
【视频&双语】Netflix纪录片:《流行病 - 甩不掉的威胁》

2020年1月22日,Netflix上线了一部六集纪录片《流行病:如何防止疫情爆发》(Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak)。



第一集:甩不掉的威胁 It Hunts Us

第二集:当务之急 Pandemic is Now

第三集:以攻为守 Seek, Don't Hide

第四集:扎根社区 Hold On to Your Roots

第五集:信仰之力 Prayers Might Work

第六集:永不止步 Don't Stop Now


[第 1 季.Ep1] 流行病 - 甩不掉的威胁
步行的话 我们就设成低档
To walk, I think we'll go on low setting.

可能两边都要检测 但是…
We may end up surveying both, but...


This site is a forgotten place.

But it should be a warning to us all.

We'll identify the anomalies and mark those out.

So you're trying to narrow the focus of the radar pulse, is that it?

嗯 我们在检测土壤的密度变化
Yeah, we're looking for a change in the density of the soil.

There are some anomalies sort ofpopping up.

‎这里讯号很强 那里也有
This is a pretty strong one here, there's one there.

‎从一米处开始 三米处消失
At one meter in and then over at three.

Each stake represents aprobable body.

This is essentially a mass grave.

‎一百年前 一种致命的流感病毒
A hundred years ago, a deadly influenza virus

‎席卷全世界 感染了上亿人
infected hundreds of millions of people around the world.

It overwhelmed hospitals.

It overwhelmed mortuaries.

全世界的城镇 ‎都需要一种快速解决方案
So towns all over the world needed a quick solution.

无论你是在美国 或者肯尼亚
We could be standing in any number of towns

印度 越南的任何城镇都一样
across the US, or Kenya, India, Vietnam.

This grave site is a reminder of the devastation

a flu pandemic can wreak.

This kind of carnage is not relegated to history.

When we talk about another flupandemic happening,

‎问题不在于是否会发生 ‎而是何时发生
it's not a matter of if, but when.

‎-带上听诊器 还有…  ‎-嗯 确保防护服都盖住了-
Take the stethoscope, and... - Yes, ensure that the gown covers.
我们接到报告说 ‎呼吸系统疾病疫情大爆发
We have received reports of an outbreak of respiratory illness.

Make sure you have a good seal.

Give me a thumbs up once you know you have a good seal.

About eight other countries around the world

are also reporting similar outbreaks.

I can't breathe.

‎非官方的病例统计是220例 ‎其中8例死亡
Unofficial case count is about over 220 with eight deaths.

We don't know what the case definition looks like

and we don't know the laboratory analysis of this particular outbreak.

We know that we are dealing with something novel,

we just don't know exactly what we're dealing with,

but some of the patients are not testing positive

for these normal seasonal fluviruses.

I don't feel okay.

Currently, the Emergency Department at Kings County Hospital

is operating at 104%

and so we have set up a mobile satellite emergency department.

What's going on?

‎-我不舒服 没法呼吸了  ‎-好的 好的- 
I'm not doing well. I can't breathe. - Okay. Okay.

‎我需要插管设备 这里没有
I need intubation equipment. There's no intubation equipment.

‎谁去拿点冰 阿什丽
Somebody get the ice. Ashley.

‎我不会现在关掉 我们没时间
I wouldn't turn it off at this point, I don't think we have time.

Can you check the X-ray on bed one?

‎好了 结束
Yeah, that's it.

The simulation is ended.

Let's go back to the debriefing room.

‎-谢谢  ‎-谢谢- 
Thank you. - Thank you.

So all who participated, please come to make a circle.

I think one of the things that we tried to bake into the simulation

was just healthcare worker safety.

I think that was one of the biggest take aways in the previous outbreaks.

If I have to take the time out to switch my gown

and someone needs to be intubated,

‎我会选择先救他们的命 ‎而不是先换衣服
I'm gonna pick their life over switching out my garment.

We're talking about a severe respiratory disease.

很重大的教训 我们也一直在提
Really big lesson learned, and we mentioned this over and over,

is that healthcare workers were disproportionally affected

in MERS and SARS,
and it shows us where we need to improve on.

