes hippocampi”(海马足)则指海马头部(head of hippocampus,海马分为头部、体部、尾部),原因在于其表面有数条像猫足爪样的浅沟。随着组织学的研究,海马的横断面(人脑的冠状切面)被人为地分成了CA1-CA4四段,“cornuAmmonis”(Ammon's horn,CA的缩写,Ammon's角)主要用于对这一组织学切面进行描述。海马被其内侧的齿状回和穹窿伞遮蔽了。回想海马最初是怎么被发现的——海马是突出于侧脑室颞角的结构,其脑室面为一层室管膜,称为“alveus”(海马槽)。——摘自唐寅达博士的微信文章

  • 海马在脑中的位置及其与周边结构的毗邻关系:

  • 下托复合体subicular complex:通常分为下托subiculum、前下托presubiculum和旁下托parasubiculum。

  • 海马位于下托海马旁回内侧的上方,在侧脑室下角的底形成一个长约5cm的隆起,其前端膨大并有2-3条浅沟使其呈爪样外观——海马脚

  • 脑室面在冠状位上隆起,被室管膜覆盖,在后者的深面。室床的纤维向内侧集中为纵列纤维束——穹窿伞

  • 侧副沟内侧,海马旁回的新皮质与下托的旁异型皮质融合,下托向上内至齿状回下面,再向外与Ammon角的各层延续。Ammon角继续弯曲,先向上,然后向内至齿状回的上方,最后终点指向齿状回上面中点。

  • 齿状回是一个锯齿状的皮质条带,下方与下托相邻,外侧邻Ammon角,较内侧邻穹窿伞。

  • 伞的形状变化很大,内侧借伞齿沟与齿状回锯齿状的内侧缘相隔,长度不等的海马沟位于齿状回与海马旁回的下托延伸部之间。齿状回的后方与束状回相连,借此再与胼胝体上回相续。

  • 在前方,与钩切迹相连,再经其下面转向内为齿状回尾(Giacomini带),消失于钩的内侧面。齿状回尾将钩的下面分隔为前钩回和后边缘内回。

  • 穹窿fonix:是海马结构的主要传出纤维,是成对的束状结构,分别由颞叶内的海马开始,相继绕经丘脑的后方和后上面,在第三脑室上方逐渐靠拢,行至室间孔的前方则转折向下沉入两侧的丘脑下部,最后止于乳头体。





解剖学习笔记 | 脑静脉

解剖学习笔记| 椎基底动脉系统