‎如果你没保护好 连自己都没保护好
So if you're not protected, if you can't protect yourself,

then how are you gonna help others?

My job is to contain the virus here in New York City.

What worries me is that it just takes one person to start an outbreak.

We're basically human incubators,

we can host a number of different diseases.

It's just a matter of time where the next pandemic is going to start,

‎我们不知道会在哪里 如何发生 ‎但肯定会发生
we just don'tknow where or how, but we know it will.

‎我记得很小的时候 ‎看过一部叫做"极度恐慌"的电影
I remember, at a very young age, watching a movie called Outbreak,

and in this movie you hada novel virus

that started in California that quickly spread.

‎医务人员披挂上阵 ‎我心想 "老天啊
Healthcare workers get suited up, and I was like, "Oh, my God,

working in that high-risk environment, this is amazing."

那时我下定了决心 ‎在那之后 我就一直
That was a formative moment forme, and I have been pursuing a career

in infectious disease preparedness ever since.

‎哪怕是小疫情 也会遇到"囤积"情况
In even a small outbreak, you have what we call "hoarding."

We saw this in the H1N1 outbreak

where vaccines were not madeavailable in the United States
in a timely fashion because countries were hoarding it...

You know, these infectious disease outbreaks

are scarier and more deadly than conventional warfare.

So this is something that people should pay attention to,

but they forget in their day-to-day lives.

My job is to remind them.


‎好的 昏迷了 好的
Okay. Knocked out, okay.

‎好的 我马上就来 好
Okay, I'll be there in asecond. Okay.

‎是的 我也听见了
Yeah, I can hear it, too.

‎我在这房子里醒来 ‎也在这里吃饭
I wake up in this building. I eatin this building.

‎在这里穿上睡衣 ‎也在这里睡觉
I put my pajamas on in this building and I sleep in this building.

How did I know you'd be the one to make my night?

I'm telling you.


When I came out of medical school...

in the back of my mind I still had that vision

of what it was to be as mall-town doctor.

‎非常老派的 镇上唯一的医生
Very old-school, the one doctor in town.

I want you to hold your breath.
深呼吸 然后屏住
Big deep breath in and hold it.

They saw patients in the clinic,

they were the ones that were rotating through the ER.

They were the ones seeing the patients in the hospital

and delivering babies.

I wanted to be that guy.

I wanted to be that one

who took care of the patient when they were well

and took care of the patient when they were sick.

‎伸出来 说"啊"
Stickit out and say, "Ah."
And took care of the patient when they were hurt

and ran into the patientin different social situations

outside of the hospital or clinic.

You okay?

‎-我要看看这下面的情况  ‎-好- 
I need to see what's under there. - Yeah.

I had other physicians that talked to me

and I'd say, "What advice do you have for me?"

And they'd say, "Reconsider."

‎没人劝得住我 我义无反顾
But nobody could dissuade me. I was gonna do it regardless.

Hi, there.

‎-你们被诊断出得了流感  ‎-是的- 
So were you diagnosed with the flu? - Yeah.

They swabbed you?

-结果是阳性  ‎-是的- 
It was positive? - Yes.

‎-你记得是甲型还是乙型吗  ‎-应该是甲型- 
Do you remember if it was the A or the B? - I think it was the A.

‎-甲型 好的  ‎-他们给我俩的鼻子都取了样- 
A, okay. - They did both of our noses.

‎-那是在周三  ‎-你应该快好了- 
That was Wednesday. - You should be at the end of it,

but you're not feeling better...

Yesterday, my symptoms started getting worse.

‎好的 你有感觉出汗和发冷吗
Okay. Have you been feeling sweats, chills?

‎发冷 他醒来时发现出了一身汗
Chills. He wakes up in a sweat.

She said that you have notbeen feeling well at all.

流感本该好了 但却没有
That you really haven't been getting over the flu like you ought to.

‎大大的深呼吸 很好 很好 再来一次
Big deep breath in. Well done. Good. Do that again.

I don't have every resource that a large hospital has.

‎我真不知道遇到流行病这样的情况 ‎我该怎么办
I honestly have no idea what I would do in a situation like a pandemic.

We're gonna be lower on the totempole

in terms of getting replenishment of our resources.

Places that have higher populations
are gonna be the places that get that life saving medication first.

I think that we would be overwhelmed.

We wouldn't be able to manage

流感爆发 我们应对不了
should a flu pandemic occur in our little county.
我们必须追踪病毒 ‎病毒到底在哪里
We have to follow the virus. Where is the virus located?
Very good.

And the virus is located in birds.

‎因为工作原因 我走遍了世界
My job takes me all over the world.
My main responsibility is trying to prevent, trying to detect,

and respond, and control emerging viral threats.

There is no single, more dangerous influenza virus

circulating in this planet today than the avian flu in China right now.

60% of the people who are infected die.

Chinese and global health authorities

‎正在观测一种新型禽流感毒株 ‎H7N9
are watching anew strain of bird flu. It's called H7N9.

This is definitely one of the most lethal influenza viruses

that we have seen so far.

Authorities in China

are at pains to say they're on top of this potential outbreak.

‎至少有108例病例 ‎有22名感染者死亡
At least 108 cases, 22 of those people infected died.

The recent H7N9 virus has a very high mortality rate.

‎尽管如此 这种病毒依然无法有效感染人类
That said, it remains an inefficient virus for infecting people.

目前为止 这种病毒还没有扩散出中国
So far, this virus has not yet spread beyond China,

but it could happen at any time.

‎-这些禽类上次接种是什么时候  ‎-七天前- 
When were these birds last vaccinated? - Seven days ago.

So they had a problem with neighboring farms having outbreaks?

‎是的 没错
Yes, they did.
Some people bought sick chickens at the market.

There are almost endless variations of the influenza virus.

They're denoted by different combinations of H's and N's, such as H5N1.

The H's and N's ultimately define

the physical characteristics an influenza virus will have

and just how deadly that infection might be.

The pandemic flus and these asonal flus are profoundly different.

A pandemic influenza will likely come from an animal
and it will be a new and novel, never-seen-before virus.
当动物带来了新型病毒 ‎我们对其没有天然的免疫力
When a novel virus emerges from animals, we will not have natural immunity.

Our systems will have no means to fight the infection off,
which means it has the potential for being very deadly.

That's why there are researchers around the world、

committed to developing auniversal vaccine
that will be effective against any and all influenza viruses.

I don't really get stage fright anymore.

I used to do this thing where if I knew I was about to go on the stage,

‎我的心跳就会加速 感觉快要晕倒
my heart would start beating and I'd feel like I was gonna pass out,

but I knew for the work that I wanted to do,

I had to be an effective communicator.

If I wasn't able to communicate my science,

then it was almost like the science didn't exist.

Can you get the slides up?
That's a different slide there.

‎好了 下午好 纽约
All right, good afternoon, NewYork.

So, yeah, I'm the co-founder, Chief Science Officer,

and the Chairman of Distributed Bio,

‎今天下午 我将会和你们分享
and this afternoon I'm gonna share with you
the story of a slow-burning revolution in biologic the rapeutic discovery.

I never memorize a specific speech.

I think about the arc of the story I'm gonna tell,

and really good story telling,those rules apply to science.

It's basically the same rules
that our ancestors did around the camp fire, right?

First you have to introduce the terrible monster.

‎在这里 就是流感
In this case, it's influenza.

The problem is that the virus mutates so quickly
that your immune response becomes obsolete by the next year.

We have created these amazing vaccine technologies

‎可以被认为是自从卫生设备与火以来 ‎最伟大的发明
that are arguably the greatest advances since sanitation and fire,

and yet they don't work on rapidly mutating viruses,

like the flu, for instance.
曾经有段时间 ‎我们觉得也就只能这样了
And for a while we thought we were just stuck with this.

They're never really gonna be able to solve the problem

of having a good single shot

that's gonna solve our risk of being exposed to flu.

Then you present the hero.
That there's some new technology that exists,
that could potentially create a break through.

We're making avaccine that could treat all future versions of flu.

‎从根本上来说 我们的方法不一样
So, fundamentally, our approach was different,
because we tested against future and past strains.

Under some circumstances,

some people end up producing these nice antibodies

that hit all the strains or many of the strains of flu,

and they enjoy broad protection.

‎你可能就有这种朋友 对吧
You all might have those friends, right?

It's that annoying hippie friend of yours who's like,

I never take the flu shot and I'm fine."Right?

Some of them may be right.

But why the hell aren't we all protected all the time?

Our approach was able to neutralize viruses

all the way back to 1934

as well as protect against future viral variants.

‎2014年秋天 我遇到了杰克·格兰维尔
I met Jake Glanville in the fall of 2014.

He offered me a job.

He knew that I had skills that he would need

if he wanted to launch this vaccine program.

‎好的 所以我可以给这个加入抗体了
Okay, so I can add the antibody to this one, then?


Jake just thinks outside the box.

He thinks of these crazy ideas that are completely out of the norm.

‎好的 NHS和EHC都加入了开始计时
Okay, the NHS and EHC are added, so clock's ticking now.

‎我们已经完成了多次动物研究 ‎我们知道这是可重现的
We've done multiple animal studies so we know that this is reproducible.

What we're seeing is real.

I want to prove that my research and Jake's research

could change the world.

This vaccine could eradicate influenza as we know it.

This will not work at all.

‎先生 这应该是H1N1
Sir, this one is expected H1N1.

So fast?

‎今年在印度 猪流感或是说H1N1病例数量
There has been an alarming rise in the swine flu

or H1N1 cases in India this year.

‎随着死亡人数逐日增加 ‎情况也变得相当严重
The situation is turning rather serious with the fatalities increasing by the day.

‎印度北部的拉贾斯坦邦 ‎遭遇了最严重的H1N1病毒袭击
The North Indian State of Rajasthan has been worst hit by the H1N1 virus.

‎-阴性 是阴性  ‎-但是 听我说- 
Negative. It's negative. - But, look.

The shadow is still here.

And there are some light ones here.

Let us see how you feel without oxygen.

Should we continue with Tamiflu?

‎今天已经是第六天了 对吧  ‎再试一天吧
It's day six today, right? Give it for one more day.

‎达菲 七天后停药
Tamiflu, stop after seven days.

We will stop it tomorrow.

Swine flu is a very rapidly progressing disease. Very rapidly.

In just a few days, it can affect both of the lungs,

and it is a life-threatening disease.

Common flu.

‎病人的症状是喉咙痛 打喷嚏 ‎发烧和身体疼痛
All patients came with throat pain, sneezing, fever, body ache.

‎但如果症状是恶心呕吐 ‎还伴随呼吸急促
But a patient who has nausea, vomiting, along with breathlessness,

"and he says "trouble some cough,"

"always think "swine flu."

Always think swine flu.

Breathe normally.

If it's not diagnosed properly at an early stage,

it is difficult to treat.

‎问题在于 她来的时候 
‎The problem is, when she came here,

she had 60%-70% saturation.

‎如果她上路 她会死
If she had been on the road, she would've died.

That is the fact.

‎我们会转进重症监护室 ‎然后开始治疗
We will shift to the ICU. Then treatment will start.

‎来得越晚 呼吸就越困难
The later they come, the more laborious it gets to breathe,

and it becomes a matter of life or death.

Biggest challenge with flu

is not being lulled into acceptance of seasonal flu

as all we have to worry about.

‎因为每隔一段时间 ‎就会出现能够威胁到
Because every once in a while, there is a variant of flu that emerges

that poses an existential threat to us as a species.

2. 【双语】《魔戒》作者托尔金之子逝世:精灵、魔戒与中土神话的落幕
4. 【双语】濒临灭绝的不仅是物种,还有这些独特的“气味”......
5. 【双语】大火烧了四个月,澳大利亚为什么还扑不灭?









